The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel


So the above link shows only Volcano.
Are these capsules for the Mighty or the Volcano? Anybody find an exact size for them?
Sorry but we USAers are not allowed into the site.
There is a volcano medic too which seems exactly the same as the digital. The filling chamber seems to have a reducer in it so that you can use the cans in it too! I've been trying to find more concrete info on this but all i saw was the flyer here:

It says "Also compatible with the VOLCANO MEDIC in combination with the MEDIC VALVE Filling Chamger Reducer" and it has an image of it.

@biohacker No i havent ordered yet, but @flipjoe did. I'm waiting to see what he reports about it before i buy some. I think they will be quite awesome, i dont think the slight increase in metal in the chamber would change the flavor much; there's a ton of holes in it, way more than you see in the Haze V3 cans (which does affect the flavor).
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Had to take a protracted break bro, was having some serious side effects and health issues...i'm now 6 weeks weed-free and when I return i'll have to start exclusively doing micro doses, hence my interest in the dosing capsules!

So the capsule is able to fit the liquid pad it seems, which concerns me a bit about material flying around the capsule, if using micro dose amounts. However, they will still be convenient for loading multiple sessions on the fly, without making a mess, and having preloaded capsules ready to go.

Think i'll wait for @flipjoe report first, although i'm quite confident i'll need some of these forsure! Pretty sweet that shipping is flat rate for anything for $8can, and free shipping over $25, so with the 3 year warranty, I have a feeling i'll be ordering my third Mighty shortly! (wife took a break with me, so she will have a mighty, and always nice having that backup just in case!) Stoked!


Well-Known Member
Remember when you said the loads fly about with the vapefiend watertool adapter too and putting a screen into the bowl scratched the sides? Well could you not set a single fine screen on top and one on the bottom of your capsules and pop them in? No scratches, And the gap people say causes the loads to fly about with the vapefiend adapter does not matter because the capsules now screen and probably improve heat rentention in the bowl. These look perfect for my F-Bomb and Vapefiend adapter i have been holding out now wanting to scratch my bowl.

Oh yea the last question i have now is are they stainless steel, And would Ti work even better for performance someone could easily give us Ti versions. Yea a basket made of titanium with built in fine screens would be a dream for me. I would bath it daily in iso and have it last forever.
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well i just received my capsule, they are a bit fragile but for this price it's ok !! Be careful to not deform them when you try to close/open it :|, i have big fingers and delicacy is not my speciality :freak: ... can't tell much more coz i don't have the time to give a try for the moment, but i noticed than the liquid pad doesn't fit in the capsule !! I wrote an e-mail to Vapormed for ask if is it normal or if they have a "special" liquid pad for thoses capsules ... The pdf below say: "Liquids are only to be used with Voclano Medic" but the picture of the liquid pad seem to be a Mighty pad so idk^^ ....Stay tuned ... (sorry for my english)

I will try to take more pictures and try small/middle load later (tomorrow i guess):

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Well-Known Member
Hmm i guess if the liquid pad will not go in, Neither will a fine screen at least you can trim the screens though with scissors or clippers to make a screened basket. But would a liquid basket really make sense? I do not think it is meant to be to be honest.

Baskets for flowers, Pads for oils. Also if they bend they must be really thin stainless steel... Another reason why thicker Ti would rock worlds with a built in screen in the top basket cap. Look at the gaps at the sides too because it is slightly smaller than the bowl i guess heat is going to hit the inside and outside of the baskets? It is a way it seems of altering the conduction/convection balance!


I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
Baskets for flowers, Pads for oils. Also if they bend they must be really thin stainless steel... Another reason why thicker Ti would rock worlds with a built in screen in the top basket cap. Look at the gaps at the sides too because it is slightly smaller than the bowl i guess heat is going to hit the inside and outside of the baskets? It is a way it seems of altering the conduction/convection balance!

Titanium has to be machined into shape. Bending will crack titanium and the way that those little capsules are made in a press, it would not go well with Ti. It's far far cheaper for S&B to just press these by the million in stainless steel.

Unless you feel like paying $70-$100 for 8 machined Ti capsules.


Thank you @Razshiro ! You are the man! Starting to think these aren't what I need for micros...I wish they would make them smaller, and hopefully they aren't made from thin aluminum. It would make sense that the pad wouldn't's a tight enough fit in the bowl as it is, so with the capsule I can see it being impossible.

Thanks again for the update @Razshiro ! You are once again the man! Nice to hear that S&B will be releasing these for everyone.

They look to be a great convenience, and with a proper size pad I think they will be awesome for micros, or without the pad for normal sized phat bowls! Any idea of the material it's made with? Even if delicate, the multipack is super affordable.


I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
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Agreed, but don't forget that S&B use aluminum in the Volcano! I wouldn't use the capsule if it was aluminum either, but if it's stainless it must be very thin to be able to deform to readily, however probably purposely done for heat purposes.

I'm just excited that S&B has released something new! Even if it's just an "accessory", perhaps something else is around the corner....hopefully, and with respect to batteries...I couldn't imagine a better vape if those could be swapped.
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I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
Agreed, but don't forget that S&B use aluminum in the Volcano! I wouldn't use the capsule if it was aluminum either, but if it's stainless it must be very thin to be able to deform to readily, however probably purposely done for heat purposes.

I'm just excited that S&B has released something new! Even if it's just an "accessory", perhaps something else is around the corner....hopefully, and with respect to batteries...I couldn't imagine a better vape if those could be swapped.

If they could add replaceable batteries, the ability to stand up, and true bypass when plugged in I would be very happy indeed. Those are the only changes I could think of making to the unit.


From what i've been told, when the unit is FULLY charged, it is very close (but not fully) to bypassing the batteries. I have never seen it charge when I use it this way exclusively, and I feel it does less harm than draining the batteries and recharging. I have never really had any issues with the way it stands on its own, without even using the orange tool for support, but i'm quite careful - and have had it topple a couple of times without any harm, but yeah i'd love for it to stand on its own like the Crafty with a flat bottom. I think it was @WakeAndVape that provided an excellent explanation for the reasoning S&B may have used to design it like it is. Regardless, best portable i've ever used, and close to best vape ever for me (with exception of the supreme v.3).


Well-Known Member
Starting to think these aren't what I need for micros...I wish they would make them smaller,
Degummed hemp fiber is your friend. It works to fill the void in any chamber or capsule :)
Or to hold a capsule in place while being used in a bigger chamber.


Mail from s&b;

Thank you for your message.

The dosing capsules will be soon compatible with the VOLCANO MEDIC as well. In a few weeks the MEDIC VALVE Filling Chamber reducer will be available for purchase at In combination with the reducer, the dosing capsules will fit perfectly into the MEDIC VALVE Filling chamber.


Well-Known Member
what i dont understand is, if they're advertising their units to be medically safe how come they're units are so flimsy and do not meet the standards of their description of "medically safe" my bowl has become completely brown and no ammount of iso can clean it. How is that medically safe? i've e-mailed vapor med about it because i doubt it'd get any answers from oakland snb.


Well-Known Member
what i dont understand is, if they're advertising their units to be medically safe how come they're units are so flimsy and do not meet the standards of their description of "medically safe" my bowl has become completely brown and no ammount of iso can clean it. How is that medically safe? i've e-mailed vapor med about it because i doubt it'd get any answers from oakland snb.

Did you neglect to use iso for a week? I found out the hard way after staining my glass herborizer bowl, It wouldnt come off so bought a new one. Same again specks because i left it a few days. You really need to do it everyday or second day or use a basket and enjoy never cleaning bowls. But if your gonna have a go at em ask why they gave you a 2 yr warranty v 3 yr for a medical user.

Both are 348 euro, One has a 2 yr one has 3 yr this is the golden rule, Thou shall not shit on your old customers in favour of new shiny medical customers.
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I love how there is no Crafty medic, yet the Crafty is shown in pics beside the Mighty Medic! :rofl:

I can kinda understand the lack of Crafty medic for medicinal users though, especially since its reliability is so not so great. I think it would frustrate the shit out of them!


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you do any sort of regular cleaning or maintenance then your bowl should bever be stained brown..ive went a bit wirhout cleaning mine and it comes almost brand new with some iso and a qtip..i even used to pack concentrate ditlrectly with flower and it would get messy but always came clean.


I have two Mighty's, one i've used the screen to make loads smaller, and it's scratched the fuck out of the sides and that Mighty looks like shit, even after ISO or magic eraser cleaning. The other I have never, and it looks like new. I agree, the Mighty's that look like shit are self inflicted. It's been many months, no broken ribs or pieces off the top or anything bad. It's even fallen over a few times, still look new. Great durable vape that i've never had any problems with, ever. The Crafty on the other last one I sold at 2 hours, and on my 2nd use it overheated. The heatup time is unbearable on that thing, especially after the battery drops after the first bowl. S&B should up their game on the Crafty IMO. The Mighty is a tank!


Well-Known Member
@brub did you actually successfully order? I can see it too.... i'll have to pull the trigger if it's possible!

EDIT: Definitely possible...shipping is only $8CAN! Damn, the Medic Mighty at $499CAN is a great value as well, especially with 3 year warranty! Might have to sell one of my two Mighty's and get one lol Wonder if i'd be allowed to use the Germany CS office for warranty claims?

I assume I am part of a "medical expert group" lol Not sure what that disclaimer is all about, but it doesn't ask for proof....odd.

Please note that the following information on this website is only for medical expert groups due to legal requirements. The medical expert groups, according to the German law on the advertising of medicinal products, are members of health care professions or the health care industry, health facilities serving humans or animals or other persons that are allowed to trade pharmaceutical products, medical devices, operations, treatments, objects or applying those when executing their profession. If you are not a member of the medical expert groups please click 'Exit'. Please contact your doctor, pharmacist or therapist for further information.
If you are a member of the medical expert group and wish to get infomation about the inhalative, medical application of cannabis and cannabinoids please click
Actually, the shipping is free if you go on that site Its specially for us canadians :rockon:. I should give a report when I get them

edit: Free over 25$ like said earlir, my bad
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Green Kiwi

Well-Known Member
@biohacker ,i got the same problem a while ago , i was realising that if the sides are scratched badly,which i had:cry:,the mighty works a lot less good than it should be.
however, i got in to a manic cleaning routine, which got rid of the scratches.(and i do believe since it's a aluminium chamber, I'm able to get more in every single time, I'm cleaning it,lol makes the bowl larger every clean)this shitload of cleaning DID got rid of the scratches,and i really do believe it works more efficient this way:2c:.
WHAT a incredible good vape this machine is!:rockon::love::leaf:
Green Kiwi,
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