Sorry to hear about your troubles. Not sure why your emails are not getting answered. We answer them everyday. As far as the phone number. It is 1-866-898-0512. Remember we are on PST and will only answer calls between 10:00 am-5pm m-f. You can also PM me. I check these boards a couple times a week.Sorry but i can wait more i just recived my enano one week ago i was happy two years waiting it for to have money,litle to litle,and at last my nano in home afther to wait by problems with CORDS and when i put the enano on with my down conversor ,no ligth no heat,nothing,very bad a lot of tme waitng for it ,i sended 3 emails to epicvapes but any answer, i called them by telefon and nothing,it say the costumer service its not available.i take my conversor andmy nano cord and i did go to a electical shop they test my conversor and all gog and test my cord nano and they say my that no pass electricity by it,. I would not sayanything here before speak with them but i dont know that i must to do,help my epic,help my any body
Nothr wsy for run the nano ,when i waiting?"
Some way for turn it on?
Halo andy ,what i must to do by replace the cordSorry to hear about your troubles. Not sure why your emails are not getting answered. We answer them everyday. As far as the phone number. It is 1-866-898-0512. Remember we are on PST and will only answer calls between 10:00 am-5pm m-f. You can also PM me. I check these boards a couple times a week.
You can run the Nano off any power cord that will fit. IE x-box, stereo, blu-ray player. Just remember it's going to be full power and will combust after about 5 minutes of continuous full power.
I had the NANO kick my a@@! HARD!What do u need to send in with the enano to get it fixed a reference number of the purchase?? Mines stop heating up for some reason
Ordered mine just now! Got some extra screens, a GonG, and a matte black aluminum stand. Can't wait for it to arrive next week!
welcome to the family! what wood type did you go with?
today I decided to do something bold. I did an entire stem of kief packed pretty full. i was gone for HOURS and then fell asleep for another 5 hours! its nighttime now and I just woke back up, time to pop in some star trek TOS and enjoy the rest of the evening. that was fun but definitely something to do only once in a while
Maybe it's time for me to open that bottom compartment of my grinder too![]()
It always amazes me how much much some people can vape and still have a positive experience. For me, there is a very fine line between a comfortable high and a panic attack. I can only vape a small bowl ,maybe two, at a time otherwise it is heart race city for me.
I watch youtube vids of people hitting it one bowl after the next, or one dab after the next and they are still functioning. Blows my mindNot criticism please understand, just amazement.
Plus MJ does not effect the vulcan physiology as it does in humans![]()