Battery comparison and thoughts: On average as recommended by Haze, is that a person take the battery out once you see the red light. This is done to prolong the life of the battery and also not to deplete is completely. This leaves about a 25% charge.
Original Battery - The average charge time for my standard Haze batteries is 6 hours 20 minutes. Heat up time to reach level 4 from a cold start is around 90 seconds. The battery lasts on average at temperature setting 4 about 45 minutes.
XL Battery - The average charge time for the XL Battery is 6 hours 40 minutes. Heat up time from a cold start to temperature level 4 takes around 70 seconds. The battery while being used at level 4 temp lasts on average 65 minutes.
I eventually plan on sitting down and going through the various temp setting to see if the charge time is extended while only using lower temps as a constant. My guess is it maybe will give a person a little more time but only by a few minutes if any.
I have also noticed when the original batteries start to get low that if you slide the door open and closed that the original batteries will give away another sign that they are getting low before you see the light turn/red while using the unit. When you go to slide the battery door closed keep an eye on the lights, you can see the lights flicker on the unit for a split second and can see it flicker red when they get low. Just a time saver if you keep yours eyes peeled.
I am very pleased with both of the batteries that
@Haze Vaporizers has to offer. For one as a consumer having choices makes buying even better. The build quality of the batteries is very good in my opinion too. I have dropped a few and then some and they sustained no damage and had no issues. I am in no way saying these batteries are built to be beat up on, just know that for the most part they can handle some hits.
I also like the fact the Haze takes the time to add a graphic on the Batteries. Of course this does not do anything but I like the fact that it is not just some red or yellow colored jacket around the battery. I also noticed that positive node on the XL battery is noticeably larger and that the XL's seem to make for an even more secure fit when placed in my Haze unit compared to the OG version.
Advice/suggestions: It all comes down to how you use your Haze. In my case it has become more of an all around instead of strictly while I'm on the go. I prefer having multiple batteries for a few reasons. First, having more batteries in rotation will give me a longer life out of each one because it is not being depleted as much thus taking longer to finally fizzle out. Standard or XL, I plan on getting more XL's because I travel to places where the temperatures get down right nasty cold and the XL from my testing heats up a bit faster and time is important when you are in the cold.
If I was still strictly only using my Haze when I was away from Home and on the go the standard batteries are more than sufficient for the job and are very reliable. I however have changed my Haze usage (use it like a mad man) and want the added power/charge so purchasing more XL's are in the near future.
Enjoy your week all and as always cheers!
The question: Is anyone using a similar material and do you have some suggestions on how to fill the cans without making a mess of things?
When working with the sticky/honey/goo/oil to stay clean and mess free I get a nice dab on the tool I'm using and then heat up the tool above the dab. This in turn transfers the heat throughout your dab tool thus warming your material enough for it to slide/come off into your cans. Just get some pliers to hold your tool or some gloves so you don't get burned from the hot metal.

I do hope this helps you a bit and it is great to hear that you are enjoying your Haze & welcome to the family.