Arizer Solo


Would love to see a video of that thing in action!
I have no time?

Look follow your feelings:

Portables = Bubbler

Log Vap = Med can

High Powered desktop = Large can.

Do what works for you!

What I do works for me.

You will have to try and see or feel what works for you?

Their is a way?
Sorry I have a few books to read.
Carl Sagan = PALE BLUE DOT

Plus magazines: Mostly science

Thankfully CANNABIS makes one read fast!

Since were talking SOLO?
The PHVES GonG 18mm from planetvapes works well with a D020.

The one pictured I bought from
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Full Steam Ahead
Silver Solo #2 arrived. I will now never be without a charged vape monster. My new lineup is a *full house* AA's over Solo's. AA out, Solo home. I've taken to shortest black tip 60mm stem (smallest bowl) w/ inverted dome screen, leaves room for about .05G. I can blast thru this in 5 or 6 minutes (batt saver), with super medication level. Now that's efficiency. For longer *sip sessions*, AA all the way.
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Yeah, our Ataxian is on a permanent Holiday, if you know what I mean?

And I wouldn't worry about him having too much glass around, that's not a new photo........

@OF your so funny!

I'am on a Holiday everyday that is true.

I have my wife who has never used cannabis in her life.

My view on cannabis is I love it.

I'm lucky I guess my wife loves me despite my faults?

The SOLO for me is my favorite portable or medical device.

My glass collection is kind of lame.
Breaking glass I do often.
It's like a Greek wedding at my house everyday.

Believe it or not I took the photo of my latest Bubbler yesterday.

I made my wife carry it because I would have shattered it like a Greek Wedding!

Why are our floors limestone?


Well-Known Member
I'am on a Holiday everyday that is true.

Believe it or not I took the photo of my latest Bubbler yesterday.

Let's be honest, you get fan mail from folks after disappointing vacations asking you for tips?

I believe it might have been yesterday....... Is all that lovely glass still alive/intact today? How many pieces didn't write wills overnight after they learned the score?



Vape Addict
Has anyone on here purchased a stem from upperlimits? I bought a white one a while back that looks like a bendy straw and it is my favorite stem to use with the solo. It cools the vapor so much and it looks pretty sweet. I need to post a picture of it for all of you to see. :love:

Tried searching in Dhgate.
Unable to find it.

Would you happen to have a link please?


Let's be honest, you get fan mail from folks after disappointing vacations asking you for tips?

I believe it might have been yesterday....... Is all that lovely glass still alive/intact today? How many pieces didn't write wills overnight after they learned the score?

I make my wife carry all glass items.
I was spending over a $1000 per month on glass.
She was on my case for wasting $?

The SOLO at level 5 with a stock 14mm GonG and my new bubbler loaded with WIZ KALIFA OG is unreal like the pale blue dot!
:kivisdream is the store for the bubbler on dhgate
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Trichome Technician

Brought the Solo to Deapool today. Rad ass movie btw. Not your typical Superhero.

I would not suggest this in conservative areas.

But, I asked my wife, my sister in law and her date that was 4 seats down...

Nobody knew a thing...
Shit.. I got a few big hits....haha....

Having to ghost, and let the vapor out very very slowly..

Perfect high for the show.

Ran a full 12 minute sesh at 3...

Had a fan fun tastic time.

(Only Solo Love in here.)

Just can't understand people that bash it....

No ability to learn that sucking really hard on the Solo is counter-productive?

No technique?

Sorry, but I get all bent outta shape when people bash my solo.

DBV?!! Take your shots... I laugh it off.

Snub my Solo, I get offended?

Is that weird?
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Brought the Solo to Deapool today. Rad ass movie btw. Not your typical Superhero.

I would not suggest this in conservative areas.

But, I asked my wife, my sister in law and her date that was 4 seats down...

Nobody knew a thing...
Shit.. I got a few big hits....haha....

Having to ghost, and let the vapor out very very slowly..

Perfect high for the show.

Ran a full 12 minute sesh at 3...

Had a fan fun tastic time.

(Only Solo Love in here.)

Just can't understand people that bash it....

No ability to learn that sucking really hard on the Solo is counter-productive?

No technique?

Sorry, but I get all bent outta shape when people bash my solo.

DBV?!! Take your shots... I laugh it off.

Snub my Solo, I get offended?

Is that weird?
I love movies.
Before we go I have 2 stems with the SOLO.
I don't do it in public?
It freaks me out!
If you can do it good for you.


Trichome Technician
I love movies.
Before we go I have 2 stems with the SOLO.
I don't do it in public?
It freaks me out!
If you can do it good for you.

I did take some precautions..
Back corner seats.

Solo was in my Hoodie's "pouch" I used DBV Whip, that I fed through my sleeve.

Mostly invisible vapor, but I did pull a couple biggins.

I never felt uncomfortable at all, any sense of stress or anxiety would have ruined everything.

Last thing I wanted was to miss Deadpool.
Or ruin anyone else's experience.
I believe it was my favorite "Superhero Movie",

Cinematography was awesome. The humor was equally exciting as the action.
Not quite as bloody as Kill Bill, but pretty violent.

Highly recommend!


Vaped Out
I did take some precautions..
Back corner seats.

Solo was in my Hoodie's "pouch" I used DBV Whip, that I fed through my sleeve.

Mostly invisible vapor, but I did pull a couple biggins.

I never felt uncomfortable at all, any sense of stress or anxiety would have ruined everything.

Last thing I wanted was to miss Deadpool.
Or ruin anyone else's experience.
I believe it was my favorite "Superhero Movie",

Cinematography was awesome. The humor was equally exciting as the action.
Not quite as bloody as Kill Bill, but pretty violent.

Highly recommend!
I watched it this weekend too! It was a pretty good movie. I used the solo in my car twice before I walked into the theater. I had some Maui Haze that was super tasty. I wish I could've pulled it off the way you did, but I would've probable been paranoid AF.

Dr. Soxhlet

SOLO Vaporized Cannabis is my Best Medicine
Solo was in my Hoodie's "pouch" I used DBV Whip, that I fed through my sleeve.
I really like this idea!!
I have put the Solo up my sweater sleeve with the straight stem poking out, but your method is even better.
I use a plastic McDonald's cup all the time at parks or other place when in view.
Even though I live in a "legal"??? state, there are virtually no places where it can be used without risking a fine. So I still try to be stealthy.
Now the controlling freaks want to treat vaporizing cannabis as if it is the same as smoking cigarettes.
I hate "as if" laws!!!
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