The Grasshopper

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I mean I've lost my lust/want for it. I'm not frustrated at all, just feels weird. I don't go on reddit much anymore. I was never contacted about beta testing their unit so I am not expecting any sort of package from them... And they'd have to ask for my address first ;)

We just used to have so much constructive posting beforehand and now they avoid this site/thread like the plague.


Well-Known Member

I'm totally new to this forum.
I pre-ordered the titanium version with an esxtra battery.
Now I have the mflb I hope this hopper works better because the external batteries is - for me.
I hope they also make a program for your computer so when you connect the hopper to your pc to charge in the system tray will come a sing with tthe % of the battery.
Or a little program to set the temperature of the hopper with your computer :D


Vapor concierge
I wouldn't post here right now if I were the manufacturer. It's a start up with limited resources and a high goal to achieve. Everytime they take the time to get caught up on this thread and formulate a response the feedback is probably overwhelming. I know how much time I spend on this site, and it would be impossible if I were actually trying to create a business.

It's much easier to post an update on reddit and have all the responses be 'Cool! Can't wait!".


Well-Known Member
Of course people here feel a little bit spurned, I mean this is FC! How can they not court this community?

On the other heard, this thread has numerous posts from people who emailed Trevor directly with a question and got a reply, so it's not like they are totally incommunicado either.

Like I said about the video, now that funding is over, the time where they felt like they needed to prove anything to anybody is past- I mean, why WOULD they want to come here and be grilled by (some) people who are basically calling them con artists?


As Above ∞ So Below
I mean, why WOULD they want to come here and be grilled by (some) people who are basically calling them con artists?

Yeah I feel their first impression of FC was lackluster at best.. We are here to play devils advocate, they took it personally, meh oh well.

...Patiently getting FACED via my Cloud & Solo without a care in the world till March or whenever rolls around :lol: Honestly I have forgot about this thing multiple times, and it almost like Xmas at this point hah.


in flavor country
well, I don't know if it means anything to anyone else, but this thread ran me off a while ago... I don't have any invested interest yet, so I don't feel the need to get swept up in the chaos that becomes of the waiting game, but do still like to poke my head in and see where the updates are... all you have to do is go back and read if you think I am out of line by saying this.

I just hope it works out for everyone involved, in a positive direction. Hope for the best not the worst.


Covered in Peepaws
So Apparently from what happened on FC they don't take criticism well.. Perhaps they should become graphic designers for a day lol they would get thicker skin after for sure!!

Is that in these pages? Anyone know roughly around what time frame in this thread?


Hey guys,

Just thought I'd say hi. Don't take our silence personally, we are reading, we just haven't got much to say, other then that we are working our tails off to get the best possible grasshopper in your hands as soon as we can! If you want to chat, Trevor replies to e-mails everyday! It actually takes up a large chunk of his time. Matt and I are grinding out engineering right now, talking to manufacturers etc and we're gearing up to move to into a new facility! Exciting times! Lots to do! Keep an eye on the blog for updates and we'll try to post some pictures too.

Peace and Love



And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
Hey guys,

Just thought I'd say hi. Don't take our silence personally, we are reading, we just haven't got much to say, other then that we are working our tails off to get the best possible grasshopper in your hands as soon as we can! If you want to chat, Trevor replies to e-mails everyday! It actually takes up a large chunk of his time. Matt and I are grinding out engineering right now, talking to manufacturers etc and we're gearing up to move to into a new facility! Exciting times! Lots to do! Keep an eye on the blog for updates and we'll try to post some pictures too.

Thanks for the update! Glad to see we didn't scare you off. ;)

I'm surprised this thread hasn't lit up with responses, but I guess it's only been 15 min...


Covered in Peepaws
Hey guys,

Just thought I'd say hi. Don't take our silence personally, we are reading, we just haven't got much to say, other then that we are working our tails off to get the best possible grasshopper in your hands as soon as we can! If you want to chat, Trevor replies to e-mails everyday! It actually takes up a large chunk of his time. Matt and I are grinding out engineering right now, talking to manufacturers etc and we're gearing up to move to into a new facility! Exciting times! Lots to do! Keep an eye on the blog for updates and we'll try to post some pictures too.

Peace and Love


See!!!!! :myday: :chill:

I told you all to stay positive! Yesss!! Thank for taking the time to pop in Zenpen! Really appreciated! I can't wait to get a hold of that Grasshopper to review it and tell the world how awesome it is!! :brow:


Well-Known Member
Baked out of my mind from my ghost pen and pnwt so sorry if this has been mentioned I just can't find it.

Have they mentioned the final width? I forgot how much I love the pnwt and how the dr dabber pen fits in a 14mm, since I loaned it to my buddy for a month. I know they have a wpa in the works but it would be awesome to see it fit 14.4 naturally.

Hell since it was only $99 I might try to machine one of the front ends and try to get it to fit depending on it's dimensions. I have access to any machine/machinist you could dream of so it would be interesting to try
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Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Just thought I'd say hi. Don't take our silence personally, we are reading, we just haven't got much to say, other then that we are working our tails off to get the best possible grasshopper in your hands as soon as we can! If you want to chat, Trevor replies to e-mails everyday! It actually takes up a large chunk of his time. Matt and I are grinding out engineering right now, talking to manufacturers etc and we're gearing up to move to into a new facility! Exciting times! Lots to do! Keep an eye on the blog for updates and we'll try to post some pictures too.

Peace and Love


Thanks for keeping a presence here. As you've probably read some of our concerns, would it be possible to shoot a phone pic or two of your progress, crates of product or production in action.
Grateful you guys are busy, but the few minutes it would take away from production would go a long way to settling some of the concerns of your backers.
Thanks in advance!


Baked out of my mind from my ghost pen and pnwt so sorry if this has been mentioned I just can't find it.

Have they mentioned the final width? I forgot how much I love the pnwt and how the dr dabber pen fits in a 14mm, since I loaned it to my buddy for a month. I know they have a wpa in the works but it would be awesome to see it fit 14.4 naturally.

Hell since it was only $99 I might try to machine one of the front ends and try to get it to fit depending on it's dimensions. I have access to any machine/machinist you could dream of so it would be interesting to try
This is would bring the grasshopper to a whole other level.
For now, I'm planning on making a silicone adapter, but I'd much rather it fit by default. 14 is much preferred over 18mm if we have the option aswell, since 14/18 lo-pro reducers are much better than the reverse.


Cloud Chaser
All my glass is 18mm so I had no problem ponying up the $20 for the WPA when they offered that special.
I'm waiting on a black (dark grey) Ti model with WPA and SS storage tube, along with a SS "early bird" version for a friend.
Unfortunately I'll probably pick up another vape before I see this one.
My goal is a MFLB replacement; a more discreet, stealthy, on the go vape.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Just thought I'd say hi. Don't take our silence personally, we are reading, we just haven't got much to say, other then that we are working our tails off to get the best possible grasshopper in your hands as soon as we can! If you want to chat, Trevor replies to e-mails everyday! It actually takes up a large chunk of his time. Matt and I are grinding out engineering right now, talking to manufacturers etc and we're gearing up to move to into a new facility! Exciting times! Lots to do! Keep an eye on the blog for updates and we'll try to post some pictures too.

Peace and Love

Great to hear, sounds like you guys are making it a reality!


Well-Known Member
Just got this via email, as I'm sure lots of us have....

Things are moving along steadily at Grasshopper. Throughout these last two weeks, we’ve finished battery testing, and selected the final version of battery chemistry. Batteries have undergone extensive in-house testing using a battery cycler, which has allowed us to compare dozens of cell chemistries from various manufactures. This ensures that we are getting the absolute best possible battery available.

Last week, we also secured a larger assembly space, which we are looking forward to getting operational. This will allow us to complete assembly with much more breathing-room.
Our new website is 99% complete, and will launch very soon. The minute it goes live, Indiegogo backers will be able to check the details of their individual orders, and get updates as their specific Hopper comes off of the line. Due to the huge number of backers, we are still in the process of hand-checking each order to make sure everything is correct before the site launches. Stay tuned, and get stoked!


It's much easier to post an update on reddit and have all the responses be 'Cool! Can't wait!".

Perhaps if you post in the half million-strong /r/trees subreddit, but in /r/vaporents, which I moderate, people are as skeptical as they are here. This thread was posted there yesterday, and filled with rather cynical comments.
However, I found the Grashopper logo designer posting the latest iterations on the /r/Design_Critiques sub yesterday.

First this:


And then this, as a revision:


Though personally, I'm not into the whole pen-body thing, especially not if it appears on the actual device. And it creates a problem if they ever want to put out new designs or products.

But it seems like things are indeed happening, just delayed - it seems to be a common pattern with vapes in the development phase.
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