Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
This was just a play bite, and there was no aggression. In fact, there was no reaction at all. It was hilarious to watch. The bite happened after several minutes of being ignored, but that didn't even work, and the cat walked away disappointed. :lol:

My cat bites me all the time and I love it. That's because his "bites" are gentle and never hurt. It's just enough to remind me that "I could shred you if I wanted to you know." He never swats with his claws extended either.


Well-Known Member

I bet @Stu would dip his wick in that or at least swallow his noodle.

but I digress,

did I tell mention I have recently starred in a movie playing myself?

I will let you decide who is who or whom? (im not sure which is which, but it doesnt matter as Im not a lesbian or a thespian and for once neither is @Stu )

and for those seeking someone to stick needles (not noodles) in them..................

I havent had any practice doing these things since I used to mainline heroin, but WTF?
like childcare I will give anything a bash!

If you dont mind the ouchies, then Im happy to give it a go!

much love & try to stay healthy you sick fucks.

& @mvapes I would get that discharge looked at.
Nothing that colour can mean 'happy ending' for anyone.
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vapor accessory addict
Melting Pot is probably 'under the knife' right now..... I hope everyone is sending good thoughts and prayers in his direction. @DieHard if you get any updates on his condition, please let us know.

Hope everyone has a fun day today...



And here's a little vid of @dorkus_molorkus showing off his white hot moves last year...

And.. what you've all been waiting for; @Enchantre , @Vicki and me getting into the spirit!


Be safe everyone. :D


vapor accessory addict
Every now and then, as I look around the net for pics to post in the Picture thread, I'll come across one that just... well... that really doesn't fit there. But it's way too good to not share. So this is usually the next stop. Today is no exception. Here's one that grabbed me and had me saying WTF?



Herbal Alchemist
Every now and then, as I look around the net for pics to post in the Picture thread, I'll come across one that just... well... that really doesn't fit there. But it's way too good to not share. So this is usually the next stop. Today is no exception. Here's one that grabbed me and had me saying WTF?


Is that literally, "kissing the porcelain god?" :lol:


Oil Painter
Every now and then, as I look around the net for pics to post in the Picture thread, I'll come across one that just... well... that really doesn't fit there. But it's way too good to not share. So this is usually the next stop. Today is no exception. Here's one that grabbed me and had me saying WTF?

I HOPE that this is actually a target... using a "kiss" to be "different"... but a target for guys.

It needs to be off-centered. But stick a target INSIDE the bowl, and "splash" is no more...


vapor accessory addict
A lot of people wonder how @dorkus_molorkus got the way he is today. Well.. there's really no mystery to it at all. He was born this way.


As he grew, the writing was on the wall. His mum got a bit worried... too many 'why' questions.


He went through some awkward teen years...


But it wasn't until he was in his 20's that things got really weird.. It was then that he found his true calling.


It will be interesting to see how he ages. I figure him to be one of those guys that eventually ends up like this, saying pull my finger... :p



Vapor Sloth
Nothing—but I'm Canadian.
Paka nothing is free, somebody pays for that somewhere. I'm sure @VaporsVaporizer didn't pay her entire bill by cash, although hospitals will negotiate a cash price which is much lower than what they bill insurance companies, but I was guessing about what her summary cost would be to the system. My copay for ER visits is $250 with admittance to hospital extra of course.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
OHIP is funded by what Americans call a payroll tax. I'm retired so I no longer pay into the system. I took VV to be asking what the bill would be for those services, which for me would be nothing. If the visit resulted in prescriptions, I would pay $4.11 dispensing fee for each. The drugs would be paid for by the province because I'm over 65. Even if I had to pay for the visit out of my own pocket, the bill would be much lower than hers because Canadian hospitals are not run for profit.
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