
Yeah i'm OCD when it comes to clean and taste.

Just received my package from Arizer! 70mm plastic tip stems, that have bigger hole size than the 60mm, it's the same hole size as the 70mm all glass. I also received the long straight (same hole size as 60mm, tiny), and the long curved (same hole size as 70mm, bigger). All stems fit the Air perfectly, except one of the 70mm plastic tipped is a bit loose.

Can't wait for the PV 18mm regular gong to get in stock so I can mate it with glass!

Bingo Bango

Well-Known Member
Have also joined the Air club :rockon:

Vapefiend great as usual for me (for those in the uk).

Have had a couple of bowls using a just arrived vortex stem from planetvape - great first experience of the air, noticed the top gets hot.


Just bad luck all around... This is for one of my PVHES stems....

What? That's ridiculous! No way on earth to prove intended usage before the fact. Unless PV has been targeted by the postal service? This reeks!

Actually, looks like PV's U.S. warehouse was raided, if that's what Peace Bridge in Buffalo indeed is.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I just ordered 2 Vortex stems from PV and some caps and it's already been processed through the Canadian Post Office, I actually paid extra for tracking this time. I bought yesterday afternoon.

I see it says March 17th that the incident with the seizure happened.

I've gotten several mouthpieces and accessories through them and have never had any problems with customs. That's something new, I've never heard of anything like that? That's pretty scary. You shouldn't have any trouble getting that back, I wouldn't think.

It seems like they would have a lot of more important things that they need to be worried about.

@WoodVillain sorry for the troubles. It should have been described as an aroma tube, not a smoking device. A word to the wise.
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Backwoods Rated
Sorry i didnt fully explain,

thats just the customs warehouse, not a warehouse for PV.

And this package was not shipped by PV directly. This is coming from a person in Canada that i personally know in real life. So maybe he didnt label it right or something i dunno... But this is of no fault of Planetvape.

Also Purolator was used not Canada Air... Which is probably the main problem.....

Still, the stem is brand new and has never been used at all by the "previous buyer" so there should still not be any issues shipping it....

Just bad luck..... He shipped me 2 stems, separately, 1 week apart. Both brand new. He doesnt vape or combust anything. He was just doing me a favor... But now they are likely to seize both of them. And im out close to 100 bucks on stems and shipping fees.


Backwoods Rated
@WoodVillain: O, that is bad luck.

Yea, and after a hard day made it even worse news too LOL.... But oh well, `tis life.

Had extensive oral surgery earlier today and cant be sucking on the Air for a few days...... Imma miss it :(

I did rig the EQ to a CPR mask and thats working pretty good... It took me a couple sessions to get used to the vapor passing through my nose though. My eyes watered pretty good at first, but slowing the fan down from 3 to 2 stopped that for the most part.

Shiba Inus are gorgeous!! Very smart too!! Great name lol. Is yours male Or female? Looks like the new poster child for the Air! I Would like your dog better than many peoole too!!

Sorry i missed this before, i guess my eyes just skipped over it.... Neko is a male, 16 months old come Friday and 24 pounds on the dot! He is definitely smart... too smart for his own good a lot of times. But very stubborn. He will NOT obey my wife or kids because they are not strong willed and consistent enough with him.

He learned the basic come, sit, shake, and stand up in about 30 minutes when he was only around 14 weeks old using treats, and would do it every single time without fail for a treat... but it took me another 2-3 months of working with him a LOT to get him to do all that even when i DONT have a treat... Smart but stubborn. Now a days he does what i say regardless of a treat... But the wife and kids still have to bribe him just to get him to come to them LOL

I wont be using my Air for a couple days... But ill live vicariously through you guys until i can get back at it!!


The Professor
Got my air in today and having just broken it in I am an official Air Head. So far I have charged the battery to full, given it a single cycle on red to burn in, packed a stem about half way (finger grind) with some nice Tangie (I find this hybrid to reduce my wrist pain but still allow me to be mentally productive).

Then hit it on blue for 2 or 3 minutes and then shut it down.

I am impressed with the effect of just that short session and very impressed with the flavor and vapor. I have primarily been vaping oils for the last 3 years, and using a Bender and Firefly for occasional flower use. I have been thinking lately that I missed flower, but the Bender and Firefly (while both great vapes) I always seem to combust a little with them. I get impatient and generally hold the heat too long on those other two vapes so I do really like just being able to hold the Air and toke as I feel like it.

Time to move up to white I think...

[EDIT] Did white then green on the same bowl. Didn't get much from it but only at the end of the session did I think to press the stem and sure enough there was probably a couple millimeters of gap. So I repacked and did another full session on green and now it is time for bed.

Things I have learned:
- Stems get really f'ing hot. Do not pick it up from the glass when hot. (Yes I know that has been mentioned, some things need to be experienced first hand to make an impression on me).
- With stem all the way in I could not draw fast enough to make the heater activate on B,W, or G (didn't try O or R).
- Draw could be a bit looser for my tastes, will probably go with an PVHE stem (but not a turbo).
- I am happy I already ordered those domed screens everyone (who is anyone) raves about.
- Vapor from the stem with mouthpiece (need to check length) is quite hot for my tastes.
- Need to be careful not to overdo it.
- No combustion!!
- Randy at PUI is great, sent me a nice grinder and a Jayarz freebies!

First impression = :love:
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That's so weird regarding customs...I have sent soooo many used pieces of vaporizer accessories, glass, etc. from canada to usa without any issues ever. Some of this stuff had to have some resin deep inside. may have to rethink international classifieds...may not be worth it.


Well-Known Member
What's the deal with the dome screens? I've heard them mentioned but what's the benefit and where to buy?


Well-Known Member
So the material doesn't touch the base of the glass stem? Instead, the domed screen lifts the material away reducing the bowl size but improving other aspects?

What size to order from eBay?


Well-Known Member
Hello arizer air thread

I'm new to this thread (have lurked a little) but not to the forum.

Sold my solo last week and I am now a arizer air owner. Just got confirmation from royal mail my air has been delivered to a neighbour.
Can't wait to get home from work to try it out.
Solo has been my only other portable.

Ordered from vape fiend with easy flow short and long stems and easy flow gong as well what was included.
Gonna put it through its paces tonight.

Have been looking at screens and reducers etc for the air stem. On ebay uk there's a seller with these acrylic button looking things that reduce the bowl size was going to ask if there are worth entertaining.

I have an e nano so have basket screens kicking about. Will they fit and improve proformance/efficency?


Well-Known Member
I am a bit confused about the screens to reduce the bowl size.

As a Solo owner for the last two years I find the best way to not have any medicine come in direct contact with the heater is to use my pinkie and push the herb inside the stem.

If anyone has larger fingers than me, I suggest something to tamp down the herbs. I have no need for a screen between the cannabis and the bottom.

By controlling the amount of medicine in the stem you can make any stem into a "shorty"
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Cloud Transcender
I received my my planet vape 14mm gong yesterday!
They sent me some Canadian Ruffles as packing material. :haw:


The four finger nubs help to ease the release of the glass on glass seal, and stop it from rolling off your desk.


It came with a screen but didn't bother using it because this is going to go through water.

Time to get into orbit with the air


Much better air flow than the two stock stems due to the 6 grooves added around the edge. Will have to order another.

Only complaint with this vaporizer so far are the lack of glass offerings and getting a bunch of plant matter stuck in your teeth. If people ask just tell them its broccoli.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
@Ratm22 You can use a more medium grind with your herb that might help with the flakes in the mouth. Or choose to use a screen.

Here's some awesome screens. FCer @Sinclue came up with this gem.

Found a new screen to try in the stems...pre-formed bowls/domes that fit perfectly in the Air/Solo stems:

Not the cheapest screen, but the fit is great and you can buy in larger quantities for a lower unit cost.

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Well-Known Member
@Deano, al bundy posted screen size on page 169.

I don't use the domed screens simply as i have a draw full given by my LHS, i cut them to the outer diameter of stem then dome very slightly and put so that it is close to the 4 holes in the glass but so the dome leaves a gap between screen and holes, this doesn't really reduce bowl size much but IMO gives better/even flow through load and stops all that broccoli in your mouth.

And to stop material touching oven as mentioned here lots, just take first couple hits holding air upside down (hamster style) i do this and my oven is still as clean as day one.
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Simple Man

Simple Pleasures
Just ordered a vortex stem for the Air. Excited about the all glass, cool vapor possibilities.

They say 7 to 10 business days for shipping. Is that accurate? How long have orders been taking to the USA?
Simple Man,
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Well-Known Member
Just ordered a vortex stem for the Air. Excited about the all glass, cool vapor possibilities.

They say 7 to 10 business days for shipping. Is that accurate? How long have orders been taking to the USA?

Ordered my Vortex on March 14th. Just came in today March 24th. ( no bag of chips :( )

I'm in New York.
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