I am imagining you cut this Volcano pad.
If you are willing, please describe the method used to cut the pad
to a good size without the strands becoming too wild.
I've done a fair bit of this, I'm now on my third set of pads (two to a set) and I don't own a Volcano.
If you check carefully you'll discover it's actually a single wire woven into a tube, kind of a cross between an 'Chinese finger trap' and a chain mail condom...... Find one end of the tube, stretch it out (making it smaller in diameter and longer) then cut it across the length. If you make a less than perfect cut, pluck the short parts out. Then simply stuff it into the place you want to fill. I've used very very short lengths to fill DV cans, just keep the cuts square so you have only one piece of wire.
I’m sorry but this is horrible customer service and makes no sense. Most companies will tell you what went wrong with their product. Cars and computers are factory sealed but there are diagrams and information available to help fix issues.
Does any one know what this is, material wise? I'm pretty sure it's the part that stays warm, but I have no idea what to replace it with. Any help would be appreciated. I doused it in ISO to clean up.
If anyone knows what to replace the heating element with I'd love to know.
I also found out that it's very very cheap (parts) wise to make one of these. Anyone down for a challenge?
Putting aside judgement of CS (I can take either side of that one....), I don't agree it makes no sense. There are considerable risks to such products that use compressed flammable gas, encouraging owners to mess inside opens them up to
serious liabilities. I seriously doubt their Lawyers would allow it?
I also disagree with "Most companies will tell you what went wrong with their product", I suggest it's the very rare company interested in discussing reliability problems with their products, can you please provide some similar products whose makers are free with this information? I also disagree that cars or computers are sealed products, in fact quite the opposite (if you ignore Apple for the moment). Most are made with common fasteners, have factory parts available, and are designed for Depot (rather than Factory) repair. As well as owner upgrades and modifications. Apples and oranges.
While I don't know for sure, I strongly suspect the mystery material from the burner is Platinum plated metal (most likely Aluminum?), the same technology used in Catalytic Converters in cars. Pt is very expensive (more so than Gold)
Since only the surface is active, a thin plating is sufficient. Eventually the high heat eats up the substrate and the unit fails (much as a Catalytic Converter 'wears out').
I'd be extremely surprised to find out this isn't a tough part to make, very expensive for a few pieces. The reason Catalytic Converters cost so much more than a muffler the same size. BTW it can be effective. The Al beads in the converter are porous and have a surface area larger than a football field.
The 'replace (or just adjust) the sparker' part has been covered here a couple of times in the past, this is, I think, the first time someone has posted about taking the burner apart.
My advice is to accept it's provided long and welcome service and replace it if you've a mind to keep one about or consider another vape as a replacement, this one has bought the farm I think.
Best wishes,