Did another capsule testrun. I did 4 sessions back to back. To keep the experiment scientifical and gentle, i let the Mighty cool down between sessions.
1st session: capsule without lid, 347°F / 175°C
2nd session: no capsule, 347°F / 175°C
3rd session: no capsule, 337°F / 169°C
4th session: capsule without lid, 357°F / 180°C up to 383°F / 195°C
I always used the same amount of spices which was a half filled capsule.
During the 2nd session i noticed that the taste was a little more intense without the capsule. And the clouds were a little bigger.
So i did a 3rd session on lower temp to see if the difference was only temperature related because maybe the capsule doesn't get as hot as the chamber.
Off course after 2 sessions it was hard to come to scientifical conclusions.

Yes, i'm a lightweight.
But anyway, to me it seemed like the taste on the 3rd session also had this kind of more intense quality to it. So i had to try the capsule again but at a higher temperature to see if it could produce the same tasty vapor.
Somehow the sessions without the capsule tasted a little better but were also a little harsher. It could be that some people might prefer the taste with the capsule as it's also very great.
I have to say the differences in taste are subtle and my impressions were biased because it wasn't a blind test.
So imo you shouldn't get too excited about the capsules because the Mighty is already damn good as it is. But the lid could be useful as a top screen. And there are definitely more ways of experimenting with the capsules but for tonight i've had enough.
Excuse my broken english. It's really hard for me to write this text right now.