What's the impossible assertion I made here??? That I would prefer the Pax at this point? That's an opinion, not an assertion! And I have this opinion cause other than the top cap that becomes bottom cap and the differences of the rotating knob, nothing else has improved in this unit AFAIK… And I hate the PAX, I was just making a point of how much I think the INH05 will suck. Again, this is my opinion. It's just that I believe it's well justified.
About taking a shot at Greg now… I just said I am not impressed...

It's a small shot compared to what me and my bro have gone through since the XP came out. First, they sent us the 2 XPs with the 4 holes and they all break in a few days. First replacements came broken as well! Second replacements went to the wrong address! Final replacements came after more than a year later from the initial problems and the result of all these is that we didn't have working XPs for more than a year, we spent money for shipping broken XPs back and no refund was given to us when we asked for one after all this trouble. They kept saying wait for the next batch with no problems, wait for the next batch that heats better etc… The final replacements are as conduction based as it can get, I will explain later… So I finally put a face at all those fuck-ups and yes, I am not impressed with Greg! So what? It's not that I called him a bad name...
About the convection/conduction thing… I have explained this over at the XP's thread more than once but the main issue I have about the design having a VERY SMALL convection action is that the heater in your INH 004 and mine was a coil and a very hot one that caused hot spots in the herb capsule. But it did heat the air before it entered the capsule. With the new ribbon heaters there is just not enough power to keep the air stream at the set vaporization temperature. And that shows in the vapor production through a glass piece or a vapor lung. It's exactly like the Pax's and the rest of conduction units. It starts thick and diminishes rapidly after that!!! With convection and heaters that can keep up with the draw the vapor production is continuous and if it's a strong heater the vapor can become thicker as you draw. With the Xp and the 05 if nothing has been changed in the heating department the ribbons heat to the desired temp but then they immediately begin to loose heat with the first cool air that enters the device while drawing. After that initial hot stream of hot air there is no more convection cause simply the ribbons cannot handle even MFLB like draws! I witness such vapor production in all the vids that are around. And that's why we don't see prolonged draws. Cause very little vapor comes out after the initial vapor formed in the chamber due to conduction. And then we see a guy saying that that the XP produces big clouds and another guy saying that he can barely see the vapor and needs a flashlight under the mouth…

The Bud Toaster and the Solo is almost the same design but they have a powerful coil (SS bowl in the Solo case) to support a nice even draw. The Firefly can also handle a relatively fast draw cause it's coil is burning red hot. The INH 004 could also support a nice draw. The XP though and the 05, if it still has ribbon heater,
just can't!
I wish I was in the states so I can personally come with an XP and prove these all to you but my poor English is the only means I have to protect a few members around here from throwing away their money. I am not mean. I am just saying things the way I see them with my own eyes.
Had you any experience with an XP? I had a lot!