
Putin is a War Criminal
Can you send her over here? Just for a little house cleaning before the game. We are co-members of the Zionestas after all...

Oops, and the VapCaperados as well. After all, you talked me in to VapCap... :)


Well-Known Member
I accidently overheated and the oils must have been boiling, it kept crackling and popping, i thought it was going to explode! Let it cool down and its all good.


If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
Can't say if it is safe in long term, but for now I already did 10 cleaning through torch of the ceramic filter of OG VC. Each time it get back white as new, taste too goes back to its best.

I own a vaponic, even if it looks similar and tastes more fresh/convective I use it very rarely compared to VC. The lack of feedback in vaponic (you can only look your load getting brown..) makes it a nice toy to play with but not a reliable device as VC is for me.

This is a wonderful tiny device, can't wait for the next evolution (and it is machining out already)


Well-Known Member
Nearly 100 pages of vap cap love and it keeps growing daily as does the admiration this little beauty deserves. I can only speak for the OG VC but even the basic model does everything I ask and more so.

Long may it all continue, keep rolling out them caps George many a vaporist is still in need of some dyna loving :love:


Can't say if it is safe in long term, but for now I already did 10 cleaning through torch of the ceramic filter of OG VC. Each time it get back white as new, taste too goes back to its best.

So far I only cleaned it once. I had an accident and was too close to combustion (almost black abv) so I wanted to clean it and get rid of that flavour.

IMO it's safer to just take out the o-rings (in the Ti ones, not sure if OG has o-rings) soak everything in iso, clean it with a couple q tips and you done! Like new :haw:


Well-Known Member
I finally ordered a VapCap today. According to the site's shipping info, it should arrive at about the same day as my repaired ESV. I'll be happy to have the VC as a backup. I also think it could go a lot of places with me just because of the convenience of butane.

If I like it, I'll likely buy a wood or titanium model as well, as I think they'll travel better. However, I figured I'd try it out at $30 first, and I can always gift this to someone if I order another.

Weird thing though; On the DynaVap site, there are videos of clouds, but also a video in which the presenter says you won't get clouds from it. Undersell, over-deliver?


Well-Known Member
@RelaxedNow clouds or not you are going to find it hard not to enjoy your OG. IMO the VC punches well above it's weight and that punch is always accompanied with a huge grin.

I just thought it odd that the visual and the verbal didn't match up. Since I think I'll mostly use the VapCap while out and about, I'll likely be wanting light tokes anyway, so I don't get couch lock at inopportune times. :)

It's good to hear that it'll do the job though. Thanks, @phattpiggie.


Well-Known Member
I know dynavap makes no claim to be a harm reduction device, but I was interested in what a white piece of cotton would look like after vaping as opposed to smoking, so far I've vaped 10 caps from the vapcap, try this with smoking! Im goin to leave it there for a while, see what happens.... If YOU try this, be sure to cover ALL, ports/carb holes and that the cap is ON, or you will suck the cotton down your throat.

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sam reynolds

because "Samantha" is a mouthful.
Manoman, I'm excited for this one. How long did you guys have to wait for delivery?

That Dynastash looks sexy as hell, too. Especially with the new wood selections. Are you guys liking yours? Does it work like an old-school dugout, where you load up by pressing the piece into the stash side of the box? Would love to see some glamour shots, if anybody feels like showing theirs off.... :)


formally cwheezy
I was just thinking of how George @VapCap could add to the Dynastash.

I was just loading up another bowl and noticed how much better it works if you tamp it down a little so it's not right at the end of the tip, you get much better flavour and all. So I was thinking if the dynastash had a little tamperer at the bottom or on the side where ever there'd be room for a small rivet that just has to be smaller than the diameter of the bowl but only needs to lightly tamp it in.

I'm thinking on the side so it can't still stand up straight.

Who knows you could get creative, put gems in it instead or something, I think it would give them a little pizazz ;) Something like the artisan collection from Magic Flight.

Just a thought of among many others!

Endless capabilities with this product it's amazing!


If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
I just discovered this vape, and the form factor is amazing. However, my lungs aren't too kind to hot vapor. Would like to know what everyone feels on the temperature as you inhale/exhale?

I find it very smooth.
There is a lot of air mixing with vapor, cool air.

In general I find convective vapes to be harsher, this one is not IMO


Active Member
I find it very smooth.
There is a lot of air mixing with vapor, cool air.

In general I find convective vapes to be harsher, this one is not IMO

That's great to hear. Look forward to getting the original in the near future. It seems as if ordering is pretty backed up from what I've been reading, or is that a thing of the past? Definitely something I'd enjoy using for the novelty and extreme portability.

I just had my smoking friends try the underdog at a superbowl party and they were more confused than excited on using it, including the flowermate. Sure it rips, but the whole process using it through a water tool was quite foreign to them. I'm sure they'll be in more familiar territory with the vapcap.


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
I know dynavap makes no claim to be a harm reduction device, but I was interested in what a white piece of cotton would look like after vaping as opposed to smoking, so far I've vaped 10 caps from the vapcap, try this with smoking! Im goin to leave it there for a while, see what happens.... If YOU try this, be sure to cover ALL, ports/carb holes and that the cap is ON, or you will suck the cotton down your throat.

Hey man :)

Using (these days, usually) a hemp gum fiber filter in vapes is actually quite common practice around here on F.C . . .

As you will see, your filter traps particulate of all sizes, and it eventually ends up virtually steeped in oil!

So, the next thing to do is to reclaim any potential loss, and actually vape the cotton or hemp fiber itself - for an extremely heavy & sedating hit! Perfect for end of the night rips from the nightstand :ko:

This is why hemp fiber is better and preferred, but using pure organic cotton is also acceptable.

Have fun with your experimentation! :science:

Oh, and you can check this thread for more infos:

Back with the 'Cap . . . . my O.G is still going strong & keeping me very happy - in fact I haven't even touched my Ti Cocobolo Woody yet! :o

Does it work like an old-school dugout, where you load up by pressing the piece into the stash side of the box?
:nod: :nod: :nod:

Totally. I love heading out with a full DynaStash in my pocket, because I have everything right there with me (just don't forget that torch!). And loading it is a breeze, & something that I can do easily & discretely, pretty much anywhere & everywhere. Whatever I might be doing.

Just stick your VapCap in the stash side & wedge or scoop up a load. Replace the cap & it's on & poppin'! ;)
(Well yeah okay, you have gotta heat it first!)

Now, I've been using this thing out in cold, wet & windy conditions - which obviously brings it's own challanges with this type of vape. But when the summer rolls around - for me, that's when I think that this little bad-boy's really gonna come into it's own. For those cool, smooth & easy hits on the move and while out & about in more clement weather . . . . :cool:

It's gonna be ideal. To me, it's a $30 butane powered Grasshopper.

Except the form factor is even smaller, & I'm actually holding one in my hand right now ;)


Keep it 'Capin y'all!
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