Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci


Well-Known Member
Hi Ratchett,

I am planning to make a purchase from your site because all the tools you make are great and cost effective, especially the charging deck for the ascent (I can't load with one hand and this will be a great way to pack). The one thing I want is the ability to vape concentrates with this device other than using an herb sandwich. That was one of the two reasons why I purchased this, the other being the glass air path.

I feel like I have to buy everything from your store, other than the Indica accessories since I don't own one. I like the tool used to pat down the material (I currently use wooden chopsticks but yours is obviously much nicer).

So if I could ask ascent or yourself to find a way to vape oils without herbs, cotton, or ss. Thanks

i thought it came w some type of oil jars??.
at one point i had some interest in this thing because of that!
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Well-Known Member
i thought it came w some type of oil jars??.
at one point i had some interest in this thing because of that!

Save your money, or at least rethink your plans. I don't think anyone has managed to make them work at all well. OTOH there are alternatives........



Well-Known Member
Save your money, or at least rethink your plans. I don't think anyone has managed to make them work at all well. OTOH there are alternatives........

Hi OF,

what are some of your favorite ways to vaporize concentrates?
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Accusing another member of "line bs" breaks our Be Nice rule. Warning point issued.
This new unit ill never need to evry thing roast evennnot evenntamping it down And wtf. Now you anoyed with lil bit back evey one was up in arms how amazing it is poping flowers. See told flowers Bad dont advise new users to use um the get jamed in to the bowl gasket 2 they wedge crack and scrape as you open a boloody spacer is not rocket sience and lil bit back davince said they bee here from china really soon. Must of beennline bs tonshut pple up. ? Hell use the mold for the cans with few lil holes like the stem make it half as thick as the cans. Oh and a slit like the jar lidsnto remove space. Mooad finishe dump it pop space in and off you go fits in you bowl for storage. I use my oil jars for oil works fine i just pop dabs in leave the lids off bigger clouds than with dry herb


Well-Known Member
Hi OF,

what are some of your favorite ways to vaporize concentrates?
Lots to pick from.

Cera EO, hands down champ. Revolution/DART (EO's predecessors) lead the 'e-cig like' load as you go carts. This group includes KISS and (currently for me) several of the offerings from VB (ceramic cores and Titanium coils for those who want to try......I'm not convinced they're better yet).

I avoid the 'e-cig based junk' (Atmos, Gentleman's and lesser). However I'm still a big fan of Omicron carts since they can hold and meter out many hundred hits, but take the right concentrate and learned skill to use.

I also mix oils and waxes in with cured herb and add it to loads in many vapes (Iolite, Solo and VB2 come to mind).

I don't do dabs, but many do.

Lots of options, pour another cup and get reading........




Well-Known Member
I don't see how these flowers gets stuck or break or even scratch the bowl? I pay attention when I load it so it isn't packed too tight and so they don't stick up out of the bowl.

Agreed. For such a dangerous trap lots of folks seem to use them, find them successful, and recommend them.

I get it that some aren't willing (or able) to take due care. They should avoid such things (not every new user to come along......). I recommended them because I found them quite effective at delivering thicker hits, and continue to do so for the same reason.



some times mine i like a full pack tho this unit gets non of that. On this one ive been putting the lid from the glass can. On top of my load and keeps the grunge off the upper seal so it dont wear down again Only use for the lids other than sit in the bottom of the box
Nice glass one be awson to just toss ontp yer load

My other unit too was roasting stuff dark dark brown. And at 390 start to burn kind of black. This one come golden till ia hit till above 400 tasted like pop corn any temp i had set it Even my bowl the other one was prety slanted away from hidge this one sits perfect My stem is flush with upper gaske other one was ressed in

Wonder if planet vape can make a spacer maybe even better tighter stems the lower stem a lil longer also to when upper is pushed in the lower is lvl will lower the amout of vacume between the lower stem crack going to the tunnel only reason i can tell with this unit is the electronic flavor sinse i swabed inside the tunle to get rid of residu
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Well-Known Member
Third Ascent seems to working ok. Not getting the clouds I was from the last one but am getting medicated. Think I'll go get some glass flowers to try today. See if it ups the clouds. Thanks for all the great tips everyone!
@Ratchett Would love to get some of your products after this one has been put it's paces successfully


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
The glass pipe screens off Amazon or wherever you can find them is always worth try. I think they are around $10. Most folks find them useful. I lose or break them easily so if you find that you like them, buy them in bulk.

The Ascent keeps on giving in the flavor department. Being able to dial in your exact temp is a very nice feature. Some folks program a series of temperatures that they prefer, you can program 3 seperate temps.


Well-Known Member
The gasket on the top half is flat that lil raise edge is almost flat only prob I've had in almost a year and it get used at least 5+ times a day I get dizzy a lot

Might wanna try not using top-off ss screens which can easily chew

up gaskets :argh:
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Well-Known Member
Lots to pick from.

Cera EO, hands down champ. Revolution/DART (EO's predecessors) lead the 'e-cig like' load as you go carts. This group includes KISS and (currently for me) several of the offerings from VB (ceramic cores and Titanium coils for those who want to try......I'm not convinced they're better yet).

I avoid the 'e-cig based junk' (Atmos, Gentleman's and lesser). However I'm still a big fan of Omicron carts since they can hold and meter out many hundred hits, but take the right concentrate and learned skill to use.

I also mix oils and waxes in with cured herb and add it to loads in many vapes (Iolite, Solo and VB2 come to mind).

I don't do dabs, but many do.

Lots of options, pour another cup and get reading........



Not to take this thread off topic, but OF, have you found yourself re-thinking your Cera/Rev usage since the company went down? I'm in the same position as you, with a Cera EO and Rev, and I find myself using them more judiciously, as well as filling them only with good oil and sometimes wax. I want to continue enjoying these devices as long as possible.
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Well-Known Member
Not to take this thread off topic, but OF, have you found yourself re-thinking your Cera/Rev usage since the company went down? I'm in the same position as you, with a Cera EO and Rev, and I find myself using them more judiciously, as well as filling them only with good oil and sometimes wax. I want to continue enjoying these devices as long as possible.

No. Like you I continue to enjoy them sparingly and with top shelf oil (herb or bubble in Cera LL of course, no worries about quality). I wish I could use them more routinely, but perhaps that means I enjoy the more when I do break them out?

I found that vapes like Ascent can come very close to that level of performance (with herb) and IMO take less fussing to do it. That is their 'casual use' performance might not be absolutely 'top of the heap', it's awfully close. Close enough, I think, for routine use.

Finding useful substitutes for EO and Revolution/DART is not as easy. I'm a fan of several of the Vapor Brothers carts (both Dabbler vape and some of the ceramic core carts) as well as KISS. I'm not sold on Titanium coils, but you can try that as well. Not the same league as the TV stuff I think, but again close enough for most uses?

I think it was the demise of Cera LL that probably got me to reconsider Ascent, ironic as that is? Early on Nigel loaned one for testing (lead to the glass flowers idea after temperature measurments showed how it handled heat). While impressed, with Cera standing by I didn't buy an Ascent of my own after that......not the smartest call I made that year......



Well-Known Member
Not to take this thread off topic, but OF, have you found yourself re-thinking your Cera/Rev usage since the company went down? I'm in the same position as you, with a Cera EO and Rev, and I find myself using them more judiciously, as well as filling them only with good oil and sometimes wax. I want to continue enjoying these devices as long as possible.
Something new will probably pop up in the near future and will be better by the time your Thermovape goes down
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Well-Known Member
Something new will probably pop up in the near future and will be better by the time your Thermovape goes down

Absolutely. We've seen that already. Excellent vapes coming 'all the time' these days. The issue for many is is it superior? And for some of us it's also kind of a classic. Some of us own old sports cars that can't hold a candle to new models performance/feature wise. Or firearms you load black powder in the front end. "Old technology" isn't always inferior to all owners.

Since I have some redundancy in the area, I expect to not kill all of my TV stuff. I'm happy with trading routine use today for high probably it'll be there for special occasions. Security of a sort. Lucky for me alternatives like Ascent lessen the urge to put hours on Cera.



Well-Known Member
Third Ascent seems to working ok. Not getting the clouds I was from the last one but am getting medicated. Think I'll go get some glass flowers to try today. See if it ups the clouds. Thanks for all the great tips everyone!
@Ratchett Would love to get some of your products after this one has been put it's paces successfully

Sometimes ,esp towards end of load ,it may be necessary to get good *cloud

coverage by extending ( ie., doubling ) slow ,easy draw time ,and "extra pull

emphasis" @ end :nod:

Psst*... Suggest pre-setting temp @ max 430 ; after 1st cloudburst ,work temp

down -10, -15 degrees ,and repeat 'til weak vapor is produced :tup:
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Well-Known Member
Good point, and very important to remember to give it plenty of time to recover heat between hits. As the load gets depleted I think this becomes even more important?


Agreed ,heat recovery is mandatory ,but one will have less time to wait if next

stop down is pre-set ASAP before temp has chance to drop to new temp ,while

working off excess heat built from previous higher temp
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Well-Known Member
Trying to figure out how to post pics. I'm having huge resin build up and notice that the top and bottom of the unit don't line up completely. Getting me nicely toasted though. Is ISO safe on the silicone gaskets? Think I'll have to clean it every other day lol


Clean First Technology
Welcome to the forum!

Yeah, this is a known software glitch - the unit will still heat up to 402F, even if the screen display does not update (I did extensive testing on this to confirm it was a bug in the display. The same issue happens between 200 and 204C) - every Ascent has this issue

Check the silicone seals - one of them is probably out of alignment around the oven - causing it to unseat. Or your inner glass stem is not fully inserted into the vape.

My only recommendation is to check the model /serial number of your Ascent - You're golden if it starts with 2AA1. If you have a 1AA1 model, I personally would try to exchange for a newer unit (some may disagree, but there seem to be reliability issues with many 1AA1 units)
The one I have here in China is doing it. I am sitting with our electrical engineer showing him and discussing a bug fix as I type. News soon :)
Also talked with the US team and the spacers were freight shipped on a boat instead of air shipped so it will be another 2-3 weeks before they reach the US. As soon as I have another update on those I will be sure to let you guys know.
So if I could ask ascent or yourself to find a way to vape oils without herbs, cotton, or ss. Thanks

The oil jars are meant for oils and work really well with our EEB's as some members will testify. We would have to implement drastic changes to see a unit capable of holding 500+ degrees for a long period of time. We are working on some new things so please be patient, it is not as simple as a software adjustment as suggested.


Well-Known Member
Thank you OF. See if it works
My apologies for my fumbling.


My first Ascent (which I have named Lucille) aligns the same way. Never caused any trouble for me. Seems to work just fine. Lucille's twin (which I have named Clara) aligns much better, but no real difference between Lucille and Clara in performance.

As for the icky resin build up, that shit does happen! I just scrape and poke until I just find the task too disturbing and give the stems an ISO bath.
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Well-Known Member
My pictures are after four days use. Is this normal? I don't think the alignment is off enough to hinder the air path.

My first Ascent (which I have named Lucille) aligns the same way. Never caused any trouble for me. Seems to work just fine. Lucille's twin (which I have named Clara) aligns much better, but no real difference between Lucille and Clara in performance.

As for the icky resin build up, that shit does happen! I just scrape and poke until I just find the task too disturbing and give the stems an ISO bath.
Thanks! It's like really nice honey oil!
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Well-Known Member
My pictures are after four days use. Is this normal? I don't think the alignment is off enough to hinder the air path.

What would any of us know about being normal?

Such build up usually depends on the herb more than anything else. Usually not well enough cured? The extra water vapor (which of course also condenses) seems to gum things up quickly. In vapes like MFLB (where you can't clean under the screen) this can be critical.

How dry is your herb? As a test, clean it and run a gram or two of very well dried out stuff (grind it and put it in a warm spot for a while).

Good luck with it.

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