I told a few people I'd post my vape EDC, so here it is:
EDC items:
1. Hard case. No I do not know the brand/manufacturer. Friend gave it to me covered with stickers and I'm keeping it that way. Fits nicely in side pocket of tactical pants. Has a mini-carabiner clip.
2. Duh... Stealth Ascent.

3. GonG adapter for use as primary straw stem
4. Extra set glass stems
5. Scoop/tool
6. Temporary solution for ABV. (See #9)
7. Herbalizer pocket grinder card. Useful on the go if a friend has an unground strain.
8. Strain #2 (See #9)
9. Primary Strain, pre-ground. That is the container that my 40+ Glass flowers came in. It is the *PERFECT* diameter for tap-loading the Ascent. And the lid is attached and opens with one hand... important if the other hand is full of Ascent. I would buy more of these for #8 and #6, but, unfortunately, "small container with lid" is too broad a search in Amazon, so I haven't been able to find more. Any help here?
NOT PICTURED: The glass flower screens. Those are in the bowl with a fresh load when I head out.
[EDIT] Also not pictured is the glass oil jar. Don't know how I left that out of the bottom photo. Probably because I almost never use it. But it is useful for either oils if a friend wants or as a quick substitute for the the glass flower screens.[/EDIT]
Non-EDC items that wound up in frame:
A. Duh. For other herbs/teas/whatever.
B. C. Jyarz for ground fresh flower.
D. E. F. Jyarz for various states of partial-ABV, each labeled with a Max temp, so I know what potentially might be left to extract from each. Once the ABV is exposed to >390°F it goes in a much larger container (not pictured).
G. I have no friggin' idea what that shadow is from. Probably a glass piece I was testing, judging from the way the light shines though it?