Mr Mellish
Well-Known Member
are you talking about concentrates seeping into the mica or the wax you are using on the vapman itself??
Concentrates. My walnut remains as nekkid as the day it was born.
are you talking about concentrates seeping into the mica or the wax you are using on the vapman itself??
Just a DAB will do you!!!I am thinking most people are over filling their Vapman with resin concentrates. I have put, weed, keif, and sappy golden reclaim through the concentrate screen and have not had a bad mess. With the sappy reclaim I just put several pin head size dabs on the screen and vaped them. When I opened my Vapman the bowl has never been very dirty but the screen had some residue like the concentrate just melted into the screen and vaped away. I think that if you are putting more concentrate in than the screen can adsorb it will drip into the bowl and make a mess.![]()
Just a DAB will do you!!!
I have an ebony stem and white and black POM plastic ones as well.I still just prefer the black plastic mouthpiece myself, I had bought both a plum and ebony and have given both away already.
If I were drunk I would be tellin' you guys and gals how much I love you.
You know you love us, OFYou know if I was drunk, that'd probably sober me up real quick.........
Funny how that works out sometimes?
Ah okay...i think we may need @vapman to chime in and give some detailed info on doing concentrates.
@vapman how are the screens for use with traditional hash, on regards to ammounts and cleaning?
@vapman thanks for that, very good question i have is this...i am new to using concentrates have always been a flower child. What would you suggest for heating times when using concentrates? It seems like because we are using a jet flame that the time could possibly stay the same or maybe a few seconds longer. But i am a noob at this.You are right @hoyo77, I think it is time that I chime in on that topic. First I like to clarify that any oil dripping or coming out of the middle section is not the linseed oil we are using here at our workshop. The linseed oil we use dries out completely and never ever gets liquid again. On the middle section we apply only one sparingly coating and the linseed oil we use is free of toxic solvents. It is all natural, has orange oil and other natural substances mixed in and there are no toxic fumes. We never use ventilation or cloves when we do the oiling and we are using this oil for the past 15 years without any issues.
Any oils or liquids dripping out of the middle section are liquid resins from the herbs or concentrates being vaporized. The wood soakes up the resins and releases them when saturated. These oils can drip down into the heating chamber where they get recycled and vaporized again. So far so good. Now, if one wants to get rid of these oils soaked up by the wood, the middle section can be submerged into acetone which will solve the resins and eventually wash them out by rinsing the middle section several times. For those who don`t want to deal with acetone, I recommend to have a cotton swab ready during the session for soaking up the oils coming out when they are hot and liquid. For those who don`t care about oil dripping out of the middle section I can reassure that nothing bad will happen, your vapman will last as long as any other.
Now finally coming to the concentrates: To avoid a mess when using concentrates, it is important to apply concentrates sparingly and vaporizing them thoroughly before refilling, especially the ones turning into liquid oils when heated up. Wax for instance turns into liquid oil instantly when heated up and when taking off the middle section it seems that it is all gone. This is misleading, the oils actually are distributing themselves all over the screen and can hardly be seen. At this point it is important to keep on vaporizing until the unvisible oils are gone.VERY IMPORTANT: Always rub off the filter after using and when it is still warm, this avoids the filter from sticking on to the bowl when the oils turn hard again. This applies for concentrates and herbs! In case your middle section got stuck on the bowl, don`t apply any force when trying to open, just heat the bowl instead and the residues will become soft again and your vapman can be opened effortlessly. The filter should be clean and shiny at all times!
The mica should not be touched or cleaned at all, oils dripping on the mica is not a problem.
We actually apply our linseed oil on the edges of the mica layers, this seals the edges and prevents little pieces from coming off. The worst thing you can do to mica is to try cleaning it with water or some solvents, just leave it and it will be fine for ever!
@J-Kill9109: If there are still questions about the above mentioned topics I would be happy to answer.
Thank you,
placed my order on the vapman, now the waiting those interested in the muscle powered vapman, verdampftnochmal apparently has some of them in stock. they go for 249 euros.
What would you suggest for heating times when using concentrates? It seems like because we are using a jet flame that the time could possibly stay the same or maybe a few seconds longer.
Damn! I didn't expect that price.. I would Love to have the friction powered one, but I'm afraid there's No way I could justify that price.. That's about how much I paid for my EVO.. It sucks to realize I likely won't ever be getting one of those interested in the muscle powered vapman, verdampftnochmal apparently has some of them in stock. they go for 249 euros.
Yes Lil Sis i agree, once you start your ritual and get used to it, you just know when it is time to take a hit!!!I've only tried out hash in mine - but I find it takes just that little bit longer to get the hash up to the right temperature initially. However, subsequent bursts on the torch seem to be pretty much comparable, in terms of the time needed, to when I'm vaping herbs. I must admit though, I haven't actually timed either - that's just how it seems to me. I tend to use my Vapman without thinking about it tbh.
Damn! I didn't expect that price.. I would Love to have the friction powered one, but I'm afraid there's No way I could justify that price.. That's about how much I paid for my EVO.. It sucks to realize I likely won't ever be getting one of those.. I guess I'll start getting over it now
LMAOF.....i must admit this is one of the better threads on this forum!!!Man I love this Vapman thread. It is so great we get to banter back and forth and share ideas. It is one hell of a lot of fun where everyone's voice matters. If I were drunk I would be tellin' you guys and gals how much I love you.
LMAOF.....i must admit this is one of the better threads on this forum!!!
can you believe, it only had 15 pages by the end of 2013?![]()
Compare that to how long the vapman has been around...basically unchanged except for the addition of the mica....i am probably speaking for myself but none the less..i consider myself a vapor enthusiast. I get VAS and in the past i have bought vapes when the wallet was right but since i have got the vapman i have started selling my other vapes. I only own 3 vapes and they are in my signature. I have gotten to a point i dont need bells and whistles in a vaporizer...keep it simple flame, breath, vapor...that is why my vapman is in heavy rotation and my hammer and log vape are close behind.can you believe, it only had 15 pages by the end of 2013?![]()