i have only smoked a few joints since i got my Q around a year ago. i love the bag and don't ever want to go back to bongs/pipes/papers. i never modified anything and it's on about 14 hours a day.
at first i'd fill the cyclone bowl and do 2 bags but i was getting too high so i started putting around 1/10 of a gram into the cyclone bowl for one good bag of vapor. i use 1/4 tsp spoon to measure it. i have a bunch of bud and coconut cannabis oil but i want it to last me a long time and i wanted to see how little i could put into the bowl and get high.
i found that .07 to .08 of a gram (got to love a digital scale

) gets me one nice bag that gets me as high as i want to be. i was surprised that so little will give 1 nice light cloud of vapor (not that you need to see the vapor to get high) at 375 to 385 degrees. i use the chicken cooking sized bags.
if you don't have a lot of pot, try it. if you have decent pot, i think you'll be surprised at how little you need to get a nice buzz.
i was vaping 1.5 grams a day but i realized that i was getting much more stoned than i wanted to be, so now i'm down to .75 grams a day, i have the buzz i love all day long and my stash will last quite a bit longer.
my only complaint is that the company takes way too long to get stuff to you.
i've broken 1 cyclone bowl and 2 whips so far. i ordered 2 of everything just in case.