I just spoke with a good friend on the phone. He has a similar situation to me and is about my age as well. He's going through a rough time. His wife is having a difficult time relating to his issues and rightfully so, at our age there's not a lot of people who can understand what we go through.
My wife not only had but is still having a tough time coping, relating, or even fucking accepting my illness.
It was hard for me to understand how she could be such a douche but eventually I got it. She didn't sign up for this shit. No one wakes up one day as a kid and says, "I hope I marry someone with a disability someday". I mean that till death do you part shit has some loop holes.
Now, I'm not defending anyone here. I'm saying that my buddy, along with anyone else who has this kibd of issue that your not alone. Marriage is work, it takes effort just like anything else in life thats worth while. It's all going to play out in the end. It always does. It may not work the way you want it as of right now but I promise, it all falls into place.
And by the way, I was taught most of this by a very, very, very, very old wise woman. Almost as old as lwein.