You don't have to eat "so much meat"... the key to paleo/primal is listening to your body... what bugs it?
Remove all common irritants for 30 days, then add back, one at a time, for a few days, and see what happens. If you trip over something that your body reacts to badly, then you have your answer.
For me, it is gluten, any form of dairy except butter, and dried fruit. Yep, raisins are my nemesis. plus prunes, dried apricots, goji berries!, ... and I love them all. With yogurt. and granola. Go figure....
I've also been practically inhaling cannabis (wait. what?) orally (again, wait, what?)... I get RSO from my grower, plus fresh leaves to put in green smoothies, and I'm doing more medicated edibles myself. My symptoms of inflammation are dropping along with the weight.
BTW, I eat a LOT. Fruit, veggies, heck, we just had GF waffles for breakfast!, it was tacos last night! But, without the grains/sugars, I never get "munchies"... I can go all fucking day without any "blood sugar" issues (no crabbiness!), and I've gotten very quick at recognizing "reactive" items.
I still suck at restaurant ordering... I hate missing things I should have specified.. and I HATE being "that customer" that is so picky...
Back when I was in my 30s, I dropped 60 lbs just by moving all breads out of my diet (not quite "low carb" but I was not cooking for someone who demanded bread...) over about a year's time. That should have been a clue to me, but I missed it, and went back into "whole grain living" when I remarried... put that 60 PLUS another 50 on top. And never felt like I could ever eat enough to feel satisfied. I was always hungry and depriving myself. PLUS a membership at the YMCA with 90 minutes of pounding the treadmill every morning.
Depriving yourself will NEVER work. I have decades of experience here.