LOL That is Exactly what happened. My very first session with my new Haze got me so
Heavily Medicated!

I was so happy and couldn't wait to let you guys know how it went. But I was too Baked to do anything about it. All Night, LOL.
Seriously, I love

this freaking thing! I haven't been able to get this heavily medicated in a long time, Had that constant Grin from ear to ear thing going on. Was sitting on my couch watching TV and my body kept rocking like I was jamming to music. So I turned on some tunes and started dancing around, LOL I had a Blast! Felt so good and so happy!
The Haze designers are Geniuses!
The Ergonomics are great, making it easy to hold and operate.
The Mouthpiece and easy air-flow make it incredibly easy for me to draw big satisfying hits from resulting to a desired medicated state. Which I was not achieving from other devices.
I find the spoon scooper built into the tweezers so convenient.
The Midnight Blue Color looks really nice and masculine. Beautiful!
I enjoy using the cans the most so far with dry herb, tho still experimenting.
I notice a more mellow high with the Conduction screen and more of a throat hit similar to smoking a cigarette. Nice to have alternatives for different occasions.
I did notice dried herb coming up through the Mouthpiece to the back of my throat at first. My herb had been ground too fine. Almost powdery from using the metal grinder that came with my old wooden Magic Flight Box. So I found not grinding the herb too fine works best with the Haze. Problem Solved!
This thing is so user-friendly and convenient. It is Perfect, a God Send!
I truly believe so much Good Karma is coming for the Folks at Haze for touching and improving our lives in such a Beautiful way. Thank You so very much, Haze!
So I am very excited as I can see this Haze Vaporizer really changing my life for the better!
So again, I want to thank all of you here at FuckCombustion for sharing your experiences as that is why I chose to purchase the Haze in the first place! I owe it to you.

Unfortunately, I must have received a Defective Unit. The chamber on the Right the lights just keep flashing no matter what temperature setting. I even switched batteries with no luck. The lights never quit flashing and the chamber seems to reach the highest heat setting even when set at lowest temperature.
The Left chamber is working PERFECTLY!
So I am really Bummed and Scared I am going to be without the Haze if they require me to return the unit First and have to wait for a replacement to ship back to me.
I was so Happy last night and worried I will be so unhappy soon because I will be unable to reach such a Heavily Medicated state without my Haze. Like taking Candy away from a Baby.

Wow, really worried.
I just sent and email to Haze Support. Could not find a Phone Number for them anywhere. Hope to hear back from them soon. Feeling very Anxious!
Any of you know their Phone Number?
Well wish me luck!