@TransHumanC, nice compliment with the
'so I use my brain', you are obviously a lot cleverer than myself, and with that attitude me thinks you may be Inhalater related??
I bought my Inhalater because i wanted to cease smoking, so when i chose it i was looking for a unit with the ability to be completely portable and that was not reliant on plugged in power, hence the reason why i chose a company that claimed you could change batteries 'on the fly'.
I think i have previously stated that the 05 delivers the goods, however, when you start at 3 and end on 7.5 before you know it you've gone through 3 nine minute cycles. Therefore you can easily use a battery early on in the day and need a second charged battery to continue using the unit throughout the rest of the day, so if you're not indoors/place with mains then you would be looking for a vape that allows you to have multiple charged batteries.
TransHumanC also states that he
'can see where the problem can be had for sure', which i take to mean that he agrees with the bad design of the battery removal, however i am not in the position to take his advise on only charging overnight for reasons stated in the previous paragraph. And also the fact that i do not trust leaving it unattended overnight due to past issues with previous models and it's plasticky nature, i have the unit apart if anyone wanted to see the innards?
A lot of this would have been avoided if Pharmacor had been more honest about their 'Interchangeable battery' and i look forward to their replies here to everybody's latest queries, they can't just leave all their promotion work to TransHumanC