Well-Known Member
I've got the 18mm female to whip adapter and the cloudbuddy. That will enable me to do even crazier stuff with my modular setup
what he said ...

I've got the 18mm female to whip adapter and the cloudbuddy. That will enable me to do even crazier stuff with my modular setup
Can anyone tell me if the odor issue has been 100% fixed? I can't figure out how to make a new topic yet but I am looking for whichever vaporizer is the healthiest and least toxic. I thought maybe the Aromed 4.0 because it doesn't use coil heating at all, but it uses a really bright halogen bulb which I'm not sure about in terms of EMFs, "dirty electricity" some types of bulbs can create, as well some of the plastic components. Online it says they are medically studied and stamped as safe, non-toxic plastics, but still, I prefer an all glass or all stainless steel pathway. Then I also thought maybe the Zephyr Ion, but apparently that's mostly a bag vape that doesn't work too well with a whip, and I'd rather not vape out of a plastic bag for the same reason.
Those, and the Cloud Evo, are all I know about that claim to separate the coils or toxic heating away from the herb and air path. I was about to order the Evo but then I started reading about the odor issues. I know manufacturers always say everything is safe but I'm not interested in being a guinea pig for inhaling burning bamboo or burning wire smoke with my vapor, so I'd only want to get the Cloud if that problem has been identified and fixed with the current models.
Or are there any other ones known for being completely non-toxic? The first vape I settled on, before realizing the health aspect, was actually the plenty, but it mentioned nothing about filtering the aluminum coil heating from the vapor.
Can anyone tell me if the odor issue has been 100% fixed? I can't figure out how to make a new topic yet but I am looking for whichever vaporizer is the healthiest and least toxic. I thought maybe the Aromed 4.0 because it doesn't use coil heating at all, but it uses a really bright halogen bulb which I'm not sure about in terms of EMFs, "dirty electricity" some types of bulbs can create, as well some of the plastic components. Online it says they are medically studied and stamped as safe, non-toxic plastics, but still, I prefer an all glass or all stainless steel pathway. Then I also thought maybe the Zephyr Ion, but apparently that's mostly a bag vape that doesn't work too well with a whip, and I'd rather not vape out of a plastic bag for the same reason.
Those, and the Cloud Evo, are all I know about that claim to separate the coils or toxic heating away from the herb and air path. I was about to order the Evo but then I started reading about the odor issues. I know manufacturers always say everything is safe but I'm not interested in being a guinea pig for inhaling burning bamboo or burning wire smoke with my vapor, so I'd only want to get the Cloud if that problem has been identified and fixed with the current models.
Or are there any other ones known for being completely non-toxic? The first vape I settled on, before realizing the health aspect, was actually the plenty, but it mentioned nothing about filtering the aluminum coil heating from the vapor.
Can anyone tell me if the odor issue has been 100% fixed? I can't figure out how to make a new topic yet but I am looking for whichever vaporizer is the healthiest and least toxic. I thought maybe the Aromed 4.0 because it doesn't use coil heating at all, but it uses a really bright halogen bulb which I'm not sure about in terms of EMFs, "dirty electricity" some types of bulbs can create, as well some of the plastic components. Online it says they are medically studied and stamped as safe, non-toxic plastics, but still, I prefer an all glass or all stainless steel pathway. Then I also thought maybe the Zephyr Ion, but apparently that's mostly a bag vape that doesn't work too well with a whip, and I'd rather not vape out of a plastic bag for the same reason.
Those, and the Cloud Evo, are all I know about that claim to separate the coils or toxic heating away from the herb and air path. I was about to order the Evo but then I started reading about the odor issues. I know manufacturers always say everything is safe but I'm not interested in being a guinea pig for inhaling burning bamboo or burning wire smoke with my vapor, so I'd only want to get the Cloud if that problem has been identified and fixed with the current models.
Or are there any other ones known for being completely non-toxic? The first vape I settled on, before realizing the health aspect, was actually the plenty, but it mentioned nothing about filtering the aluminum coil heating from the vapor.
does anyone know how much it costs to get a new bamboo nowadays? 120$ is pricey enough that I should have just gotten in on the recent big sale, but my Evo was working fine through Halloween...something changed recently. It isn't that the glass is broken, but at the top the 18mm Joint is loose, I can twist the bamboo from side to side and push it in and out, and there isn't a perfect seal when conjoined with glass.
I have tried twisting it every which way and it doesn't seem to help very much--I'll occasionally get a huge rip but it isn't very functional. I wonder if there's any service for "tightening" or "adjustment" of the bamboo that would cost less than a full replacement? Anyways, just wondering how much it cost. I'll of course open a support ticket soon, but thought I would bring it up as someone who has participated in this thread previously and truly loves his Evo.
In place of the Evo I've been using my Zephyr Ion with a DIY SSV style-tubing whip and a type of "elbow joint" that appears to be fully resistant to the Ion's temps that I picked up from the plumbing section of Home Depot. On the bong end, I have stuck the 1/4 x 3/8 tubing into a 14mm female reducer and have been doing a sort of forced-air Vapor bonging while the Evo is out of commission.
It's a lot of fun, as it bubbles the water and creates diffusion for you. But it is so far from peak Evo function in terms of vapor taste, thickness and efficiency that it's honestly a fucking joke and just makes me miss my Evo all the more. Fuck Combustion, but also fuck other vaporizers? Lol![]()
Yeah, EVO buddies! /fistbump
Ever since @Roth 's solution my EVO has been working like a charm, thankfully! I absolutely love the damn thing. Generally speaking I keep it around noon (my particular unit is one of the 11 o'clock notch ones) but sometimes I'll crank it up to 1-2 o'clock just for fun! Without realizing I'd once even vaped a small bowl at max temp and TBH the taste wasn't even that bad, and nothing in the ELB combusted. (That said, not interested in vaping at that high of a temp again! LOL) Unfortunately my access to concentrates is super limited, but I've dabbed a tiny bit of my Mighty reclaim a few times, mostly just to test the functionality of the nail. I find the nail to be pretty difficult to load just because the reclaim is sooooo sticky/oily, that I literally have to scrape it off my dabber along the walls of the nail's slot and just sort of hope it works, LOL. It usually does! Taste is absolutely terrible but that's not the EVO's fault, but I'd love to get some real wax to try in this thing one day. (Maybe next year, fingers crossed.)
Right now my go to is packing very small amounts (generally only enough to cover the bottom of the ELB) and then hitting it around 1 o'clock, I'd say. It's such a tiny amount but I usually get 2-3 decent, milky hits off it! (Although I don't have the lung capacity to clear even a small amount of material in one go, so maybe that's why.) That usually gets me to a comfortable place, I'd say a 4-6, and it manages my nausea very well. If I feel like really medicating I pack a bowl about half full with flower, with a small scoop of keif sandwiched inbetween. Made one of those last night and got massive hits from it! I actually had to tap out, LOL. I left the bowl loaded, came downstairs this morning and gave the contents a little stir, and just got another 5 or so lovely, tasty hits from the exact same bowl.
This thing is the best, I swear.
Oop, sorry for so much word vomit! Like I said when I first posted I'm a bit of a rambly stoner and I just had a wake and bake, LOL. Tell me about your experiences with your unit so far!
I think I missed this the first time but Thank you for this! This really takes the guess work out of things. Thanks again for the tips and the link!Its not mentioned because there is room for error and VXL would be responsible for taking care of the mistakes. For most situations a long, wooden, cotton swab or spindled paper towel with a little ISO will work fine. If you get oil below the restrictions and full immersion is necessary the best solution I saw was to put a small balloon on the bottom end, put in some ISO, put another small balloon on the upper end and swish the ISO up and down the tube, then take the bottom off and drain when done. Rinse with fresh balloons and water, then dry completely before use.
See Amazon, your choice of regular or tapered tip . . .
I'm having trouble with my Evo not wanting to turn off. When I plug the power cord into the machine (with switch set to off), it still turns on (led turns red). Writing an email to Vapexhale now.
a bit off topic from the current discussions, but what are the chances of seeing the hydrabase bomb edition returning to the roster?
Ah so now I got the final release limited quality excuse about the HydraTree, which are all apparently sold out now...
So replacement may be tricky, asked about possibly recovering the one I sent back since it at least performed better than this one, but I don't know if they can track it down or not...
Jeff also offered me the opportunity to swap it out for the Evolver HydraCirc which seems like it was just added. Thankfully it's got a similar style, just the perc is different so I don't know... Anyone have experience with that one? Anyone who has used both to compare?
If it were me, I'd probably wait til they have some of the new style hydratubes back in stock (Turbine, Honeycomb, Hydrabomb). I think the form factor on those are greatly improved, I like the thick base so no hydrafoot is needed. I believe they're also slightly larger than the other ones in stock now, and I like the larger volume in the can![]()
I actually decided I don't like those ones so much, with the big chamber on the bottom, lots more to clean and just unnecessary imo.
That style also limits me from using it with other vapes, where as this style works more easily with everything, and I do already have the hydrafoot that came with mine anyhow...
@c76man do you think that has to do with the piece itself though, or the perc? Since that is a side car vs straight and swagger vs evolver? I guess swagger side circ vs side tree would be a comparable comparison kind of?
What would keep you from using the new hydratube with other vapes that the older ones wouldn't? Not sure that it would be more difficult to clean either. Slightly more surface area, but not more difficult imo.
The huge glass area around the 18mm joint, makes it tricky for Daisy/Lily/Zion at least, and just bigger, more too handle, not as mobile.
For the cleaning, I just mean the larger area would be more area for vapor to condense in there, vs the evolver tubes, so more to clean more often and trickier to do so...
Also Jeff actually only offered me the evolver circ, so I don't even know if that's on the table. I live the tree, I'd just like a more perfect one, and if my only choice is the circ, at least I haven't yet tried a circ perc? Asked if I could try it without giving up the tree just yet...