My Q just medicated me to the MAX!@MoltenTiger 'Othership'. 'Mothership'. The other ship, not to be confused with the Mothership. The USS Othership Torus. God, It writes itself. But yea saw a video of it in action.
Intrigued by how it empties itself. Trying to understand the principle of their design. But unique indeed. Like your visual description of how it works for you.
Enough so any fan assist would be redundant. If it can pull nearly all the extraction in 1 hit like you are mentioning, then I can see your point about not wanting to use a bag.
Have you ever tried it dry?
@ataxian Back to the books for me. Figured there was some sort of blend.
There is a wide area of study and methods used. CANNABIS and ASIA. Will have to delve into early Chinese medical history more.
@DDave See that you have widened the choices for EQ users with the mods. Including the simple DDave F/F that started the discussion.Some users will use the F/F old school with an SSV wand like in @melonknifer's video above me.
Nice to open up the choices.
This will be easier for those of us who want a second/replacement bowl.
Other considerations. Both wands are full open throat. Nearly equal from the width of the screen to the end of the wand. (18mm and 14mm respectively). So there is almost no telescoping effect. The hose provided decreases that factor only slightly.
Still think the DDave full kit is the best bang for your buck out of the lot. Especially with the FC discount. It at the very least is a good foundation for modders, geeks and experimenters.
Hose modders.Just cut a few 1' strips/rings from the hose and made silicone adapters. Just flip 1/3 of the hose over and slide it over your glass tube/adapter/wand. Also easier to grab, if you misplaced your tongs. Might provide a little heat insulation too?
Silicone hose is pliable, but tends to pinch under it's own weight. So, I took a few more 1' rings, stretched them over outside of the long piece of whip hose for support. (Go ahead make a support hose joke if you must.) So when everything is set in the EQ. The hose will arc better and not pinch near the tighter/weaker points of the arc. Hose Arc-hitecture 101.
@DDave the adapters you sent me are unbelievable! The short 18mm female is the E-Ticket for me!
Good JOB!