Thanks! Everyone keeps telling me that on the forums, yeah I am going to go to a head or cigar shop this week and look for the 3 main brands mentioned here, if they dont got it i am goign to atleast get one that is filtered 5x and high purity. I have some fuel here I will use for now (hasnt messed up my torch in over a year now so it must not be too bad,. as others screw it up in a matter of weeks), but then it is only 5x filtered for this baby!make sure to use high-quality butane, at least 5x
not a good analogy....hasnt messed up my torch in over a year now so it must not be too bad,....
careful with the fuel, once it clogs up it's a major deal to purge it
not a good analogy.
Anything can make a torch run with impunity.. even a micro torch
The iolite orifice is a very different story, and a particle of impurity can make things uncertain for weeks!
not sure how great its going to work skating... maybe if you keep it in an inside jacket pocket... because butane is stubborn in the cold (just like the propane bbq). I never had much luck with my Iolite outside in the winter personally.
make sure to use high-quality butane, at least 5x
Is this a good one? > feel you on the hot stem. Just get some silicon tubing, around 5/16 inch inner diameter
I have had success using 1/4 inch tubing, and it was snug.
5/16 is only 1/16" bigger, and will surely work.
Depending on how you use/store it, the 5/16 would be rapid to pull apart and stash,
whereas if engaging in a good deal of motion, the 1/4 would be more secure.
The tubing you have a link to looks curious.. and expensive.
That is 5 dollars a foot!
Vapir NO2 tube works for me (1/4 inch).. and I use an NO2 mouthpiece also, although it is not needed, the tube alone is fine.
It is not costly.
At Vapir it is 10 bucks for 3 pieces that are each about 18 inches long Vapir NO2 tube
Some Dealers here at FC carry it also!
You can find bargains, and even get tube that works from US Plastics for about a buck a foot.
(US Plastics tube that fits NO2)
A mouthpiece lasts a lifetime.
The tube may also.. depending.
You can hook some PV silicon tubing
Any well cured and chosen silicone would do. Other plastic material can make it.
For OG iolite 1/4'' ID 3/8 OD. The final piece of soft rubber of the device fits in this tube.
It make an air seal and heat total filter, you can arrange a length you enjoy to break heat and particles by making angles. I made this mod because intense use of iolite made my lung suffer. short path, high heat, conduction heat.
For Iolite it was mandatory because of the absence of air seal in the stock mouthpiece of the device. This absence is function in the way it mixes air and vapor to soften it.
Enjoy fellow vaporists
... and please check your "Inbox".. I sent you a message about saving you some $$.Thanks! I will look at these two options and order later today.
1-I fiil every time I get a chance.1) I find myself filling with Butane for each session/evening, is this normal?
2) The bowl and metal casing around it are scorched slightly, is this normal? I am thinking maybe I am using it too much with one load?
3) At what point are you supposed to switch from 1 - 0?
1) I find myself filling with Butane for each session/evening, is this normal?
1-I fiil every time I get a chance.
Generally when I am about to vape 1st time in a day, I fill unit. I never wait till it runs out.
Howdy SS, welcome to the fun. Good choice IMO. I own several.......
Would you recommend it as a simple, paired-down on the go vape? I like how the iolite looks/works but it just seems like such a mixed bag reliability and review wise. If i stick with only high quality butane and refrain from playing hacky sack with it, will it last me?
That's how it works out for me. I learned early on 'Vector only' for fuel (had some adventures......) and learned to keep track of the weight to know the fuel charge. I used to carry a small can of fuel (drained, flushed and refilled with Vector) but now fill it up (3.1 grams of gas net), load the bowl with about 1/8 gram of ground bud with maybe .05 or .075 grams of bubble in the center. A pair of small vials contain a second load (bud in one, bubble in the other) goes in the case as well. I feel I'm guaranteed four great, trouble free sessions on demand. Since changing to good fuel, keeping track of the fuel load and making sure the vapor path is reasonably clear each filling I've never had anything but smooth sailing.
BTW, I also use a short (half inch) piece of 1/4 inch Silicone tube to attach the smaller VG mouthpiece (tough Polycarbonate plastic), much nicer than the round factor stem IMO. I cut the skinny part of the VG MP.