Discontinued Indica Vaporizer


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
That made me happy to hear the good news that Ed will be able to review the Indica and make a WonG or extra wooden mouthpiece/stem for us wood lovers. I think this will only add to the enjoyment of this sweet portable vape that gives out such lovely vapor flavor.

I will be looking forward to see what Ed comes up with. It will be great, I know what I want in my Christmas stocking from me.

I want a new stem for the Indica and I will give it to me for a Christmas present. Did it come out wrong?:cool::)
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Well-Known Member
I really can't catch a break with this awesome vape. For the time i've had it I was limited to horrible herbs that I barely wanted to use. So I couldn't really test for flavor. Then today I got some herbs up to my standards and the fucking weld that connects the hinge to the top lid fails. So now I have an awesome portable that isn't portable. I really love walking around with this thing it's fantastic.

On a better note I tried @Vape Dr. 's mouthpiece idea and I really love how much easier the draw is. This might eliminate my stupid friends getting poor hits but I haven't tested it with them yet. I suppose I'll use the vape as a home unit now that it isn't portable. I really love this thing. As a quick review I'll go over some of my favorite aspects of the Indica compared to the Ascent, Solo, and PNP.

Throat irritation: It doesn't irritate the throat but it can still make you cough! This is by far my favorite vaporizer without water filtration. With the solo it was almost mandatory for me to use a water piece but with this It can actually be portable without that hot air feeling on the back of my throat. And honestly the PNP is just so poor in all aspects of flavor and throat irritation I don't even use it anymore. The Ascent in my opinion is worse as well.

Portability: The Indica is much less scary to pocket than the PNP since the oven lid doesn't come off like the pinnacle top. It's a toss up which one is easier to pack on the go multiple times, considering both have a metal insert that needs to be dealt with when it's hot. As a nice perk for anybody in the colder parts of the world this thing is an awesome electronic hand warmer. You could probably pass it off as so. The more you hit it the hotter it will get so rip it hard in the winter :).

Build Quality: This is by far the sleekest vape when the lid is closed. Almost nobody knows what the hell it is when I pull it out, nor do they care though. I'd hold the unit by the lid once in a while, this might have exposed the weak weld even faster but it sometimes is the most comfortable way to use the unit. The fit and finish is pretty good. When the lid was on it was very flush and the Zippo action was extremely satisfying. Compared to the ascent it is so far ahead. The button is brilliant on the Indica unlike the inconsistent and sometimes faulty ascent buttons. I'd say build quality is on par with the PNP and behind the solo by a bit. Seems they're still working out the kinks.

Overall I think this is the best portable out there.. You can go at least 1.5 times on a semi filled pack (.25 grams or slightly less)if you don't bump it up too high. No other portable is as "set and forget" as this one. There are no extra pieces that can fall or break just a small metal stick you can attach to your keychain to help with the spacer and cleaning it out.

LOVE IT. It would be nice if there was also a small metal rod for cleaning the airpath that could be on a keychain too. It would probably get quite disgusting if it wasn't cleaned all the time though.

Edit: looks like somebody needs to do a Pax comparison. I've tried the Pax and I didn't like it as much at all. But maybe I'd need to own it to know it's intricacies. I also do wish there were more tempatures between blue and green, and also something between green and purple.
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Vape Dr.

Well-Known Member
I'm 4 steps ahead of you @Spinuch I did one awhile ago. For those of you that haven't seen it here it is.

:leaf:Indica vs Pax:leaf:

Here is my Indica vs pax review, I'm going to do it a little different because I still don't have my laptop (thanks geek squad!) This is a comparison review, not a side by side vape review as I vape.

I'm going to rate them by which is better, worse, or if they are the same. I do apologize, I will do a side by side when I get my laptop back.

Stealth: both are stealthy , the pax is stealthier hands down. PAX
Chamber: both hold roughly the same amount. TIE
Ease of use: Both are simple, however you don't have to pull the MP off the Indica to change temps. INDICA
Oven: the Indica clearly wins. Oven is perfectly heated. The pax, not so much. you have to mix your tobacco because of uneven heat throughout your session. INDICA
Heat up time: Pretty even at low temps, Indica has more temps, but the pax heats up a bit quicker. PAX
Durability: The Indica hands down again. You can drop it with no worries. The pax you will loose your oven lid, tobacco, and possibly the mouthpiece will shoot out. Also you run the risk of denting the metal casing. INDICA
Taste: taste is very close, almost too close to call. However the Indica has 2 lower settings than the pax which taste amazing, but the Indica taste better on the highest setting between the 2. INDICA
Look: Both are pretty great looking, but the pax looks like an Ipod and is slimmer, if the Indica was black it would be a tie. PAX
Convenience: They are both very convenient and compact. I am going to give it to the Indica because of ease of use. INDICA
Battery: They both last about the same, too close to call so it's a tie. TIE
Vapor: Both give great vapor production, but I think the Indica has an edge over the pax. INDICA
Price: PAX is $50 more, you get much more for your money with the Indica. INDICA
Customer service: No contest. INDICA
Manufacturer: taking advice and input from customers and forum members to improve product. INDICA
Cleaning: No brainer, hands down. INDICA
Warranty: PAX has a 10 year warranty, Indica has a 1 year warranty. PAX
Replacement parts: The Indica give you 5 pipe cleaners, 5 screens, 3 spacers, 2 oven lids, and 2 picks and a carry pouch. The PAX comes with the unit 5 pipe cleaners, 5 alcohol wipes and MP lube (which is propylene glycol which is VERY inexpensive). INDICA
Overall enjoyment: That's a personal preference IMO. I love them both. TIE
Best bang for your buck: The Indica IMO. Less expensive, extra (most often lost parts), beautiful wooden storage box, More durable, very simple yet effective and efficient design. INDICA
Healthiest: Took both apart, both have oven and airpath completely sealed from internals. TIE
Weight: PAX is 97.5 grams Indica is 153.5 grams. PAX
Covering all the basis, lets tally it up.
PAX: 5
This is a bit of an odd method of comparison, I know. But it's covering all the basis that consumers want to know. In my unbiased opinion, the INDICA is a much better unit all around, and the best bang for your hard earned buck. I still love them both, but the winner is the INDICA by a landslide if you look at the numbers IMO.
Thank you for reading my rather unorthodox review. I hope this was helpful to anyone debating between the two.
Just because the PAX is more popular and stealthier doesn't mean there aren't other great portable out there to choose from.
Essentially the choice is up to you. This is my opinion, I have more than one of each so obviously I love them both. They all have their quarks, but there can only be one winner. IMO I believe the winner is the Indica.
I should also mention, there are no fake Indicas so you know you are getting a legit product from the manufacturer.

Vape Dr.

Well-Known Member
Alright @Vape Dr. now onto the Indica v. Haze side by side.

I know you need more time with your Haze but looking forward to that one!

Oh yeah, nice review too! I can't wait to get an Indica!

You got it @scottg402!

After I get more acquainted with the Haze I will most certainly do an Indica vs Haze comparison review for you.:tup:

I will also have an Indica vs Ascent comparison review coming as I get a little more acquainted with the Ascent.



The sound of vapor
Hi K, Just FYI, the current version Stainless Silver units that Vapefiend carries is exactly the same as the Black, if you were color blind:) We intent to add accessories but these dates have not been cut into stone and tools are still in the making. When these add on are market ready, they will be available to Vapefiend for resale.

In the mean time, to make you a promise with date would be unfair in that I ruely lack a specific date to share. Let me assure you that Vapefiend and I have extremely open lines of communications. We'll be working closely in the months to come.
Hi Mike, as usual you're on top of things, even on a Saturday, respect.

So, does the Indica that currently goes for £145 on vapefiend have the replaceable battery? If not do you have any idea when it'll be available there?

And you've mentioned new features and accessories to be released at a later date, I'm cool with buying a unit now and the accessories later on (hoping the price would be the same in the end) but what about the new features?

Also, I think it'd help getting names for the different versions, whether it's numbers or fancy names like apple or Google do with their OS.
How about strains for instance (to add a different and funnier kind of confusion :brow:): Indica silver haze (v1.1), Indica chocolate cookie (v2), Indica Alaskan Thunderfuck (cause the name would rock!)?


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I'm enjoying my Indica with some Night Queen strain with a little Tahoe OG wax in the middle. This thing sure gives out the flavor and the vapor clouds. It might be little but it packs a punch in a small package. It's very easy to maintain and use right out of the box. Tomorrow's another day.:zzz:

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
Hi K, Just FYI, the current version Stainless Silver units that Vapefiend carries is exactly the same as the Black, if you were color blind:) We intent to add accessories but these dates have not been cut into stone and tools are still in the making. When these add on are market ready, they will be available to Vapefiend for resale.

In the mean time, to make you a promise with date would be unfair in that I ruely lack a specific date to share. Let me assure you that Vapefiend and I have extremely open lines of communications. We'll be working closely in the months to come.

So, all SS units that are sold right now have the new V2 innards OR only Vapefiend has it? I can get a sweet deal from PIU but what version will I get?
natural farmer,
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The sound of vapor
It is always wrong to steal.
You perhaps should have said
Wait... did that come out wrong or is it me? :uhoh:
You never come out wrong Mr Vitolo, I shall borrow CarolKing's stocking and bring them back once I'm done with them.

Wait... I'm not sure how that sounded
better... bah screw it I'll be warm this winter at least!


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Randy over at PIU answered my mail and they carry the new V2 Stainless Steels as well. Just placed the order… :D

So the only difference would be the stainless steel finish on the exterior? No silicone mouthpiece? I've read through the thread but I'd still love to see the differences between the v1 and v2 listed all together.

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
So the only difference would be the stainless steel finish on the exterior? No silicone mouthpiece? I've read through the thread but I'd still love to see the differences between the v1 and v2 listed all together.

Not sure about he silicone cover for the mouthpiece… Just asked Randy…

EDIT: So, I think it's not the same version after all… So, is Vapefiend the only store that has the new Indicas?
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natural farmer,
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Well-Known Member
Got my replacement Indica and am very happy. I have been packing it full with some AK49 and one spacer. I go green for a full cycle and then restart and go up to purple for a full second session. Really feels like I'm getting the most out of my herbs.
CarolKing - I haven't tried the sandwich with hash yet, but am planning to soon. I've been a little nervous about that with the oven and all.
I did drill out the mouthpiece and agree it feels like I am definitely getting better airflow. Thanks DR. Vape for the great tutorial.
I love, love, my Solo and do think that the Indica pairs well with it. I like having different vapes to suit my mood or the scene. The Indica is a power horse. I get 5-6 sessions alternating with the Solo on most casual nights. No need to worry about the battery life at all. The only concern I have is packing it in public. Not as easy as the Solo stem with all the extra pieces of the Indica to worry about. But size wise A+.
Thanks M. for the most awesome customer service I have had with a vaporizer yet!


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
No mess with wax in the middle of the herb. The herb absorbs all the wax residue. I just wipe out with a Q-tip afterward. I use a pipe cleaner too through the pathway from the oven to the mouthpiece. I do this while the vape is still warm.

I agree with bellas the Indica is a wonderful portable unit. Still love using my Solo but it's nice to have more than one portable to use.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
(Please excuse the back to back post, there is a 1000 character limit on posts, I did seek approval before posting)

Hey all!

Finally got a chance to sit down and write up on my review of the new Indica v2 vaporizer and how it compares to my Davinci Ascent.

I've watched the Indica from the sidelines since I first read about it several months ago. I was envious of the included spacers and sexy wooden box. Especially since I missed having a true spacer with the Davinci Ascent (Glass flowers work, but they're a pain to use, easily lost, and risk possible broken glass in your ABV, etc). Fortunately my day has come and I have a sexy (chrome) Indica in my hands.

My first impressions upon opening the box were amazement at how small the unit was! From the pictures, I was expecting the device to be approximately 15-20% larger than it really was! I like the wooden box, though I'm not quite sure what I plan to do with mine yet....... I had some charging difficulties originally (It literally took 12 hours to charge!) Turns out I used an old 1000mAh Samsung USB charger instead of the supplied 1500mAh USB charger! Needless to say that fixed the issue!

My Indica of course still had the usual robot-fart smell found in all electronic vapes for the first solid week of casual use (thankfully my nose was stuffed up, so I really couldn't sense much while medicating). I looked for all the defects mentioned on this thread from the previous version (mis-aligned ovens, exposed yellow insulation near the oven door, humming from the heater, etc). Thankfully it appears my unit was properly manufactured and free of visible defects!

Really haven't done an extensive review before so I'll try to break it down as best I can. I'll be comparing it to the Davinci Ascent since it's the only other similar electronic PV I own currently.

Build Quality
I knew it would feel like a solid unit from reviews posted everywhere, and indeed it feels SOLID. The stainless steel body is made from a thicker gauge stainless steel. I really don't see how you could damage the Indica unless you took a hammer to it. In this respect, I consider the Indica far superior to the Davinci Ascent (The Ascent's rotating oven can be broken if rotated past 180, exposed temp setting buttons and LCD Screen are susceptible to pocket-daemons, and a solid drop could shatter the glass stems). I believe the Indica is a more "durable" vaporizer in terms of build quality, and wins this round.

Battery Life
Gotta give it to Davinci Ascent for using two 800mAh batteries (as opposed to a single 900mAh in the Indica), yet I still only get about 1.5 hours of use. Maybe the Ascent lives a bit longer with regular use, but the Indica has an industry standard mini USB port. Any power-bank capable of producing 1500mAH or greater output will charge the Indica on the go. Not something you can do with the Ascent and it's nonstandard 9vDC charger. Major props to Indica for using a Mini USB outlet - I'm already shopping for a 10000mAH+ power bank so I can take my Indica on log road trips!

Heatup times
This was an interesting test for me since both advertise nearly the same heatup times. Both times I did the Indica and Ascent test, I started from room temperature and used a stopwatch for timing. At 358F (Blue setting), the heatup times were very close to the Ascent's - approximately 3-4 seconds slower than the Ascent. Heatup times from room temp to 394F(Purple) took a bit longer on both devices, and the Indica was about 10 seconds slower than the Ascent.

So both the Indica and the Ascent use conduction heaters to transfer heat into the load. Therefor a tighter pack is preferred to obtain a more equal temperature throughout the load in both devices. Theoretically, both should have similar flavor since they cook the herb using conduction heat. However, I will say the Ascent clearly has a better flavor than the Indica. I can't figure out why, but I think it might be because the Ascent's oven only cooks from the side-walls, the bottom and top of the load is not cooking, unlike the Indica which has a metal oven to transfer heat around the load. In my head-to-head testing, I used the same load size (0.20g), from the same grinder, packed using optimal conditions in both devices (spacer for indica, glass flowers on bottom/top for the Ascent).

Both devices were tested at the same temperatures - first at 358F (blue setting). And then finished the session at 394F (Purple setting). At the start of the session, the Ascent clearly had a better flavor, the Indica produced a more "roasted" taste from the start. It wasn't bad, but it was far from the flavor profile of the Ascent. *NOTE - the flavor difference is only noticible at the lower temperatures. Once most of the terps have been vaped, the flavor is nearly identical between the two units, at 394F the flavor was the same between both devices *
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
(Part 2)

Oven Size

This is always based on user preference. The trend nowadays seems to be larger ovens capable of handling 0.3g+ of ground material. I hated packing the Ascent because the oven is HUGE - when tamped down, I can usually fill 0.4g+ in the chamber! When I loaded 0.2G into the Ascent, I had to use a lot of glass flowers (8+) to pack the remaining space. The Indica was so much easier to load and toss in a single spacer. I personally prefer the load size of the Indica to the Ascent - this is one of the reasons my Ascent rarely see's action because I hated packing that much herb at one time!

Chassis Temperature
I think this is an often overlooked aspect of portable vapes - how hot does the damn thing get! After 15-20 minutes into a session with the Ascent, the bottom half of the device with the oven is almost TOO hot to hold - seriously I can only hold it for about a minute before I need to move my hand because it's hot! This can be aleviated by holding the device in another position, but it's quite annoying! This is where the Indica shines - I believe the stainless steel chassis helps act like a heatsink which distributes the heat across the device and prevents any one section from getting too hot. I believe the Indica is the clear winner in this respect.

Draw Resistance
I have used a bunch of vaporizers with a wide range of draw restrictions. I'd say the Indica is one of the most restricted vaporizers I've ever tried, if not THE most restrictive. I believe this is caused by several factors - 1) the tiny mouthpiece hole (which can be bored out per @Vape Dr. 's instructions), 2) The small diameter vapor path, and 3) The lack of a true cool air intake - most of the cool air enters through the oven door by design, but it's quite a restricted draw. At first I wasn't a fan of the draw restriction, but I found this is good for two reasons. First, it slows down the airflow through the load, thereby allowing the heater to keep up with the demand. And Second, it's great for newbies who don't vape and think you can rip a vape like a bong/bowl. I think the draw resistance plays a key role in vapor production with this unit. I can't say which is better, and I think this is subjective to each user - some might like it, others might hate it. I did find when I packed TOO much material tightly (using more material), the draw restriction was extreme, and unusable - I had to actually remove some material and restart the session.

Vapor production / cloud chasing
The vapor clouds produced by the Indica aren't the most dense, but I was quite suprised by how large the vapor clouds could get. I will say the Davinci Ascent seemed to blow bigger vapor clouds at the same temperatures, but this could be caused by the draw restriction and my different draw technique used on each vape.

I decided to try Vape Dr's WPA modification and used a piece of Silicon with an 18-14mm reducer to create a perfect WPA for testing. I found the vapor clouds were actually sufficient for use with a bubbler. I rather enjoyed it! At first the Davinci Ascent seemed to generate a higher densitity vapor clouds in my D020 but only at first, after several seconds the vapor thinned to the same level as the Indica. Personally, I found the vapor clouds sufficient with both devices. But I think for the biggest cloud chasers, you need to skip cyan/blue/green temp settings and jump straight to purple or red with a fresh load. I felt the Ascent gave me bigger clouds with less effort.

When I first started to vape, I used my Davinci Ascent multiple times a day - this meant I did intensive cleaning every few days. Mainly I use ISO and a cotton swab to clean reclaim buildup from the plastic around the oven, and the oven itself. Additionally I usually kept one pair of glass stems soaking in ISO at all times. It wasn't a pain to clean the Ascent weekly, but certainly can be a pain if you're not the cleaning type. The Indica however seems to be holding up quite well! As others have found, the vapor path needs to be cleaned/unclogged every several sessions, but this is easily done with an ISO soaked pipe cleaner. I wish there was an easy way to collect reclaim from this vape, but it's not really possible with this design. Still, I give this round to Indica - it's simple to keep it clean and working, very handy if you're a lazy person who want's to do minimal maintenance

When I first got my Indica, I thought it would replace my Davinci Ascent. In many ways it has, though in reality they both have a place in my home. The Ascent is quite sexy to look at, and it's OLED screen means you can dial in the temperature exactly as you want, and the flavor is spectacular at lower temperatures (My wife will only use the Ascent, up to 350F, never higher than that). I like the fact my Ascent will stay on as long as I desire, unlike the 10 minute pre-timed sessions on the Indica (Still wish the 10 minute timer would restart when you change the temperature).

Being a guy, I basically carry my life in two pockets. Keys, wallet, and phone. The Ascent never travels with me (aside from road trips) because it's too damn big for my pockets! The Indica however has changed the game. I have been tossing it in my pockets nearly every day. It's small enough and smooth enough to slide in and out of my pocket without any fear of damage to the device. Despite the look/feel of a lighter, I don't feel uncomfortable using the device in a public setting (though I am still considerate of others, and never vape in a crowded area).

I don't think the Indica is perfect for ever person, especially flavor snobs. But it is a simple device, perfect for someone looking for an easy to use, durable vaporizer. I'd been looking for a good "first vaporizer", and I think I finally found the perfect one for my dear friend.
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Vapor War Team Cap
an indica with a ceramic heating chambers and a little larger glass airpath would be the perfect vaporizer of all time.

maybe the glass airpath is impossible, but the ceramic oven would be a nice improvement...

btw another 2-3 days and my indica comes to me...i'm very hyped:brow:

Sorry for my poor english.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Nice review/comparison, couple thoughts though:

I think the Indica uses two batteries as well though. And although the ascent says it reaches temp quicker, I think I read the temp reading isn't accurate to the bowl, and that it takes like an extra 20sec to hit that temp than it says it does.

I'm also not sure changing temp restarts the 10min on the Indica, will have to check again.

I also think I prefer stainless oven to ceramic, but glass is great, just not for a portable really


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Nice review/comparison, couple thoughts though:

I think the Indica uses two batteries as well though. And although the ascent says it reaches temp quicker, I think I read the temp reading isn't accurate to the bowl, and that it takes like an extra 20sec to hit that temp than it says it does.

I'm also not sure changing temp restarts the 10min on the Indica, will have to check again

Not sure about the battery, I thought it only had one, but that may have changed (don't remember where in this thread I read that).

True, the temperature readings are inaccurate since they are monitoring the temperature of the oven, and not the load itself, however I based my timing on when both devices indicated the temperature had been reached, not the actual temperature of the load. That said, both vaporizers were certainly producing vapor by the time it reached the set temperatures. Weather or not it was actually at that temperature is unknown.

I do have a few spare thermistors laying around from building my 3D printers. I think I'm going to try embedding one in a load of fresh material and do some testing on how well the Indica maintains temperature.

Unless the programming is different, my seems the Indica will shut off after 10 minutes no matter what happens (unless you turn off the device and turn it back on). Sometimes I like to start my session at the lowest setting and then bump it up after a few draws, I wish this would reset the clock for another 10 minutes.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Ah you wish it restarted the 10min when you change temp. Got in. Was unclear in the review.

Lately I've been feeling like 8min session might be better than the 10, but we are all different so maybe 10 is still the best compromise. I'm not too bothered by memory, bc it annoys me more than not. I actually kinda hated how my ascent would start going right to 420 after I finished a bowl, turned it off, and put in an new one. I like how the indica starts at the bottom, and its only 5 temps to cycle through, no biggie.

Im also pretty sure it always had two batteries
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