Amen, I don't want to say that people aren't treating their products with the proper care, but, I do find it strange when people post essentially: "Hey, here's Unit 1 with a cracked top!, Hey, here's Unit 2 a month or two later with a cracked top! Here's Unit 3, fucking S&B, another cracked top!"
Unit 1 right here, no cracks

no problems at all in terms of the casing. 6 months so I'm not quite as long as some of you.
I'd say the newer casing may potentially be more prone to cracking/shearing off, but to be honest, I really don't know because 6 months ago I was very skeptical to buy the unit because everyone was posting about how it was so prone to needing replaced or repaired, namely because of cracked tops/ the problems persisted through model variations.
Do you guy's reverse the direction of your CU? I always put mine on so the mouthpiece is on the right of the unit. Do you not do 2 explicit motions, push the cooling unit down, and then twist? I just find it hard to believe that my unit is still in basically tip top shape, the battery has degraded just a bit so I can't get 7-8 bowls I get 6-7 depending on temps.
Who knows, maybe S&B really hit their stride in the 12xxx range

but like I said I just am really surprised mine is still working and aesthetically intact, while many of you have so many problems.
Edit: I also showed my weedman this thing, we were using it while we were playing NBA 2k, and I noticed at one point he had both hands on the controller, but I just passed him the vape....he had it dangling out of his mouth by the mouthpiece while he was shooting FTs.... I yelled at him to never do that LOL, but if my plastic was shoddy/wasted away, I do feel like it would have broke right there with the way he had it in his mouth, with the torque.