orthodoxy.... dogma..... groupthink ! ! !
I think it should be added, for the sake of those who haven't researched a lot, that Matt (Mister DT his own self) says to never use that much power, even in cleaning. I'm not saying pushing the power up for whatever reason is hard on the device, he is! IIRC he said something to the effect 'all the doughnuts he knows that have 'burned out' were run at 14 Watts or over. Yes, the maximum temperature should be controlled by the TC function but the rate of rise of temperatures seems to be causing stresses as the metal heater element as it tries to expand faster than the ceramic substrate and the glass covering over that? I believe he said something like 'please don't run the doughnuts over 14Watts'?
Before guys jump into 'I read it on the web' mode and crank the power up they might want to look into it first? Each guy can make his own call, of course, but IMO that should be as informed a decision as possible? Guys should know the maker's advice and agree running them that 'hot' blows their chance of a warranty replacement?
Honestly nothing against Vape Donkey but I'd go with what OF has to say. Vape Donkey is actually a fairly new addition to the family and has helped out many. Not that that should be the determining factor but OF is the true veteran here
Thanks Steven.

I may not have the science, engineering and math background of OF, nor can I lay claim to having cracked the TCR-code, but I'm not really that new. Let me re-introduce myself from my first post only a couple months ago
I've been buying vape gear from Matt going on 3 years now, all the way back to the v1 ceramic donut, and when we were all still vaping on crappy wick-and-wire skillets for concentrates.
Amen! VD might be new around here, but he surely does contribute. And he has a different perspective on things than most of us do, more in line with the e-cig guys perhaps? Who knows, it's sincere, useful and welcome? Just putting the information out for consideration, sure hope it doesn't discourage our new found friend. I predict more fun and useful stuff to follow.
Thanks, I hope my posts are appreciated, maybe not always fully considered?

Let me try to put my base of knowledge and experience in context: I have been vaping for 6 years, vaping concentrates for 4 years, I've never been a tobacco user or "e-juice" vaper, and I am
medically incapable of choosing smoking as an intake method. That was a self-inflicted injury on my part

So I have a pretty sensitive tract and my body has a low tolerance for non-medical grade substances.
I've been using Matt's donuts since the v1, thru 2.0, 2.5, and even a few early prototypes along the way too. I've been vaping on these things as long as just about anyone else, other than Matt himself.
When the 2.5 came out, with temp control mods following shortly after, it instantly made every other portable concentrate vape I had obsolete.
I've used dozens & dozens of the 2.0 / 2.5 atomizers on
10 different kinds of temp control box mods along the way, on at least 30 different individual mods at least by now. Many of those earlier mods would not let you change the watts in temp control mode, or only within a narrow window.
I've tried vaping in various TC modes anywhere from
(not always on purpose) and I have never broken a single donut on a properly functioning TC mod from vaping with excess wattage.
I did break one donut on a crappy wotofo mod, an early TC box, that could not read resistance properly and hit it with 75w for way too long. (maybe 3 seconds to crack?) I broke one cleaning on
VW mode (not TC) at 15w once, and most of the donuts I've broken
(probably 4 or 5) has actually been from agitating the donut itself with a tool in an attempt to scrape / move reclaim, not even when the donut is being powered.
I vaped with the evic on firmware v 1.02 / 1.03 with 75w for a few months on TC-Ni and it never harmed anything, although I later decided that setting was not optimal. Vaped the early evic VTs from 30-60w for months too, I am still using a few of these very same donuts. This does not reduce the life span of your donuts.
I had some istick 40w TC's as well, but I never liked the vape quality these little mods produce. Checked on right now, and Matt is still telling people to vape with these on TC-Ni....
guess how many watts the donut sees at first with this mod?
Soooo...I hope I'm not piling it on too high here, or sounding like a dick, but when it comes to wattages, TC, and knowing what are safe and acceptable settings for vaping with our beloved donuts, I do know what I'm talking about.
Vaping at above 30w on TC may not be beneficial in any sense, but on a proper mod and donut, it is perfectly safe. Vaping above 12w on TC, to a reasonable degree, on a quality TC mod, does have many potential benefits, does not need to compromise vape quality and flavor, and
!will not! harm your donut. Will it be to the liking of all users? Not necessarily. But you have to try it to find out.
How do you know that TC hits at 17.5 or 25w taste like crap or burns out your donuts if you've never attempted it?
With the exception of the istick 40w perhaps, how many of you have even tried vaping in higher TC wattages? And how many donuts have you busted doing this?
I'm usually not this dumb but I'm still confused. On the Pico I went to 320 f @ 12 watts on Ni mode. Is this optimal/safe?
@Vape Donkey 650
I thought possibly I deduced what you thought was optimal on the Pico. I have no pride: if you were me what exact settings would you go with?
Well, if I were you, I would try a few settings and decide, because I may not have the exact same preference as you. The main difference between 12 and 20w on your pico will be warm-up time, 4 seconds vs ~1.5 seconds to produce vapor. You'll get more of it, but it will be fairly identical in quality.
If a guy/gal wants a fast-draw hit, why should we discourage him or say it's forbidden or will break his donut?
Lomein posted recently he's vaping some live resin at 9.9w TC; that seems plausible for such a material with a much higher terpene content. Maybe not the type of hit I'd favor,
(i'd call for a lower temp but not wattage) but that doesn't invalidate his opinion.
That's the beauty of the DT 2.5 with a good TC mod: it can be pretty easily dialed in to a fairly wide range of users preferences
So why must we go around saying only one setting is valid? Let the people know what is safe, what is reasonable, what the benefits/drawbacks are, and let them decide.
Let's not be dogmatic and rule out reasonable things that we have
not even tried!!
Repeat the same info that has been on every other page for the past 30 pages to new users? Yes

But that's what we're here for I suppose. From the point-of-view of a new user looking at a 63-page long thread, it's understandable.