Doesn't anybody use the SOLO to VAPORIZE?M1E1 is the newest lot number that has been reported here, assuming they're going by alphabetical order.
You can't vaporize serial numbers!
Doesn't anybody use the SOLO to VAPORIZE?M1E1 is the newest lot number that has been reported here, assuming they're going by alphabetical order.
Just loaded my 18mm GonG stem that I got a little while ago and noticed that it was blown crooked lol... whaaaaatever.. time to vape!Doesn't anybody use the SOLO to VAPORIZE?
You can't vaporize serial numbers!
Glad I have extra stems and GonG's.Just loaded my 18mm GonG stem that I got a little while ago and noticed that it was blown crooked lol... whaaaaatever.. time to vape!
PV better be getting a lot of glass because I think every one in this thread has talked about getting more when they re-stock! I have a feeling they will be going fast!!
You'd think that... but my M1A4 can be used while charging!They're most likely revision letters, but some people said their Solos which should have been able to charge+use at the same time couldn't. Not sure if that was just faulty electronics responsible and not one of those "we'll have half of this lot charge and use and half not" things. It's relevant information as far as whether you should consider buying a PA or not (my M1B1 needs two cables) and I guess now airflow differences as well?
They mean something, just not to us.
The only way to get the "newest" solo would be from Arizer. Anywhere else won't know what is new and what is old. They will just send what they have.
What is the most recent model number?
I'll give even odds we're discussing model/serial numbers again before Saturday morning......
You'd think that... but my M1A4 can be used while charging!
Why did you have to tease me with that photo!i love my solo to get medicated and stoned. It works amazing. it blows big clouds that tastes great no matter what the numbers. these last bunch of pages have been all about serial numbers. kinda getting old. by now most solos are gonna be charge and play. These badboyys are selling like wildfire seems like. doubt there are that many "old" solos even been sold on the internets now. lets get back to pics and tricks of our toys
Good point.
Ataxian was dead right, 'the serial number is not the part that makes vapor'. IMO Solo's well earned reputation was built on the post ceramic bowl unit (through many 'model changes'), the new models are different. From an offline report I've been given about the differences in function (like can you recall the last heat level on 'use while charging' and how does it shut down) it seems like the software is different than either mode (PA or battery) before. To me that's an open door to the devil and his handmaden, Murphy. I'm not so sure it was broke, I fear 'the fix'.
For now, I think Ataxian has the answer, 'here and now, boys!'. Enjoy the Solo you have for the finely designed and built tool it is and don't sweat the number on the bottom.......the vapor comes out the top.
I've been waiting to buy my solo for a week now but puffitup and pv are both sold out of the black one, where else can I get the newest solo with a free grinder for under $160? I really want one
I ordered mine from ebay seller "my rubberneck", a month ago.
I got the M1E1. they advertise it as the newest model with better air flow and charging and using it at the same time. they don't specify the batch number but they say they get new arrivals every 2 weeks.
Mine was also from, but it was a warranty replacement.I ordered mine from ebay seller "my rubberneck", a month ago.
I got the M1E1. they advertise it as the newest model with better air flow and charging and using it at the same time. they don't specify the batch number but they say they get new arrivals every 2 weeks.
We should call them VIN . Vaporizer Identification Number