Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
Lol, yea it works! The red light was kind of blinking with a slight green tone showing up. I moved the batts a bit and it glowed green.

I loaded a tiny piece of Everclear wax and my son and I got 3 or 4 nice clouds. Now I'm wrecked. I fucking love it. And you can taste the flavor more than with a dab. My shit doesn't taste that great, but I'm used to flowers in the EVO.

I have a bunch of stuff I want to try in it, and I'm going to break down and hit a dispensary this weekend.

I really want to thank you guys (ESP. Sleepin and Caligula) for helping me with this. Sleeping in CA, you were so right!


Active Member
So I'm getting my Persei and Herc SR-74 tomorrow in the mail , I've watched assembly videos and read up on how to use it , but what i dont really get is the coils , do i just put one in or both? Also any tips would be greatly appreciated for a first time Persei+Herc user.
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So I'm getting my Persei and Herc SR-74 tomorrow in the mail , I've watched assembly videos and read up on how to use it , but what i dont really get is the coils , do i just put one in or both? Also any tips would be greatly appreciated for a first time Persei+Herc user.
what i have notice is one coil for the thicker waxes and two for the runny co2 oils

Lol, yea it works! The red light was kind of blinking with a slight green tone showing up. I moved the batts a bit and it glowed green.

I loaded a tiny piece of Everclear wax and my son and I got 3 or 4 nice clouds. Now I'm wrecked. I fucking love it. And you can taste the flavor more than with a dab. My shit doesn't taste that great, but I'm used to flowers in the EVO.

I have a bunch of stuff I want to try in it, and I'm going to break down and hit a dispensary this weekend.

I really want to thank you guys (ESP. Sleepin and Caligula) for helping me with this. Sleeping in CA, you were so right!
also i would look into getting a core its nice to not worry about battery power when at home or near a car outlet. that way your batteries are always charged when you are ready to go out and adventure
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Well-Known Member
So I'm getting my Persei and Herc SR-74 tomorrow in the mail , I've watched assembly videos and read up on how to use it , but what i dont really get is the coils , do i just put one in or both? Also any tips would be greatly appreciated for a first time Persei+Herc user.
I use shatter and I put 2 coils. I think it depends of the quantity you put in, not the quality of the oil


Not quality but consistency. Quanitiy is obviously a big factor but if you try to put something super runny like CO2 oil or Pure Gold on too short a coil, itll all run out the bottom.

Sleepin in CA

Higher than a Pterodactyl, you can call me Caveman
Accessory Maker
you think the Kiss cart tastes good. But the Hercules is even cleaner tasting.

@Ricardooayee in my SR71, i like the rod to stick up past the top of the coil.
I own two Hercules. I agree with this statement completely. Though since my friend is just starting out, I want to see him enjoy it before I advise him to drop another $100 bones while between jobs.
Sleepin in CA,


Well-Known Member
I have my coil about even with my rod for my SR-71. I've only ever used 1 cut SS coil, still waiting on the SR-74 upgrade parts/2 TI coils I pre-ordered.
Is there any difference with it sticking out a bit? I'm guessing it would just vape a bit more since it comes into contact earlier? I've just been using crumble wax and haven't gotten around to picking up shatter so it might be better for that?

Edit: Oh yeah, for people who think the TI KISS cart tastes good, if you haven't tried the Hercules, you're missing out! Though I believe it does use a higher wax ratio than with the KISS carts, it gets you REALLY medicated, while being the best tasting oil vapor device I've tried. The learning curve took a while for me to get used to since I had the SR71 and tried it mostly after I used the KISS carts but with the SR74, I think it should be a lot easier?
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Well-Known Member
At this point, which is the more popular rod for the SR-71? Black or White?

I was one of the pre-orders and I've been using it ever since and it works well. I just like the idea of being able to use Super Stealth with a single battery.

Will the black rod work well with crumble or shatter?


Well-Known Member
damn it, the back-up double top head, i have been using for a few days, after breaking my good head, just burned out.


Well-Known Member
I hadn't even gotten to send in the head that broke, and now I'm without. that's what I get for letting someone have my back-up kit before i bought a new one.

sitting here with my OHM meter and i can't figure out what happened to this non-protected head. The herc seems to be set-up perfectly


Well-Known Member
can someone tell me what ohm these different rods should be?

my friend can loan my his back-up head, but i'm not sure it has short protection. it is purple with a 4 digit number, no letters.

edit to add, it does blink when the batteries connect, like my protected did.


Well-Known Member
At this point, which is the more popular rod for the SR-71? Black or White?

I was one of the pre-orders and I've been using it ever since and it works well. I just like the idea of being able to use Super Stealth with a single battery.

Will the black rod work well with crumble or shatter?
I believe the SR71 white rod works best with shatter. I currently only have the white one and have only used crumble and budder wax through it and it has been working nicely. I think the black one is best for runny oils? The SS kit will also allow you to extend your Persei to dual 18650 for longer sessions with the white rod.


Well-Known Member
So I ordered my Nibbler XL! Any tips/hints/musings on how to use it? I've read about lubing the o-rings but what lube is best? I prefer AquaGlide but that might not be right for this application. Lube aside, anything else I should know about?

Also, has anyone heard about when the 7.4v KISS carts and the OPHOS KISS carts will be back in stock? Is that part of whats been held up by customs? I'd like to try the 7.4v on my Persei and the OPHOS carts just look better than the Omicron KISS I have on my OPHOS right now.


W9 Tech Rep
Company Rep
So I ordered my Nibbler XL! Any tips/hints/musings on how to use it? I've read about lubing the o-rings but what lube is best? I prefer AquaGlide but that might not be right for this application. Lube aside, anything else I should know about?

Also, has anyone heard about when the 7.4v KISS carts and the OPHOS KISS carts will be back in stock? Is that part of whats been held up by customs? I'd like to try the 7.4v on my Persei and the OPHOS carts just look better than the Omicron KISS I have on my OPHOS right now.
I think vaporwarehouse has them both in stock or try planetvape.


Well-Known Member
I think vaporwarehouse has them both in stock or try planetvape.
Cool! I usually like giving you guys my money directly but I suppose as long as it gets to you in the end.

I hadn't been to vaporwarehouse so I was looking around and saw something new to me. It's a "Hercules Accessory Package". What is this crazy thing? It looks like tanks of some sort you can pre-load which sounds cool, but I don't see people talking about them on the thread. Is this old tech at this point?

Edit* Reading further I see it says "Not for SR-71 or SR-74" so I guess that answers my question. Still, what were these things for?
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