In one breath . . . .
Not sure why sharing these tips and tricks is somewhat unpopular around here. I've gotten private messages now telling me I'm being too condescending and implying people are dumb. Not my intent at all
. . . . and then the next . . . .
just pointing out the simplest fixes that hadn't yet been mentioned even after 12 pages.
Hmmmm . . . .
Do you know there is another thread here on FC which is for the 1st gen Subs but does actually cross over into XLR territory at times?
And anyway, I really don't know what you could be referring to because you have not particularly imparted any unique knowledge to this thread as far as I can see - apart from saying 'double tap the the controller to reset the timer' which people already do anyway (duh) and maybe upping the temp on the dial past your desired setting (but NOT to max power IMO) to encourage faster heat up from a cold start - which again, I already occasionally do and which has also already been mentioned at some point either in this thread or somewhere over in the the OG Sub thread.
I think you'll find people here actually really love to share 'tips and tricks' and there is also a lot of knowledge here already, held by some very discerning vaporists.
I think that it comes down to quality and pitch?
I am certainly pleased that you love your Sublimator so very very much, BUT, as hard as it may be for you to believe right now, I think it is likely that you will discover that the Sub is really not the 'be all and end all' of vaporization . . . in fact for many, it is only the beginning.
But whatevz, I still gotta whole lotta SubLove (and the rest)