So the other day I did a comparison review between my 2 favorite "portable" vaporizers.
The Indica and the Arizer SOLO.
Here are the results.

Indica vs SOLO comparison review
So I started this review the only fair way I could think of.
The Indica and SOLO on temps 2-5
The Indica has a drilled out mouth piece & the SOLO has a 14mm turbo gong for the mouth piece (personal preference).
Size comparison.
Side view
Lets get this started quick and easy.
I went from 2-5 on each vaporizer taking 8 hits per temp with 1-2 cool down hits.
I packed equal amounts in each unit, .22grams.
Now to see how my favorite 2 portables stack up against each other.
Indica- For size and portability
Indica- For stealth
SOLO- Each one tastes awesome!. SOLO had the edge at the higher temps, which were lower than Indica.
Indica- Heat up time (half the time of the SOLO)
SOLO- Thicker vapor (Not by too much, but more.) Indicas vapor increased, SOLO remained consistent.
SOLO- Felt easier to draw from
Indica- Could stay on #3 & #4 for much longer than I tested, also taste did not diminish as much.
Indica- More durable. The SOLO chips very easily on the bottom near screws.
Tie- Convenience. Both vaporizers are awesome units feel good & are easy to use.
Tie- Both units can be used while charging.
Indica- Standard mini USB. SOLO has a special cable. With SOLOs car charger, both can be charged in car.
SOLO- Has ability to use a water tool. (Indica has not released a water tool yet).
Tie- After a session to fully charge. Maybe the Indica was a bit quicker, but close enough to call a tie.
Indica- Customer service. Hands down the best around. You can't get in contact with a human at Arizer.
SOLO- Lighter ABV
Indica: 7 wins
SOLO: 5 wins
Ties: 3 ties
As you can see both compared surprisingly well against each other.
I am not being bias.
As I said these are 2 of my favorite "portable" vaporizers.
IMO I don't consider the SOLO a portable when matched against the Indica. As portable as the SOLO may be, IMO it just isn't practically portable comparatively speaking.
The SOLO is tried and true and I've owned several and have always had a soft spot for them.
The Indica is one hell of a durable small portable unit that you barely notice in your pocket, where as the SOLO is like a flashlight in your pocket.
The SOLO does have a better variety of settings because of the 2 extra over the Indica, I find I enjoy the Indica most on settings 2-4.
What this review boils down to is which portable is a better portable IMO.
The winner is the Indica, being a conduction based vape the Indica is a trooper and will not disappoint in taste or vapor production.
The SOLOs ABV was lighter after the sessions
So IMO the Indica and the SOLO are both great vapes. You can't go wrong with either.
However if your looking for the stealthiest of the 2 units, the Indica takes the cake.
It is very small and produces surprising taste and vapor for its size.
These are all my personal opinions.
I love both the Indica and the SOLO.
They both have their place in my collection.
By far my favorite grab and go portable is the Indica.
Along with the fact that Indica is constantly innovating, while Arizer has only improved the SOLO by allowing you to charge it while you use it while that has been standard on the Indica from day 1.
My biggest plus from Indica is customer service. I can not stress enough how fantastic the CS really is.
I have yet to talk to any one from arizer.
I know Indica has many more great improvements in store for us which I can't wait to see, they are constantly innovating!
Thank you for taking the time to read my review of my favorite 2 portable vapes.
I hope this comparison was helpful.