Not sure why I made this video...but here it is.
Got to love car videos, I did a lot of Solos car videos in the past, even with a OG PNWT while driving, but I only posted one because of privacy issues at the moment, weed was still on legalizing process and I didnn't know how to cover my face at the moment, while driving, jaja
But what I loved the most, that happens constantly while driving, is stopping by, or get driven by cops, and they couldn't tell I'm vaping weed because mostly vapes, now, look like e-cigs and they are everywhere.
Folks, if you look closely, at 1:10 minutes during his video, while he's stopped by the traffic light, you'll see how a COP SUV black,white,black (are you in OR,WA area? are cop cars colors and models all the same in every state?? can't remember, but they remind me this area the colors...)
driving "swiftly" on his left lane. Am I wrong???
You can even tell WakeAndVape lightly moving his face to the left, not totally or too much in case the second cop not driving realizes he's looking at them and not to be suspiscious, and then when cops are far away, take a long breath while calming his pumping heart, and taking another long sip of his beloved Mighty, to be happy and finally beat the system in their face

What I can tell by not even seeing your eyes, is that I'm sure your eyes were glued to the side view mirror till you left that traffic light, wondering if cops catch you and turned around.... jajjajajajaja
I love it and nice video, and clearly show the capabilities of what a real portable can do on the street or while driving...
Stay vaped my friends...