13 hours in and I so love this thing. I could list pros all day long, but the free draw and versatility combined with Craftys amazing extraction quality make this vape a grand slam for me.
My usual routine is to attach my Solo water adapter, crank Crafty up to 395F and take hit after hit of wonderful rolling clouds. Honestly I love my EQ tabletop, but this hand held does just as well at producing thick huge clouds.
Then after it cools a bit I drop the temp back down to 365F and casually sip for another 15 or 20 minute session.
My only concern is durability. This is the only vape I use now. I hope it can stand up. And if not I hope that warranty will be honored over basic wear and tear.
If I could ask for any improvements, I guess like everyone I'd say a little longer battery. But I love that we have options in that area.
I would love it if S and B would release a "Deluxe" version of Crafty. I know it would cost 5 or 600 hundred the way they price, but a Crafty made of something other than plastic, even if it IS good plastic. A Crafty that you can run over with a dump truck and still use. lol. That would be my wish.
One spot I have noticed that could end up being a bit janky, we will just have to wait and see, is the charge port where the Orange pick is. Does anyone else feel like even getting a little ruff when plugging it in feels like a bad idea? Dosent have a "robust" feel to it, imo.
But Damn, love affair fully in bloom. If you are swaying, unsure whether to buy the Crafty or Mighty because of the high price, I would just say do it. Do it and your love affair will begin to.

I've named mine Mila...TMI?