The TokeMaster (TM), later renamed the "TobaccoMaster" so it could be sold without being drug paraphernalia

, was THE bong to have if you were a serious pothead in the 80's. It was either this, a ceramic bong (skulls and snakes were popular), a cheap plastic tube with the metal sleeve and rubber grommet (so ghetto!) or you could make your own from a good piece of bamboo. That was pretty much it - on the east coast anyway.
The TM was thick clear acrylic with a red acrylic downstem permanently mounted. Came with a wooden party bowl (in pic below) and a "one-hitter" (a small brass cone shaped bowl), the poker shown (small piece of coathanger) and the blue acrylic stand. After law enforcement started cracking down, the TobaccoMaster also came with a note inside stating this was "For Tobacco Use Only".
Nearly impossible to clean, and worst part was if (when) it got dropped straight down from more than 6 inches the red acrylic downstem would break inside right where it came into the main tube. Was impossible to repair, even to repair well with the separately sold "repair kit". I and others tried many ways to fix, but usually ended up just getting a new one once or twice a year. Imagine our horror when the price went over $50! This was after you drove to the nearest headshop (10 - 50 miles depending on how tight cops were being in your area that year). My how things have changed for the better!!! Sorry to post such an unrelated post here in a glass thread, but thought fun to appreciate how much things have changed and see how they do change so we can look forward to the future.
Pic of TM as sold circa 1988. Bong was clear acrylic all the way to top (which was cut to fit mouth better than clean, straight cut at top). Pic shows instructions/guide inside the tube. Sometimes these would be included just like this, sometimes not. But, once it was a TobaccoMaster, the note about only using for tobacco was ALWAYS in there.
If you really want one - to use or for nostalgia sake - they can still be had for about $70. Think most will find much more enjoyment from 2 Chinese glass pieces for the same $.