Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO


Vapor concierge
I use the dry tube when I want flavor or am lying in bed. I use the water any other time, or when I am sensitive to not wanting to cough much the next morning.
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Hello all, looking for some guidance just have a couple of questions . Was looking in to getting a reliable,efficient and powerful desktop unit for daily use; Was directed towards this particular vape after I expressed interested in the Volcano.

what is the least amount of dry herb that can be put in the Cloud ? I saw someone post a session with 0.2 g's used with decent vapor quality , assuming it is between that and 0.5 g's.

Anybody use the Cloud with the standard glass mouthpiece ? If so does it take anything away from the vapor quality as opposed to using water filtration ?Thanks appreciate the advice given.

I don't know the actual weight, but I'm able to get relatively blazed by just barely coating the bottom of an ELB with material. So I would say yes, this is a great vape if you only want to use a little at a time. It works fine for large amounts too, but there's some degree of diminishing returns (like any vape or combustion device) as you put more in.
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Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
Hello all, looking for some guidance just have a couple of questions . Was looking in to getting a reliable,efficient and powerful desktop unit for daily use; Was directed towards this particular vape after I expressed interested in the Volcano.

what is the least amount of dry herb that can be put in the Cloud ? I saw someone post a session with 0.2 g's used with decent vapor quality , assuming it is between that and 0.5 g's.

I don't scale out my hits, but for me the EVO excels at Vaping small amounts. I typically pack my ELBs to 60% full because, well, I love weed. But when I want a quick jolt like say, before a workout, I use just a small pinch--perhaps 20% of an ELB. I can get full extraction quickly with no stirring or fuss. It's an uber-efficient vape.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, looking for some guidance just have a couple of questions . Was looking in to getting a reliable,efficient and powerful desktop unit for daily use; Was directed towards this particular vape after I expressed interested in the Volcano.

what is the least amount of dry herb that can be put in the Cloud ? I saw someone post a session with 0.2 g's used with decent vapor quality , assuming it is between that and 0.5 g's.

Anybody use the Cloud with the standard glass mouthpiece ? If so does it take anything away from the vapor quality as opposed to using water filtration ?Thanks appreciate the advice given.
I usually put .1-.2 in and take a few drags. I can fit .5 if I really tried and was passing it around with people.
I also used the dry mouthpiece for the first month before I got a water tube and it still was wonderful, just imo is better through water.
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I don't know if this has been posted before. But does the bamboo on the unit need to be cleaned at all

Mine is Browning and don't know if it needs to be cleaned or have any idea on how to clean it if it did

Any advice or tips will be great. I love taking hits on clean glass and Elbs. Just was wondering if a clean bamboo will have a similar effect.


Well-Known Member
Anyone got insight on dabbin out the evo? Is regular glass fine or quartz nail better? Can anyone compare to dabbin off a banger?


Well-Known Member
I want to get the Honeycomb Hydratube but I have the Devastator and it might be too wide at its base. Is the Honeycomb Hydratube the same diameter at its base as the Evolver Hydratree. The picture on the website do not help in this situation.


Well-Known Member
And my Vape went kamikaze killer mode again, after just getting it back from repair a month ago :( look away, look back, the bamboo had been heated to such a level it got orange hot and melted the glass. absolutely no breaks in glass or dropping either, remember doing an air test and the bamboo was perfectly sealed. Thank god I didn't leave the room, just smoking burnt plastic haha. Hoping they get back to my support ticket soon, getting a tad saddening.

Dr. Plutonious

Well-Known Member
Has anyone here with the hydrafoot/ hydrabase gotten joint lock?

I have the standard mouth piece on my hydrafoot right now and I can't get it off for the life of me. I think water got in the joint. Anyone have any suggestions?
Dr. Plutonious,


Staff member
Has anyone here with the hydrafoot/ hydrabase gotten joint lock?

I have the standard mouth piece on my hydrafoot right now and I can't get it off for the life of me. I think water got in the joint. Anyone have any suggestions?
I would try applying a torch lighter to the base of the mouth piece to see if it will expand a little to allow for safe removal. The only time I've had a real bad joint lock up on me, a little bit of iso alcohol dribbled into the joint did the trick for me. :2c:



Well-Known Member
Has anyone here with the hydrafoot/ hydrabase gotten joint lock?

I have the standard mouth piece on my hydrafoot right now and I can't get it off for the life of me. I think water got in the joint. Anyone have any suggestions?

I’ve never encountered a total lock-up, so I don’t have any suggestions on how to free that up…

But I have a similar problem. Every time I put my HT on the hydrafoot – it locks on tight. So when I pick up the HT I find myself waving the HF around in the air, hanging from the bottom. This worries me -since my table is glass and I have an abnormal fear of picking broken glass out of my feet.

A year ago in this thread, someone suggested wrapping the base of the HF with a pipe cleaner or thick rubber bands to prevent this. I just bought a bunch of silicone O-rings & they work as well, but you need to stack two of them.


But I had to buy a pack of 25, so I have some to spare. If anyone would like a few- send me a PM & I'll mail them off.



Apostle, Church of Vaporization
I've had the same problem with my Hydrafoot and Hydraline, too. I have a lube but don't like to use it because I don't want any to transfer to the EVO joint. I've ended up just using the foot for shelf storage of an HT, most of the time I use one of those stands made/sold by another member here - with its wood base it's more stable anyway. And the HT lifts off it much more easily, which is safer during session. :2c:


Darth Vapor
Cleaned a few of my smaller glass pieces and busted out a new and unused EZB. I am currently soaking the other 20 or so old ones i got over the last 3 or 4 years. How long has it been since the original vxc beta?

Anyway. Got to love fresh ezb and glass with some tasty herb in the Evo. Cheers all.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I am here to give EVO the crown of A big hitter given the results of the device and the customer service as well.

I am an IGG early bird 220V and the company and the device keeps all theirs promises. ELb technology enjoyable too!

VXNail is just really astonishing in the results.

3PM and letting the almost no drag airflow modulate the temperature.
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