Well-Known Member
Maximizing that arrangement...probably not, but close. Doing what you describe above, you can probably get some decent clouds if you time it very carefully. But you do have to pause to let it cool down between hits in VW mode, and that judgement battling our desires for MOAR continuous vape clouds can result in less than ideal results
If you go TC, you can remove any need for judgement or patience in seeking large, quality, tasty clouds. Just hold the button down and ride it for as long as you want. Back to back to back, 10 second after 10 second if you like. You won't burn anything, you'll just empty your donut pretty quickly
You know, TC really is not necessary to get decent results with the DT donut. It just helps alot, gives bigger, smoother clouds with less effort.
For those of you who do not want to get a TC mod, or if you're an old school (2014 era) purist it, the DT 2.5 donut actually works pretty will with unregulated or VW mods in the under-recognized 1.5 ohm high resistance DT 2.5 donut atomizer that Matt also sells.
The difference between the 1.5 and the 0.8 ohm is that the 1.5 is a "single coil" donut while the 0.8 ohm is a "dual coil" The donut looks and heats the same, but the high resistance only has a single wire going through the ceramic, while the 0.8 has two.
The 1.5 ohm will not work in TC mode, but for using lower-wattage devices, this one will heat up more quickly when pulsing the button at 11-12w. For the pulse and repeat method, the 1.5 ohm will heat up quicker and draw less battery power.
I used a 1.5 ohm donut with my old crappy itazte pen-style battery only for taking to work, since it is relatively lighter and fits in my pocket. It worked, but you need to exercise restraint while riding the button to avoid combustion. But with the cuboid mini now, that TC mod is small and light enough for me to take to work and not raise any eyebrowsAnything not TC is fully in my rear-view window now
So lemme see if I got this straight. A watts only mod requires a bit of technique but TC mod you set at an ideal temp and it hits and hits and hits without worry of frying the donut and needn't be pulsed?
It sounds like your saying that wax can actually be vaped vs combusted. I had no idea oil is actually combusted. So vape pens like Kurvana are actually combusting but a TC mod w this ceramic donut atty will actually vaporize? I'm all about flavor so it sounds like a TC mod w this atty is what I really need
And could comment on how and why mod vaping is so much better than top of line new wax pens.
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