Sorry if I offend any users with this post.
I've come to the conclusion the Lily is a harsh hitter after some time with this vape. Since I have had a Lily I have grown to dislike the vapor's heat and harshness. One other thing I dislike quite a bit is the fidgety o-ring that secures the mouthpiece. I am always having to fuck with it — it's not for me the more I use it. If I can't find a solution that moderates the Lily's harsh draw and if can't get used to the fidgety mouthpiece o-ring I am going to retire her early. Just a day in the life of a vaper I guess.
We can't have the same feelings for every vape and the Daisy is wonderful and practically my daily driver. When it comes to using the Lily or the Daisy I'm grabbing the Daisy everytime.
I feel the same about my's so sad. Only had it a few days, but finding myself not wanting to use it already. It's not what I was hoping! I stayed optimistic over several bowls, and gave it as big a chance as I could. For the honeymoon phase to be over this fast, I'm pretty disappointed. Not like this thing was cheap...
It lacks the flavor of many of my other portables, and the vapor is very harsh. I can't even tell if I'm vaping top shelf or shake as far as flavor. I can't get it to vape evenly either, no matter how hard I try...there's always a black spot amongst the greens after each rip. And if I turn the flame down just a tad, I get no vapor at all. If I increase my draw speed, it can never be fast enough to avoid this charring.
The tweezers are also VERY necessary to have at all times (that periscope does not cool fast), and it's one more thing you have to worry about in your session with this portable vape.
It's not the smallest, nor is it the most effective. I like the thick clouds and it's design, but I feel I'm about done with this one

Sorry Triihouse, I feel this design could've used some more work before mass production.
Still LOVE my Daisy! And will use it daily