Glad you like it, even if youre not using it with Matt's version.
Thats what TC is for, so that once its setup and loaded, even a moron can get a good hit. But youll be suprised how many times i pass my mod to someone with the instructions 'hold down this button WHILE you puff on the mouthpiece'
And they then proceed to take the mod in their hand, hold the button down while holding the mod up to my face, (not their lips) "YOU MEAN HOLD THE BUTTON LIKE THIS?"

Yes, you retard, while you hit it which you are not doing, so youre not melting my hash deep into the base to clog it and release terps for no good reason... (sigh)
But besides common ignorance on how 510 threaded vapes work, i am still surprised how ignorant and cavalier the vaping community is in general towards Temp control vaping. Many of my friends are vaping juice, burning up coils and getting dry hits even though they are using tc-compatible coils on tc mods i have sold them!
Hey, youre using a Ti head and your mod has temp control, why not try vaping in that mode? Id ask him
'Idk what temp setting to use but i know 30w works'
Well just try 200F and go up from there lol! Its not that complicated.
I suspect other vapers shun TC out of a foolish machisimo-bravado, as if dry hits, burn coils and formaldehyde are signs of masculinity.

Tc is for pussies....
Anyways.. your source donuts have titanium leads, according to any web store that lists it. Try Tc-ti at 200f and go up till you like it.