I'm a Mary-Anne guy myself.I call dibs on Ginger.
I'm a Mary-Anne guy myself.I call dibs on Ginger.
You are already ahead in the game: I would suggest that since you have both stock AND PVHES stems, then both your old AND new Solo can be paired with the desired stem. Find your own comfort zone. As for me, I have only one Solo, less than a year old. I use all kinds of stems with it: Ed's wood stems, PVHES, Chillium hybrid, stock...you name it, I use it. Nothing is "obsolete", per your concern. They all work in different ways, but they work. I McGuyver, I adapt. Get the new model Solo and enjoy the differences, don't fret them.Okay, so I guess I'm not getting it. What you're saying is the new Solo works best with the stock stems due to the fact there is increased airflow negating the need for the PVHES stems? If that's the case, do you think the PVHES stems are now obsolete with the new model? Some have said there's too much airflow with PVHES stems which results in wispy vapor and lower heat. Are the stock stems in vogue and PVHES are out? I'm confused... What do you say Caligula and others as I'm thinking of getting a second Solo, but have a shitload of PVHES stems.....
Have you tried a WT with the new Solo?I sadly dont have a PVHE stem, just a PVHE gong. I can say that ive never really had an issue with my stock stems though.
Have you tried a WT with the new Solo?
so my first impressions on the solo not that it really matters at all,are its pretty damn good. Fast to warm up, small enough to carry around, decent vapor clouds, and feels high quality. I have a high tolerance right now coming off glass so I feel like it can only get better. was suprised how much flower the stem holds but I guess I have no other vape to compare it too haha
Thanks for the help
I can't remember where I saw this on the thread, someone once said,"pace your inhale like you're drinking a thick milkshake through a straw."
I'm a Mary-Anne guy myself.
But it does cost battery life. It does 'hurt', and IMO big time.
And it's not only recommended here (for some) but in all Li-ion applications......it has to do with the battery chemistry, not the kind of unit it's used in.
If you wait until the top (of 7) is lit but before the charge light stops flashing you know you're more than 80% charged where you get four times the battery life at a cost of less than two sessions per cycle.
Your call, but it does definitely prolong the battery life as we've been through a few times. Every time you do it you get one or more 'free recharges' before your battery dies.........
I'm not seeing anything saying UNDERCHARGING increases cycles. In fact, figure 5 shows slightly longer life by slightly overcharging to 4.25.
I know this has come up a bunch of times before I got here, and there might be additional information from other sources I'm not seeing here. Like how the exact battery and charger that come with the Solo behave- how full is a full charge, in a real life Solo, not an estimated graph?
Flew 8 hours from LAX then 1 hour flight to a small island in the FRENCH SOCIETY ISLAND CHAIN following a 1hour boat ride.Wow, 11.5 acres is tiny. How'd you get there? A 3 day cruise?
Sounds great, except for no cannabis. How did that happen?
Should have brought some seeds
One of our boats caught fire and sank!Now there's an interesting idea......a "Johnny apple seed", only different.
Maybe we should make a non profit organization to support 'Taxi; paying his way from island to island spreading joy and happiness for generations to come? Future generations will call him blessed......
Who knows, centuries from now some future Archeologist on some remote island could dig up a giant stone statue of our own Ataxian........
One of our boats caught fire and sank!
Crazy day.
So glad it's insured!
Next time I will bring lots of seeds to spread on these little islands.
God will take care of them!
I will bring a brand new SOLO still in it's box next trip!
Quiting cannabis is not for me.
Hello fellow vapormates. I just got an M1C1 Solo about a week ago from a top rated plus ebay seller that claims they will honor the warranty, etc..
It took me a little while to get the hang of it but I am able to produce good visual vapor.
Here's my issue. The unit doesn't stink but I get illness from vaping. Just the smell of the vapor makes me ill now. I get a bit nauseated and my lungs feel all jacked up like they're full of thick funk. I thought I might just be getting coincidentally sick or something so I quit for a couple days. Then, yesterday, I took a tiny hit of herb with combustion and a little glass pipe - wow - I felt great! I remembered why I love herb in the first place. What is going on!?
I had a glass sherlock vapor genie for a couple of years and vaped on that consistently but never felt ill from it. My vg broke awhile ago so I had been smoking again exclusively until the solo.
I've always felt that the high from combustion is a bit different from vaping but I have no desire to vape on this solo, I would rather quit the herb than use that thing...
Any suggestions?
Yes, I forgot to mention - I did 3 12 minute sessions on 7 with the cap open to let it burn off any factory funk.Pics or it didnt happen!
Did you do dry runs to off-gas before using the unit?
Now what more perfect epitaph than a giant 'stoned' statue for our own Ataxian. In contra - Long Live Ataxian! I see rainbows ever set above those blessed islands, whence far future islander generations revel in song the praises of the Benevolent Lord AtaxianWho knows, centuries from now some future Archeologist on some remote island could dig up a giant stone statue of our own Ataxian........OF
Ok, this is messed up. I just turned on my solo and stuck my nose up to the open "oven." It smelled faintly of burning plastic and solder and abv herbs. Ok, that's lame but now I feel really sick. Nauseous and dizzy as hell. Ok, well, that answers my question. Now I'm really bummed because I just ordered Planetvape turbo tube and some other supplies for my new toxic solo.
Man, spending hundreds of dollars on something that has made me physically ill for the past week is totally fucked up! How can Arizer sell something like this!?