Hi all.
I'm new to this forum and new to vaporizing, a friend of mine got an extreme a couple of weeks ago and I took one hit and decided to buy one
I was so damn anxious to get this thing I wanted it shipped as fast as possible. I selected the Xpresspost Canada shipping option, thinking I would get it faster then the free shipping option. Bad idea, took 6 days to get it, my friend that lives near me got his in like 3 or 4 days with the free shipping option, so I payed more for nothing really, but it's not the Extreme's fault

...I guess there is no fed ex or any faster shipping service in Canada? Anyway, it arrived today finally via USPS priority mail, and I'm stoked
I do have a few questions though... Like, what is the best way to tell if your bowl of herb is cooked?(spent) The taste? Cause sometimes I will still see vapor coming out, but it tastes god awful and I assume it's pretty cooked, but why is vapor still coming out if its done? And the best temperature setting is 340 for dry ground buds right?
Thanks, this thread has been very informative, but it's growing kinda long, is there a way to make a seperate forum on this site for the Extreme so we can start new threads?
Peace and thanks all for the info.