@vapman for the detailed information. This helps us a lot.
I don't think you will ever need to add anything to the Classic (Mica version), since the original linseed oil and buffing should last pretty much for ever.
@vapman should correct me if I'm wrong.
Linseed oil doesn`t last for ever, it is organic and disappears through sunlight and other factors.
We only apply linseed oil to protect the surface from getting stained from greasy hands, it is only for aesthetics and has no other function what so ever. Vapman works fine without any surface treatment,
the basic version shows exactly this.
@vapman thanks for that, very good question i have is this...i am new to using concentrates have always been a flower child. What would you suggest for heating times when using concentrates? It seems like because we are using a jet flame that the time could possibly stay the same or maybe a few seconds longer. But i am a noob at this.
Stainless steel is not a great heat conductor, to vaporize concentrates placed on the screen, a bit more heating is needed in comparison to vaporizing herbs in the copper bowl. May be you have to heat 10-20% longer, specially for the first one or two hits, it also depends on the concentrates you are using.
It is always wise to underheat instead of overheating, you can burn your content only once but you can always heat additional times, this just to be on the safe side.
It's funny, the longer it's been since I started vaping, the more I'm getting away from the "high tech" type devices.
Welcome to the club!
Damn! I didn't expect that price.. I would Love to have the friction powered one, but I'm afraid there's No way I could justify that price.. That's about how much I paid for my EVO.. It sucks to realize I likely won't ever be getting one of those

.. I guess I'll start getting over it now
I am aware that this price is very high, indeed. There are several reasons for this. The pocket vaporizer was made back in 2003 and I only made 200 units. Back then it was hard to sell anything like this because people thought that vaporizer without temperature control don`t work. Secondly it is not possible to make high quality products in small series in Switzerland, I would have to make a few thousand of them to be able to lower the price. Thirdly there are only a few units left now, of course the people of "Verdampftnochmal" are not stupid and selling the last few ones cheap. I would love to make lots of them for an affordable price, may be after the heating station.
can you believe, it only had 15 pages by the end of 2013?
I wonder why?
How old is the vapman btw?
I draw the first blue print in February 2005 and the first series vapman was made by the end of 2005,
a long long time ago.
@vapman only other question I guess I can ask is do you see anything wrong with using walnuts pressed onto the wood to get the oil for conditioning? Is it beneficial do you think? I don't want to harm my unit but I'm my experience wood needs a little maintenance.
As mentioned above, vapman doesn`t need any oiling but everybody is free to apply some oil on the surface of their vapman. Now, I am no specialist on the different kinds of oils but I guess some walnut oil won`t do any harm to your vapman. Just keep in mind that eatable oils could turn rancid after a while and that the linseed oil we are using is treated in several ways for exactly that purpose and never turns rancid.
Thank you all,