Arizer Solo


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info OF. No biggy as I plan on using the pro for more on the go anyway. Damn 20,000 replies on this thread
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The High Cyde

Well-Known Member
When doing your initial burnoff when you get the Solo, should the cap stay on or should you run the burnoff with the cap off?
The High Cyde,


Still loving my Solo + PNWT setup except for one problem; Drooling.


Anybody else has problems DROOLING into their PNWT at times???

@ataxian How did you connect that mouthpiece to your PNWT? Is it snug?
I will have a glass blower make me an adapter (18mm so I can put my own mouth piece)
The one I'm using is some EVA FOOORING I cut out a fitting (Ugly however air tight)
I never got the hang of the BONG style mouth pieces.

Hoof Hearted

Vapesallday Industries
I will have a glass blower make me an adapter (18mm so I can put my own mouth piece)
The one I'm using is some EVA FOOORING I cut out a fitting (Ugly however air tight)
I never got the hang of the BONG style mouth pieces.

That sounds cool! Please post some pics when you get it (as if you wouldn't anyways:lol:).

And what in the world is EVA FOOORING? :huh: :hmm:
Hoof Hearted,
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Well-Known Member
Just got my F-bomb :cool:

Any tips .for how much water goes into it. Can I try something other than there a way to use ice with it
I filled it up to the middle of the M. And I wouldn't mess with ice/freezing it. I already broke the perc because I left in the the freezer too long one time.
Still loving my Solo + PNWT setup except for one problem; Drooling.


Anybody else has problems DROOLING into their PNWT at times???

@ataxian How did you connect that mouthpiece to your PNWT? Is it snug?
It's funny that you say this because i did drool in the f-bomb, but not in the PNWT. :shrug:
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And what in the world is EVA FOOORING? :huh: :hmm:
Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) is the copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate. It’s an extremely elastic material that can be sintered to form a porous material similar to rubber, yet with excellent toughness. It is three times as flexible as low-density polyethylene (LDPE), showing tensile elongation of 750% with a peak melting temperature of 250°F (96°C).

This material has good barrier properties, low-temperature toughness, stress-crack resistance, hot-melt adhesive waterproof properties, and resistance to ultraviolet radiation. EVA has little or no odor and is competitive with rubber and vinyl products in many electrical applications.

I made the fitting from the GRAY EVA FLOORING material I got from HARBOR FREIGHT.
The PURPLE EVA is what we put on the old JET SKI's to keep from slipping.
Here's my set up to use my 18mm GonG.
The 14mm on the WT is LAME!

Just got my own Solo, and my diagnosis is...

The SOLO gets it done!
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Quiet in here tonight.
Good time to share the method I used to do a cosmetic repair on the bottom of my Solo.
Mentioned a couple pages back, that this type of repair is basically for cosmetic chips and really offers little mechanical improvement. That would need the washer repair which @OF introduced a while back.
BTW, a similar type kit is in the works as another offering shortly.

So here is the method I used to do the initial cosmetic repair using JB Kwik weld. The main points worth mentioning is to isolate the under side of plate before applying the epoxy. I just cut a piece of plastic from a vinegar packet. Also, the Kwik weld hardens up within a few minutes so can work on it in just minutes to be able to work while it is not completely hard. Easier to cut and a little shaping. Also, before you begin, clean broken surface with ISO to ensure cohesion.


The following step would be to use OFs idea with the washers to strengthen up the base.


The washer size is critical as do not want to overlap such it protrudes from the side. Also, punched type washers so the screw heads are still somewhat countersunk. I have been thinking that felt might be a reasonable material for the job and can just go over the whole bottom, screws and all. A hole for the power and a couple to clear some vent holes. Once installed, the excess material can be cut around the Solo with scissors.

I have made a special stand mould that is "repair kit friendly" for those who want both. I will introduce these changes shortly in the AIO+ thread. Along with another little treat.
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Well-Known Member
Great accessory for you F-bomb/pinnacle tube people:



Was around $10 with shipping (custom order, im sure prices might vary some depending on demand/supplies). The only negative is the stem is not centered in the bottom stand (probably pretty hard to get that globe perfectly flat on the bottom disc then have to get the gong in straight). But for the price of one I was given two so that could explain it (thanks @Tstat). I am really liking the top stand. That said both stands perform perfectly and his prices are incredible. I thought about making my own but know it would have cost around the same and not look half as nice. Great accessory IMO


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Well-Known Member
Anyone know the inside diameter of the vaporblunt 2.0 water attachment? I gave away the unit but kept the attachment and think it would look awesome on the solo. Alas, the info doesn't seem to be anywhere.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Dreammer is the expert on this.

I clean mine about every 2 weeks with 99% ISO.
Then rinse with hot water.
I squeeze a lime from my garden on the stem before I wipe it clean.

Since I do so much wax I don't see the point in reclaim?
However some like it!

Digesting Cannabis makes me feel strange.
VAPORIZING is my only intake.

A clean stem is one of my goals to obtain flavor.

If you like reclaim go for it.
I have never had any luck with this method.

My taste buds are too sensitive.

I actually eat the ABV. Tastes like those little burnt popcorn kernals and you know after a good 12 min at 400 its done, DING! :drool::)
Custom Flower Hardware,

The High Cyde

Well-Known Member
I was wondering, how long does it take for the PNWT to arrive? I live in CA, and I placed the order today around 12:30 and got a confirmation through e-mail and all that jazz.
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The High Cyde,
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