My friend bought a Dabbler the other day, after we sat here researching for a couple hours- what I've found is the Dabbler has a glass rod wick made of tons of thin glass strands wrapped in a coil, and runs at a lower temp than the W9 vapes (omicron/persei/8) that use a porous solid cylindrical ceramic element wrapped in a coil on the bottom of the chamber.
Dr. Dabber works similarly to the Omicron but I believe has a different material for the coil and ceramic pieces..
My friend got the Dabbler because it runs at lower temps, and from what I've read (one of @Vitolo 's posts come to mind) it's quite reliable.
These are just my findings, YMMV
Ceramic core is not the old version, it's different from any version the Dabbler employed. It's rougher and not so pretty but it does a better job of wicking than the smoother, prettier Dabbler version. Eleven features a titanium coil while the Dabbler uses a Swedish inconel. The most recent batch of pens we got shipped with metal mouthpieces, not the plastic duckbill ones. I haven't had a chance to update the photos on the site to reflect this.
I'm going to pass the buck onto Vaporbrothers for more specifics about the VB Eleven Pen particularly the microprocessor.
After all this mention of Dr Dabber being lower temperature I want to check it out againNot because I expect it to be great... I know this market by now- Well funded marketing and a beautiful website makes me wonder about the product itself. But Dr Dabber is not cheap, so there has gotta be an extra level of attention put into its manufacture. Here is my only experience with Dr Dabbler firsthand: Messy glass fiber core with a thin wire all bunched together in the middle. They might be better by now.
I think both these pens are an answer to the "vast array of shitty oil vape pens..." (thx @Volteric ) although VB Dabbler's overhead was going through the roof and the other brands like Dr Dabber are catching up fast. That's partly why we are improving Dabbler into a new pen called VB Eleven Pen (VB11)
So, about the VB Eleven, in short it works way better than previous ceramic core heaters, costs less, and has a few awesome USA made glass top accessories to choose from. Ceramic core comes standard; glass fiber wicks are gone!! Titanium wire whatever, it's there. Here are a few points we gave to our stores:
Vaporbrothers® Eleven Pen™
Wickless Ceramic Core
• VB Eleven’s greatest feature! The glass fiber bundle in traditional skillet heaters has been replaced by a rigid ceramic core.
• Typically, ceramic core heaters are slow to heat up and are much less effective at wicking the oils into the hot zone. Common complaints are poor efficiency and wasted material running to the bottom. VB Eleven’s ceramic core is improved in 3 ways:
1) A more porous ceramic draws the oil into the heater better.
2) Larger diameter means more surface area to wick oils.
3) Ceramic core is hollow, improving performance by reducing the amount of mass that needs to heat up.
Titanium Wire Coil
• Titanium is the most requested type of wire, so we gave customers what they asked for.
• VB Eleven’s titanium wire features more wraps than other pens, increasing the heating area and efficiency. <--that's 8 wraps last time I counted
650 mAh USB Pass-through Battery
• 510 Threads allows use with other brands <--no more limitations in the warranty@JustCallMeKush
• Convenient USB pass-through allows vaping while charging. No separate charger to lose.
• 3.8 V at full charge
• Much better quality control than other companies. 100% heated up, 100% charged. <--YES, ALL BATTERIES ARE CHARGED until further notice.
Limited 90 Day / 1 Year Warranty
• Free replacement for the first 90 days from original date of purchase.
• $14 battery replacement from 90 days to one year from date of original purchase.
• Proof of purchase required. <-- if you lose it we understand and usually help you out, shhhh...
• Free replacement for D.O.A. heaters only. Used heaters will not be replaced. Always test new heaters before first use.
All other parts:
• Only defective parts or parts that arrive damaged will be replaced. Misuse, abuse, and "pocket breaks" are not covered by the warranty.
A note about the USA made glass attachments...
This one is my favorite and will be mentioned again as we fill in more options. We put a big hole in the side- not to use as a carb, but to allow airflow to be unrestricted. Personally, I loathe sucking on a cloggy vape pen. With these glass tops, the hits are effortless.
A note about the microprocessor: Dabbler had a custom programmed microprocessor with several of its components swapped out with beefier ones. @smokum @karlmarx13 There's nothing special with the microprocessor this time. It's off the shelf. Coil temperatures are moderate. Works fine.
@JustCallMeKush Inconel seems to last longer than all other coils. It doesn't corrode in bright colors like Titanium, making us think that it's the more inert substance. Titanium is widely accepted yes, although it's still being looked at by us closely to see which Titanium we feel comfortable to use.
Btw @twiz0r we can send you a plastic mouthpiece any day. Do you not like the hard metal? We were getting too many people thinking the plastic was cheap, and not as easy to wipe clean when you're handing the pen around a group. Hence, metal. The look is really clean and awesome with the metal.
@Volteric I think your questions have been answered. The only way to really find out whether the taste is superior to a gpen (which is a subjective thing) is to try it yourself.
Hey volteric,
What do you think the next step in wax pens. I am hoping they go the way of the ceramic donut for flavor. I think the problem is the lack of clouds. What do you think the next innovations are?
I keep buying these pens with ceramic cores wrapped in ti gr2 wires. It works but is messy, not efficient (lose a lot of product on the sides), and requires a lot of maintenance.
What's the answer to: is the Eleven intended to be a direct competitor to the Dr Dabber ? Or is the Dabbler or both? How are they different and similar? Was Vapor Bros experience with an actual Dr Dabber with the coil I attached or something earlier? And no I will not buy both of them to find out. That's the value of FC. To ask questions of manufactures and users to form an educated decision. All of my questions remain unanswered.
We have a rule that limits what @vaporbrothers can post:
It is extremely difficult to answer all of your questions without breaking that rule, so some of them will have to stay unanswered.
- Don’t post about any product you don’t make unless it’s a 100% positive post.
Thank you. That makes more sense. I would say his implication that his experience with a Dr Dabber was a glassy fiber with wire bunched up in the middle unwarranted then.
We have a rule that limits what @vaporbrothers can post:
It is extremely difficult to answer all of your questions without breaking that rule, so some of them will have to stay unanswered.
- Don’t post about any product you don’t make unless it’s a 100% positive post.
Apologize, @pakalolo, and thank you for getting me out of the question.
@Volteric has asked a bunch of questions that are really juicy and ripe for answer, although I'm gathering them from multiple posts. Hope I caught them all. And keeping in mind the manufacturer rules. Here are questions & comments so far:
What's the answer to: is the Eleven intended to be a direct competitor to the Dr Dabber ? Or is the Dabbler or both?
-Eleven was intended to be the successor to VB Dabbler. I think all 510 type pens compete with each other, although we all derive from previous stuff.
How are they different and similar?
-Similar- Ego type 510 battery, similar skillet style, titanium wire (i don't know the grade difference yet), similar warranty terms VB11 to Dr Dabber
-Different- VB11/Dabbler are pass-through USB batteries, VB11 comes with a new type of ceramic core, Dabbler warranty has extra terms.
Was Vapor Bros experience with an actual Dr Dabber with the coil I attached or something earlier?
-Actual pen at a trade show last year + pictures off Dr D site.
your previous model the Dabbler is not as good in comparison?
-Dabbler is amazingly good, almost too much effort and redundancy put into an ordinary looking pen. A lot of what went into Dabbler is invisible to the customer. Without big marketing I'm not able to communicate all those nuances and justify the $99 price. Some of Dabbler's features I don't see being duplicated by VB11 or anyone. Anyway, Dabbler is 2 years old, and in vape pen market we need to keep innovating to stay ahead. VB11 solves a couple internal and external problems of Dabbler 1) Too much of our hands-on effort put into a pen- VB11 is made efficiently while maintaining our 100% testing and charging 2) Price too high- VB11 cut the price in half 3) Too many improvements nobody cares about- VB11's battery is not as customized. VB11's Ti wire is not shipped in from Europe.
Dr. Dabber atomizer with ceramic core with titstanium wire wrapped 8 times that heats at a lower temp..
Can you say that the flavor is significantly tastier and cleaner? Again I only have experience with a MicroG so I am fully expecting a revelation. Is it just slightly better in your opinion or dramatically mouthgasm better??
Can you say that the flavor is significantly tastier and cleaner? Again I only have experience with a MicroG so I am fully expecting a revelation. Is it just slightly better in your opinion or dramatically mouthgasm better??
This page will be for the Vaporbrothers Eleven. I will be receiving mine on Thursday and will have some unboxing posts, and will be using while on vacation until the 27th. After that I will have a full review up
Some info for the time being until I get this thread going:
This pen is great for the price but it's more like a throwaway pen? Just read the following info from
The battery base houses a non-replaceable 650 mah lithium battery. The base is compatible with most 510 thread adapters.
A note about these style batteries and skillets:
Lithium batteries only have a limited number of charges before they become unusable. Because the battery is non-replaceable, best case scenario is to expect it to last one to two years tops. This is not exclusive to the Eleven battery but almost every brand on the market using a non-replaceable lithium battery.
The skillets are a consumable item and will need to be frequently replaced. With the best of care, expect the skillet to last several months before it needs to be replaced.