As Wednesday approaches and we await the new Indica "Noir"
I thought I would do a quick comparison review between the black beta units and the new production units.
After a week with my stainless steel Indica "Noir" I feel comfortable enough with the unit to give a quick comparison review.
IMO I find the new production Indica "Noir" units perform better than beta units.
The beta units are absolutely amazing, but Mike has improved on them before releasing the final unit to the public.
A few things I personally noticed different about the beta units and the new Indica "Noir" from the first version:
-Faster heat up
-enlarged air path
-upgraded circuit board
-replaceable batteries
-longer battery life
-"sticky" button issues addressed
-Easier to draw from (this may just be me)
-Standard silicone hygienic mouth piece tip
IMO the new Indica "Noir" is a step up from the beta units.
The differences are slight but noticeable when used.
From the outside the Noir looks the same.
On the inside there have been several improvements, on the outside they still have the same great look.
Same great vape with a brand new name!
The Indica "Noir". Projected availability is Wednesday October 15th 2014
I do believe the Indica "Noir" is just the start of making an already great portable vaporizer the best of the best!
I see only great things in store from Indica.
Indica is very passionate about getting us, the "masses" the best portable vaporizer possible.
IMHO this would not be possible if it was not for us, the FC community and Indica owners alike voicing our thoughts, opinions, compliments and criticism.
With the help of everyone, Indica will constantly strive to improve for us the consumer.
Excellent job Indica!
Keep up the great work!