Arizer Solo


Brazilian Rasta
Does anyone here have the new Solo with improved airflow + Eds wood stem? Does the knotches on Eds stem makes the vapor too airy? If you turn the stem around making the knotches to not be on top of the solo holes make any difference on the airflow?



Well-Known Member
Yes I'm unplugging it before turning it on. From what I've read, the blue idle light should not be on while the unit is heating up. I'm going to talk to arizer and insist I get a new unit sent for free. What is the latest model #?

The Blue light stays on when it's heating up .
It's been reported the M1E's are the latest . ( edit , By alpha-numerical sequence )
Do you have the Pass-thru Solo , use while charging ?
Does anyone here have the new Solo with improved airflow + Eds wood stem? Does the knotches on Eds stem makes the vapor too airy? If you turn the stem around making the knotches to not be on top of the solo holes make any difference on the airflow?


No , I don't .
But it has been mentioned that it offers airy hits .
Covering the holes should help , try it .
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Deleted member 18282

The Blue light stays on when it's heating up .
It's been reported the M1E's are the latest .
Do you have the Pass-thru Solo , use while charging ?
no mine is the regular one that cannot be used while charging.
Deleted member 18282,


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Any idea on whats the best way to cover the stem knotches?

I'd best , leave that for someone who owns an Ed's stem .
Why don't you use the stock stems , it came with ?
They will have less airy hits . imo
no mine is the regular one that cannot be used while charging.
No worries , They're the ones that have a good track history .
It's the newer Pass-thru models we're gathering info on now .
Have you tried the re-set method on your Solo ?

Deleted member 18282

No worries , They're the ones that have a good track history .
It's the newer Pass-thru models we're gathering info on now .
Have you tried the re-set method on your Solo ?
No how do I reset my unit?
Deleted member 18282,


Brazilian Rasta
I'd best , leave that for someone who owns an Ed's stem .
Why don't you use the stock stems , it came with ?
They will have less airy hits . imo

Thanks! Im just wondering about it, I love my stock stems, but traveling around with them is a big worry! I want a wood stem mostly because they wont break! lol

Deleted member 18282

No dice... What does holding the two buttons for more than 4 seconds do? My unit just keeps beeping until I release the buttons.
Deleted member 18282,


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear this, but I start to believe that arizer replaces faulty units with repaired/refurbished ones, not really new ones. M1A4 were a few months back, but from what I read they are work horses.

They might, it's usually within the 'repair or replace' wording. From experience the law allows makers to do this with 'a model of equal or greater value' but under no conditions can a unit (or any part) be legally sold again as new (or inferred, it has to be clearly identified as 'rebuilt' of some such). In our smaller products this only made more chaos but it also came down to individual circuit boards in the bigger products. Some of the stuff in your service kit was new (never sold) and could be put in a new unit and sold but if a single one from a field unit (very common in spares kits) went into a new one......and it happened. The company settled by giving them the $26,000 machine free and refunding the installation charges. Hard lesson. The lawyers all know it I'm sure and for a fee will put their clients wise.

I agree, right now the new ones look problematic (although that sort of perception is often very distorted by the nature of the web), but 'the old version' has a well earned reputation for sure. Hopefully the new ones will end up building on that, time will tell.

Newer is not always improved......although the two are linked in folk's minds for sure. Again, I put up New Coke as a for instance.

No worries , They're the ones that have a good track history .
It's the newer Pass-thru models we're gathering info on now .
Have you tried the re-set method on your Solo ?

Again, agreed, there seems to be few issues and lots of sales on the older style. I disagree with the "pass-thru" label however. That's not what we have. Unlike a true pass through system the battery is a necessary part, the unit will not work without it. Unlike the old model and it's PA which could be used as a true pass through if you pulled the battery out (it would still run on external power only).

I think the significant difference is the battery is still doing a lot of work when the new ones are used this way. Charged then discharged a couple times a minutes through the session with no net gain. You take life off the battery and yet don't end up charging it in the end. That, combined with the attractive 'leave it plugged in until I go out' mode will, I fear, lead to shorter battery life and earlier replacement.

It is more convenient to use until then, of course.

Great to have options, too bad we can't have them offered at the same time? I think either version will have customers who are better served by one over the other. Hopefully all will enjoy their units eventually.



PV 18mm Turbo GonG with 18mm F2M angle adapter -- one of my fave Solo mods! Interchangeable with my EVO and glass collection and a super mouthpiece. I snip the ends of my old ELBs and use the tips as Solo screens. Works like a charm.



Well-Known Member
Pulled out the solo since a month at least. I had almost forgotten how solid of a vape it is.almost:smug:
Went hiking up some waterfalls and vaped by the stream. I went with a good friend who is unfortunately a heavy smoker :uhoh:
After hitting the solo he
Said.. And I quote "a blunt doesn't have shit on this"
2 hours later he told me he felt the high was strong as
I love introducing people to vaporizing ! :rockon:
Shoutout to @CentiZen for the hc 3400 battery my solos rockin
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How do people find vapourizing hash in the solo? What do you use to do it? Organic cotton wool? The type of hash I want to use it with would be like manali.
I see you have the PNWT?
It works?

why don't you mix the hash with flowers or wrap in cotton?

I do hash with a HERCULES SR74 attachment on a PERSEI.

I've had luck with SHATTER wrapped in organic cotton in my SOLO and succeeded.

HASH I need to try in the SOLO.


A taste on the tongue
My solo which arrived last week is absolutely fantastic!

Only issue is the straight tubes. My solo was the extra stem pack. The straight one wouldn't fit I heated it to the max till it shut off no dice. Reheated again took the advice of being firm and it shattered. The seller forgot the extra stems in the order and replaced the broken one. All 3 had flaws and cracks in them. He said he had gone through his stock and a lot were flawed.

He sent me 3 perfect ones but only 1 of the straight ones will fit.

Anyone else have this issue. Model is M1E

How do people find vapourizing hash in the solo? What do you use to do it? Organic cotton wool? The type of hash I want to use it with would be like manali.

I tried some G 13 semi melt hash close to the charas types you want to try. Found the cotton wool not too good. Worked much better with small flakes mixed in with greens sure gives you a kick.

I guess the key to any solids is break them up small to increase surface area.

I've got some G 13 oil to try but guess cotton wool is the only way?
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I am about to order the hi temp o ring from planet vape but need to know which ones i need regular or thin for a M1D2. thanks!

king krish

Well-Known Member
I see you have the PNWT?
It works?

why don't you mix the hash with flowers or wrap in cotton?

I do hash with a HERCULES SR74 attachment on a PERSEI.

I've had luck with SHATTER wrapped in organic cotton in my SOLO and succeeded.

HASH I need to try in the SOLO.

Yeh the PNWT works great, i bought it at the same time as my solo when they did the offer for FC members. The vaporizer for hash is for that friend I messaged you about. Unfortunately not gonna have time to get it b4 they leave for India, but they plan on getting a PERSEI at some point. I have a spare new Solo which im gonna give to him to use. I heard its really good when sandwiched in some organic cotton wool. How was the shatter in the solo? Do you reckon you could try some hash in there too? Unfortunately I cant get hold of any hash where I am to test it.
king krish,
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Yeh the PNWT works great, i bought it at the same time as my solo when they did the offer for FC members. The vaporizer for hash is for that friend I messaged you about. Unfortunately not gonna have time to get it b4 they leave for India, but they plan on getting a PERSEI at some point. I have a spare new Solo which im gonna give to him to use. I heard its really good when sandwiched in some organic cotton wool. How was the shatter in the solo? Do you reckon you could try some hash in there too? Unfortunately I cant get hold of any hash where I am to test it.
I have been messing around with organic cotton and concentrate.
If the hash is properly prepared it should work?
Waxes no problem.
I mix kief and flower as well.


Well-Known Member
He sent me 3 perfect ones but only 1 of the straight ones will fit.

Anyone else have this issue. Model is M1E

Yes, I dare say we all have. It's a very common theme no doubt discussed a dozen or more times here.

They are all tight at first, but loosen with use. My advice is use the stem that fits for a few dozen sessions and try again.

The whole reason folks mess with adding a ring is precisely because the seals loosen up and the stems get looser and looser as the unit breaks in.

If you read back (search on 'tight stem' might help?) you find lots of advice from guys on how they got theirs to fit.

Just enjoy it, it will sort itself out.

I've got some G 13 oil to try but guess cotton wool is the only way?

The Solo is not intended for concentrates by design, which is why the maker doesn't provide instructions or support this.

In general, it depends very much on the exact concentrate used, and that can vary widely. The thing to be careful of is to keep the melted concentrate from making it to the SS heater body (where it will burn on). But, really, you're on your own here.

I am about to order the hi temp o ring from planet vape but need to know which ones i need regular or thin for a M1D2. thanks!

There's no way of knowing for sure, which is why they don't publish a guideline to go by. Arizer never intended an extra ring or anything else there. The size of the gap depends on many things that otherwise don't matter if there's no ring there. The exact length of the outer tube for instance (seems pretty constant). And the thickness of the cap (takes up the gap since the outside is at the same point), which is a known variable the maker doesn't need to take extra effort to control in his original design. The over all oven height (again, not a critical deal in the original design) also takes up (or adds) to the gap the ring will sit in.

We decided there was a need for the ring (which is why it's not included with the unit), the responsibility for fitting and use is therefore ours. Way back when, when I experimented with various schems (including springs, flat gaskets, different size and hardness rings and so on) I came to the 113 ring and material that seemed to work in almost all cases. In my own personal 4/20 celebration I sent out little baggies of the proper 113s to nearly 50 Forum members last year about this time.

After that, the thicker caps showed up with fit issues. I got one and posted this photo showing the problem there:

My solution was to stick the 113 ring to a piece of tape and sand it thinner (sand two flats, one on each side, by lapping it on a sheet of 240 grit or so paper on a flat surface). Some guys just didn't tighten the cap down as much, others went to look for thinner rings.

Again, like using concentrates, this is not a supported thing, you're on your own really.

Good luck. I'd go with thicker personally, you can't sand them down if they're too thin and make them thicker...... You could also, of course, simply use the vape as designed, it does an excellent job?



A taste on the tongue
Yes, I dare say we all have. It's a very common theme no doubt discussed a dozen or more times here.

They are all tight at first, but loosen with use. My advice is use the stem that fits for a few dozen sessions and try again.

The whole reason folks mess with adding a ring is precisely because the seals loosen up and the stems get looser and looser as the unit breaks in.

If you read back (search on 'tight stem' might help?) you find lots of advice from guys on how they got theirs to fit.

Just enjoy it, it will sort itself out.

Many thanks it did just that. Had a Michael Crawford moment and hooked the angled pipe with the cuff of my Levi and it's went down painfully onto a concrete floor.

Tried a straight one that hasn't fitted last 3 times I tried it and now it does, great stuff quite like the straight one.
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