I got to open up the SR71 last night and the craftsmanship is amazing

I took it apart, did an iso soak, rebuilt and tested ... it's at 1.7 ohms.
I just now got to load it up and I loaded the crap out of it. First I threw in about 1.2 and tested it out and got very light, hot hits. So I decided to just start packing shatter in and melting it down til I thought the coil was packed. There is now oil coating the top of the coil and I can see it dripped down into the lower chamber a little bit. The air intake is still free flowing but oil is coming out of one of the 4 holes in the lower chamber. After packing it up I'm still getting wispy hot hits. The hits seem to thicken up if I take consecutive hits in a row but they are still pretty light ... especially for how long I mash on the button. I've tried brand new freshly charged batteries so I don't think that's my issue.
Any tips for these "face melting" hits I've been reading about from the pro SR71 users?