Well-Known Member

Really nice addition to my growing collection of glass. Here are a few of my impressions from the few sessions I have had with it so far. Again I don't know much about glass and its terminology so please ignore my ignorance.
What I like about it :
1. Fits the Evo perfectly, really tight seal.
2. I like being able to look down while I am taking a draw- to see the water spin round the recycler.
3. Nice size mouthpiece
4. Surprisingly good flavor through it ( Considering the water level )
Only a couple of Things I dislike about it are:
1. It requires a bit more water then I like using to see the swirling action . Taste still comes through plenty though, which surprised me.
2. No hydarfoot .
It's a great functional piece, for the price you can't go wrong.
Short function Video :
Won't see much vapor as it was a tiny bowl , evo too strong. Sorry for the camera angle, my phone was resting on my monitor . Can't wait till you guys get yours , so I can have a more informative review of it.