The Grasshopper

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Well-Known Member
I reckon that this week, the dog will have eaten their homework.
I am prepared for that possibility, and it'd be nicer to know midday than have to wait for the 12:05 am April 16th mailing of the 15th's update. But whatever, as a IGG backer part of what I paid for was the ride (but only part!). I have the impression that other than the heater they were ready to start assembly, which if I wasn't sooo careful would give me the expectation that they're about to ship the first 100 (or they're toast).


High since 1968
Here's a ray of hope - quote from a 4/14 post i saw on Reddit re the new July preorder ship dates:
"I emailed and asked about the new preorder ship date and Trevor replied that it is for new orders only. Thankfully."

Hoping the new update has some pics of color Ti's, packed in their boxes and ready to go. :p



Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
lol, I love this thread.

I'm glad I pre-ordered mine last month! This is a fun ride now that we're close to the end. (IGG Backers - I feel for ya, waiting this long is getting ridiculous)

I wonder what the odds are I'll actually see my GH in May.... I'm betting it's probably going to be June before it's actually delivered.

Thanks @peaceonearth for that encouraging info, hopefully we'll learn more tonight around 11:59pm :lol:

Edit - just found this news article, boy can you imagine if GH got pissed with the all the heat they've gotten on the interwebs
"CobbleBot Holding Back 3D Printer Shipments to Customers For Defamation on Internet Forums" -
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Well-Known Member
Edit - just found this news article, boy can you imagine if GH got pissed with the all the heat they've gotten on the interwebs
"CobbleBot Holding Back 3D Printer Shipments to Customers For Defamation on Internet Forums" -
Frankly, holding back shipment of a product which was already bought and paid for kind of proves that the complaints made were not defamation. They have a contract, and they are required to fulfill it.

If they wanted to take legal action against an individual(s) for defamation, that would be an entirely separate issue, and they would need to prove that, and a judge would determine the penalties, if any.

Also, I wonder why they feel they could unambiguously link online and real life personas, such that they could justify action against specific individuals?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Exactly, I'm happy to see Grasshopper has not taken any similar actions. (Illegal as they may be, they still have all the cards in their hands, many of the IGG backers have no way to get their money back.)
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Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
It would be really nice if at least a few of the early birds (not me) got their 'Hoppers in time for 4/20...:tup:

Guess we'll know tonight/tomorrow if anything is shipping out before then...maybe?:shrug:

...not expecting it to happen...but that's the realist/cynic in me...:cool::evil:

...though on occasion, I can still be surprised in life...:nod:


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
...well, they are touting grasshoppers as one of our food sources of the I guess soon I'll be able to order that pizza with pepperoni and grasshoppers...:)

...personally, I'm hoping they develop eatable boxes... :cool:


Well-Known Member
...well, they are touting grasshoppers as one of our food sources of the I guess soon I'll be able to order that pizza with pepperoni and grasshoppers...:)

...personally, I'm hoping they develop eatable boxes... :cool:

I forage for wild foods a lot in the fifteen days of non winter here in Maine. Grasshoppers are something I eat quite a bit of. They aren't bad at all if you get rid of the barbed legs.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even sure I'm looking forward to the update.. After all of the delays and manufacturing problems, I would be excited to announce that they are going to start shipping if that were the case. The fact that they probably won't update us until midnight has me thinking they're still not ready.

Maybe I'm just being too pessimistic though.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even sure I'm looking forward to the update.. After all of the delays and manufacturing problems, I would be excited to announce that they are going to start shipping if that were the case. The fact that they probably won't update us until midnight has me thinking they're still not ready.

Maybe I'm just being too pessimistic though.

I pre-ordered in March. Honestly, the last few days I've been trying to predict, in my head, what the next excuse will be on the 15th for further delays. That being said, I'm not depending on the GH and when I placed my order I knew full well that May shipping was an estimate. Although, the last update about the supply problem with the heaters took me by surprise and inserted a bit more doubt about the GH team's management competency. As many have said, I think a good team of engineers with good intentions got in over their head on putting together an international manufacturing process. On the flip-side, 14-15 months is not a huge amount of time to go from idea to consumer-ready shipped product. People can get impatient and frustrated when things move relatively slowly in this instant gratification world. I've learned in my business a lot about "expectation management". When you're honest with your clients about what/when they can expect from your product/service you build trust and long-term relationships.


Well-Known Member
When you're honest with your clients about what/when they can expect from your product/service you build trust and long-term relationships.

It's that old business adage that always comes into play......."Under promise and over deliver."
It's a simple premise that many companies have a real difficult time putting into affect and what typically happens, especially with newbs to the business world is just the opposite............."Over promise and under deliver."
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