Outside of the untested glass capsules (which aren't included in the campaign) - can someone please explain to me how this is isn't just a slightly more refined Inhalater XP? what actual differences are there?
Well....I guess I'll take a run at it......I do like your choice of words "more refined Inhalater XP".... it was the slightly.....now I guess we could say every evolutionary step taken is slightly more refined than the previous one but here in this case I do feel we have more of a collection of all of their slightly improved steps along the path......on similar journeys many improvements made along the way can often affect other areas of operation....lessons are learned and knowledge is gained which can later be refined towards perfection....in this case I think we had several refinements that went into this current step.....
1st - Reliability: Those USB failures were frustrating for both sides.... and let me tell you there was nothing "SLIGHT" about the steps they took {HUGE refinement 4 prong attack}
2nd - Taste / Vapor: Heating chamber improvements offering a more even distribution of heat reducing "hot spots", additionally...a 2 for 1 refinement, by moving the solder connections outside the heating chamber {reliability and outside the air path}... all resulting in less irritation and harshness
3rd - Ergonomic: Quite a few in this category....1st the weight...this will be the very first thing you notice when you pick it up {my beat is 15g lighter}.....2nd yea the mouthpiece cover was nice and I was told it could reduce the smell but I could never find it....well now it snaps onto the top and bottom. I've learned this was a special disability request....Nice form.....3rd These super bright land strip LEDs they got rid of those tiny little led covers {good they pop out} no more green now their blue and they will be dimmed....Yeah.... 4th and by far 1 of the biggies for many folks but talk about refinements.....you can on the FLY pop in a fully charged battery......
So....shorter, lighter, stealthier, easier operation and we can replace the batteries in a pinch....Very Nice
Anyway...spot on with this version being a more refined Inhalater.....IMPO it is just a bit more than slightly refined.....the battery, caps, and design are the same
Other - Miscellaneous: the shoulder cap is back "Perma" and the glass cap you already mentioned.... also these aero caps help the taste at the higher settings....a water diffuser {bong}, glass adapters, herb grinder, cleaning kit, extra screens.....things missing......
T-shirts....and I asked for rubber-bands with Inhalater logo to secure my USB cable....cheers..