Mr Tambourine Man said:
Its been said that the Extreme vaporizes well in the 240C - 250C range. Which is just fine, but if I'm not mistaken, the extreme tops out at 250C. That provides no extra ability for those seldom but possibly occasional times when you want to vape at temperatures higher than you normally would. Seeing as how optimal vape temps vary from strain to strain, its not impossible that you may get a batch that works better at something a little higher than 250C. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

And good questions.
So you have found different temperatures optimal for different strains? I've always used the same (quite low) temperature setting on my SSV and have had no trouble vaporizing any of the, say, 50 varieties I've thrown at it. I've kind of learned to make adjustments via draw speed, but don't even really think about it anymore.
It was an interesting decision to limit the temperature on the Extreme. Most other vaporizers allow you to set temps that will scorch and burn your herb. Personally I would say that the pros of limiting it outweigh the cons.
Considering almost everyone (here at least) who is big into vaporizing is also concerned about their respiratory health, "vaporizing" at a temp so high which also produces some smoke would likely seem taboo and counterproductive. Desirable compounds may vaporize at different temps, but, and correct me if I'm wrong, most fibrous organic plant matter will burn at around the same temp (mostly higher than the main compounds we want, this is the idea behind vaporization after all).
Limiting the temp slightly before combustion prevents inexperienced users from inadvertently burning their herb, and, assuming the temperature is limited correctly, doesn't really hinder the device in what it's designed to do.
On the other hand, some people may want a very high temp smoky-"vapor", or just hate the idea of being limited. Maybe there is some secret unlock on the Extreme, who knows. I'm sure Rockwise could shed some light on the thinking behind this decision, as he was a beta tester for the Extreme and seems to know his stuff.
Sorry for the long post, morning vapor will do that sometimes.