Just a little more food for thought in the form of direct quotes from VaporWizard:
"The mouthpiece gets fairly warm to the lips but like I mentioned above they have developed a plastic guard that goes over the mouthpiece to protect your lips. And it only gets hot with prolonged use (like 6-7 hits). If it's just one person, you only need 3-4 hits and you're good."
And with regards to the feel of the vapor:
"It is a bit warm but not a deal breaker. It's a much shorter vapor path. Good thing is that it doesn't take too many hits to be completely medicated."
As for operating time, load size & vapor production:
"I was able to get 4 bowls in with about .2-.25 grams per session. Vapor quality was similar to that of the Pax. Production on the other hand was HUGE. I can take the biggest rip off the Grasshopper without any drop in temp. It was much like the Firefly and I would even compare it to a desktop with vapor production."
And build quality . . .
". . .is above and beyond any vape currently on the market. I watched Matt play with the Grasshopper at breakfast this morning quickly followed by dropper it off the table and directly on the floor... solid 4 feet. Picked it up, turned it on.. ready to go. It's like the V2 with an extra cm or 2 of thickness. It feels really nice in the hands and will definitely last."
So, early conclusions?
"I feel like if you need absolute discretion and want to get medicated as quickly as possible then yes, this is my daily driver. It's so small and literally looks exactly like a pen."
Very interestings!
& yep,
@Gregori your invoice should still be there if you log in & go to 'Account' & then 'Order Status' - then click on the line with your order in it & your invoice will be displayed. I'm not sure I recall seeing an actual 'View Invoice' button.