Also, i dont think this was mentioned, but the efest batteries had a problem with knock offs being rewrapped as real efest batteries i believe and it affected quite a few retailers. Im not sure if its still an issue but i dont think that has happened with the aws, ever, possibly?The OEM Persei batteries are no name generic IMR batteries, and are not rebranded AWs. They are not made with the same QC in regards to both materials and assembly/manufacturing.
They have been proven again and again not to be up to the task of providing continuous power levels over time, unlike AWs and to a lesser extent the Efest batteries. While this is a non issue with the OG Omicron and Persei carts, the stock generic IMRs just wont cut it when it comes to powering things like the Hercules SR71.
Furthermore, it is the Efest and AW brand batteries that have been rumored to be identical on the inside. NOT the OEM batteries UP Tech includes with the Persei.
Now I'm not going to sit here and find links to 3rd party testing that verifies all of this, but said reviews and tests can be found on numerous flash light and ecig enthusiast websites as well as FC it self.
@[USER=10640]ataxian how do you hold that big bastard?! With my hands I'd drop it![/USER]
Ordered a bunch of K.I.S.S. Carts for my persei,omicron, and got the 3.7 and 7.4 carts as well for the persei. I was curious how do you guys like them in comparison to each other ( the 3.7 and 7.4 k.i.s.s. carts)
Also what does K.I.S.S. stand for?![]()
It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.
Edit: Just to clarify, I am totally being serious and not trying to be a wise ass. I didn't know either until someone asked a while back.
I received the Persei yesterday which I've been using in 7.4v configuration with the 5ohm KISS carts. I was able to load and vaporize about 4 bowls using short 1-2 second presses (amazing results), but then the coil stopped heating up and no longer glows when the button is pressed.
I swapped it out for another cartridge, and that heated up fine for the first 2 bowls until I experienced the same issue. Is it possible that the carts are defective, or that I am mishandling it in some way?
I'm well aware of the Keep is Simple Stupid principle as well as "keep it short and simple", "keep it simple, sir", "keep it super simple", "keep it simple or be stupid", "keep it simple and stupid", "keep it simple and straightforward", "keep it simple and safe", "Keep it simple, student", "keep it simple, silly", "keep it simple and sincere", or "keep it simple and secular, but don't think that those relate to this Cart..... or do they?
Anyone have any feedback on the comparison of the 3.7 and 7.4 K.I.S.S. Carts?
Arent they all 3.7?
Hello, long time lurker here! I received the Persei last week and the unit is excellent. However, I have been having some problems with what I believe are defective KISS cartridges. I used the "Messages" feature of the site to submit a request for help last week but have not heard back. Is this the correct place to be submitting a support request or am I missing something?
Thanks for the ongoing excellent source of info. Below is the message I sent in case anyone has any ideas:
I've had time to sit with both of them and I would recommend the 3.7v (2ohm) version 99% of the time unless you have VERY stable shatter and want immediate clouds.
The 3.7v version is 2ohm and the 7.4v version is 5ohm. Technically, there is no difference in any versions of the kiss carts other than the resistance (ohms) unless I have no idea what I'm talking about which could also be very possible![]()
Hello, long time lurker here! I received the Persei last week and the unit is excellent. However, I have been having some problems with what I believe are defective KISS cartridges. I used the "Messages" feature of the site to submit a request for help last week but have not heard back. Is this the correct place to be submitting a support request or am I missing something?
Thanks for the ongoing excellent source of info. Below is the message I sent in case anyone has any ideas:
I've had time to sit with both of them and I would recommend the 3.7v (2ohm) version 99% of the time unless you have VERY stable shatter and want immediate clouds.
Hello, long time lurker here! I received the Persei last week and the unit is excellent. However, I have been having some problems with what I believe are defective KISS cartridges. I used the "Messages" feature of the site to submit a request for help last week but have not heard back. Is this the correct place to be submitting a support request or am I missing something?
Thanks for the ongoing excellent source of info. Below is the message I sent in case anyone has any ideas:
I'm well aware of the Keep is Simple Stupid principle as well as "keep it short and simple", "keep it simple, sir", "keep it super simple", "keep it simple or be stupid", "keep it simple and stupid", "keep it simple and straightforward", "keep it simple and safe", "Keep it simple, student", "keep it simple, silly", "keep it simple and sincere", or "keep it simple and secular, but don't think that those relate to this Cart..... or do they?
Understandable but many companies and glass blowers are coming out with the same style tube ... just something to keep in mind I guess. Think I'll pick one of these up and use some silicon tubing to make a home made WPA so I can use the persei/rdas on my water pipesPlus its easier to design products for our attachments, rather then for someone else's.
Ordered a bunch of K.I.S.S. Carts for my persei,omicron, and got the 3.7 and 7.4 carts as well for the persei. I was curious how do you guys like them in comparison to each other ( the 3.7 and 7.4 k.i.s.s. carts)
Also what does K.I.S.S. stand for?![]()
No its from over tightening please do not attempt to make the kiss flush on the units . It should have a Lil gap.Ill get that blinking once in a while too. I thought it was my SS kit.